
GUEST MENTOR James Beshara, co-founder and CEO of Crowdtilt.com: Here are the top five trends I see in tech startups for 2013:

邀导师、Crowdtilt.com联合创始人兼CEO贝沙拉(James Beshara):以下是我眼中2013年科技初创企业的五大整体趋势:

1. Our phones are becoming our remote controls for life. If we have a need for it in our daily lives, there should and will be an icon and app for it on our phone. It's as simple as that. Our phones are our emergency kit for first-world problems.

1. 手机将成为生活中的遥控器。如果生活中有某种需求,手机上就应该、也将会出现某个图标和应用程序。就这么简单。手机就是安逸生活中遇到麻烦时的急救包。

Whether it's a taxi or a ride in the rain (Uber, Lyft), a mechanic (YourMechanic), a doctor's appointment (ZocDoc), the literal remote control (AppleTV), a personal assistant (Exec), a cake-baker (Zaarly), groceries (Instacart), or you're getting a little chilly and want the temperature in the house turned up (Nest), our phones are the concierge. I expect this phenomenon to continue in 2013 and as we run into times in our daily lives when we don't have an icon for it just yet. Someone will be working hard to create it.


I understand that many of these services are not rolled out across the entire country (much less the world), but trust me when I say that the convenience these services offer blows my mind every time I use them.


2. Crowdfunding behavior will spill beyond their silos. We as Internet consumers are becoming increasingly comfortable with a new, or some would say, a very old, style of commerce. It's one where a patron, client or customer purchases something that doesn't exist yet -- a la Groupon (via bulk-buying and daily deals), Kickstarter (via crowdfunding a documentary or a hardware product into existence), or our own site, Crowdtilt, making ambitious group experiences possible. These new types of consumer models require money, a group of people, and a threshold of demand that must be met before the exchange is made. This communication through commerce makes a lot of sense for all parties: A seller is guaranteed demand before production and a buyer gets to take advantage of the de-risked production, getting a higher ticket item for a lower price than she or he would receive otherwise.

2. 众筹(Crowdfunding)行为将会普及。作为互联网用户,我们对某种新的(有些人会说是非常陈旧的)商业模式越来越感到习惯。在众筹模式中,客户购买某种尚不存在的东西──通过Groupon(团购)、Kickstarter(用众筹方式制作纪录片或五金制品)或我们自己的网站Crowdtilt──从而使大胆的集体体验成为可能。这些新型消费模式需要用钱,需要有一群人,在交易之前还必须达到一定的需求水平。这种商业往来对各方都很有意义:卖方在产品生产出来之前就已经稳住需求,买方能以更低的价格买到更高端的产品,这是因为生产的风险降低让他们受益。

In 2012 we also saw massively successful crowdfunded projects like App.net and Lockitron.com raise millions on their own, with commerce models borrowed from crowdfunding sites. In 2013, I think this commerce model will continue to spill beyond the silos that pioneered the models in the first place.


(Crowdtilt just launched the world's first international crowdfunding API this month, so you can say this prediction is either completely self-promotional or that we believe in this trend so strongly we put our money where our mouth is by fostering it.)


3. Sensors, your time is now. In our pockets, we've got a device that can control, read and display information from the world around us -- and it can do it all continuously and wirelessly.

3. 传感器们,你们可以大展身手了。我们的口袋里都有一部终端,它可以控制、读取、显示我们周围世界的信息,而且这部终端可以通过无线网络持续进行这一活动。

Furthermore, we have hardware tinkerers coming out of the woodwork to blow us away with their inventions and innovative uses for inexpensive, readilyavailable sensors. From things like Xbox Kinnect and Belkin's Wemo Motion, to Fitbit and Jawbone's Up, to replacements for standard cardboard board games (Sifteo), or startups like Wattvision (wattvision.com), sensors are being used in incrediblyinexpensive and impressive ways.

另外,还有鼓捣硬件的人们突然跳出来,用他们的发明,用他们为便宜、现成的传感器开发的新颍使用方法让我们眼前一亮。从游戏机传感器Xbox Kinnect到能够让人无线控制家电启动或关闭的插座Wemo Motion,到可以跟踪人运动情况的Fitbit和可以监测人体活动的手环Jawbone Up,再到普通纸质桌面游戏的替代品(如Sifteo),或Wattvision(wattvision.com)等初创公司,我们都可以看到传感器被以极其便宜又让人大开眼界的方式使用着。

And this doesn't even include the contactless payment systems using NFC/RFID ('near field communication' and 'radio-frequency identification') readers and devices that we've been hearing about for a few years now. (RFID readers and devices are projected to triple in sales by 2014 and reach a world-wide market size of $20bn USD.


If smart devices like our phones, our tablets and the sophisticated consolenavigation systems in our vehicles are the brains, it's time to give them limbs.


4. 'Hollow Giants' looking for business models (or suitors). Tumblr, Foursquare, Quora and Twitter are perceived as massive companies within the startup ecosystem. But in terms of revenue-generating businesses, they barelyregister on the radar. And since the Facebook IPO, social hasn't really had the shine it once did within the public or private markets.

4. "空心巨人"们将寻找商业模式(或追求者)。Tumblr、Foursquare、Quora和推特(Twitter)都被认为是初创企业群体里的大型企业。但如果以能够创造收入的业务来衡量,它们都还是些微不足道的企业。自从Facebook进行首次公开募股(IPO)以来,社交媒体公司在公开市场和私人市场上就再未有过真正出众的表现。

Do I think social is dead? No. On the contrary, I think the Web is still ripe for a more social experience, but I think that while these companies have proven they can get an audience, the time has come to see whether they can build a business off that audience or whether that audience is worth an acquisition by the likes of Google or Yahoo.


Whatever these massively funded and massively valued startups do in 2013, their behavior will likely be dictated by the need to prop up their massive valuations. This kind of pressure or challenge is nothing new for the founders and executives that got their companies to this point, but it will be interesting to see which direction each startup takes in the next 12 months.


5. It's been easy to start a business in 2012, but to stick around past 2013 will be tough. I'm told it's been a good day to be an entrepreneur. I'd say it's been a great day to be a consumer. We've got apps, services and competition for our dollars and eyeballs, and smart people working to solve a lot of our problems.

5. 在2012年创业是件容易的事,但让自己创办的企业熬过2013年将是件很难的事。人们对我说现在正是自己创业的好时候。但我想说的是,现在更是充当一名消费者的好时候。企业正竞相推出各种应用软件和服务以吸引我们关注并购买,那些聪明的人都在致力于为我们解决许多问题。

An entrepreneur has had good terms on financing the past two years, but has it really been that good to be her in this environment? Financing doesn't make a company. Making a company makes a company, and that's never been tougher. For every reason it's been great to be a consumer, all the apps and all the services, it has meant that the competition to build a great company has never been tougher. There's competition for eyeballs and customers, of course, but there's also increased competition for further financing or competition in finding the key hires that can take your company from 5 to 50 and from 50 to 500. The number of startups have out-paced the amount of funding there is (commonly referred to as a series-A crunch), but perhaps more importantly, the amount of startups launched in the past two years has outpaced the amount of great people out there to hire.


In 2013, we're going to see a lot of consolidation of entrepreneurs coming together to build companies. You know, like they said in Lost: 'Live together, die alone.'

在2013年,我们将看到大量企业合并的事例。正如电视连续剧《迷失》(Lost)中那句台词说的:有福共享,有难独担(Live together, die alone)。

Some honorable mentions include: The continued rise in collaborative consumption and our growing 'Global Village' (built on identity and reputation, like Lyft's donation model or the growing comfort with renting out your apartment or car via Airbnb or GetAround), the rise of data analytics and data science (we solved storing it, now, um, what can we do with it?), and the impending awesomeness of QR codes (totally kidding or am I?... I am).

还有一些值得一提的趋势是:合作消费的继续兴起以及我们"全球村"的不断壮大(这类消费模式是基于对彼此身份和信誉的了解而发展起来的,比如私车共享应用程序Lyft的捐赠模式,以及通过Airbnb和GetArounds这些旅游用房租赁网站将自己的公寓房或汽车出租出去这一日渐流行的模式),数据分析和数据科学的兴起(我们已经解决了存储数据的问题,现在我们应该想想能用储存在手的数据做些什么), 以及即将大放异彩的二维码(QR codes)(我这纯粹是在开玩笑还是认真的?......我是认真的)。
