
ERIC EISNER SEEMS an improbablecharacter to have become one of the great innovative - and philanthropic - forces in education today. As a teenager, he played drums in Greenwich Village clubs instead of getting a good night's rest for school. After attending law school at Columbia, he moved to Los Angeles, where he turned himself into a movie and music mogul, becoming the president of the Geffen Company. As a Hollywood power broker, he made million-dollar deals and lunched with Tom Cruise, Tim Burton and Martin Scorsese. Everything he did, he says today, he did in order to make money - and for no other reason. He reveled in the lifestyle that his success allowed: Bob Dylan performed at his wedding to Lisa Eisner, a photographer and fashion editor who became one of Tom Ford's muses; he bought a house in Bel-Air and sent his children to the prestigious Brentwood and Crossroads schools; having made enough money to retire in his late 40s, he looked forward to perfecting his golf game at the Bel-Air Country Club, which he had maneuvered energetically to get into.

(WSJ. Magazine 2012年创新人物奖获奖者包括设计师、建筑师、艺术家和科技奇才──他们都对合作以及与广大观众互动满怀热情。本文介绍的是WSJ. Magazine 2012年创新人物奖教育类获奖人:埃里克•伊斯纳。)

His life could not have been further removed from the poorest neighborhoods in Los Angeles, and yet he became the founder of a visionary organization known as the Young Eisner Scholars (YES). Strangely enough, he says, his glamorous life prepared him to do the work he does today. Situated in southwest L.A., YES identifies promising students in disadvantaged schools, helps develop their intellectualpotential and finds places for them in the city's best prep and magnet schools. What sets YES apart from other well-intentioned programs is the attention that goes into helping these students overcomepoverty and poor schooling. All of Eisner's energy is directed at figuring out how to make the kids feel a positive drive toward their futures. 'To understand kids and how to make things glamorous to them, you have to have been a victim of glamour yourself,' he says. 'You have to understand why a video game makes a kid want to win, but a teacher might not. If you want kids to realize their promise, you have to figure out how to make something seem aspirational to them.'

说埃里克•伊斯纳(Eric Eisner)是当今教育领域最具创意和慈善意识的人物之一,似乎有些出人意表。十几岁时,他就不是一个晚上安分守己在家休息的学生,而是到纽约曼哈顿下城格林威治村(Greenwich Village)的俱乐部当乐队鼓手。后来他考上哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)的法学院,搬去洛杉矶,并在那里发展成为电影圈和音乐界的一位头面人物,担任Geffen唱片公司总裁。作为好莱坞举足轻重的中间人,他参与的交易动辄以数百万美元计,经常与巨星汤姆•克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)、著名导演蒂姆•伯顿(Tim Burton)和马丁•斯科西斯(Martin Scorsese)共进午餐。伊斯纳说,回过头看来,他以前所做的一切都是为了赚钱──仅此而已。他尽情享受成功所带来的奢华生活:摇滚巨星鲍勃•迪伦(Bob Dylan)在他与妻子丽莎•伊斯纳(Lisa Eisner)的婚礼上献唱(丽莎•伊斯纳是一名摄影师和时尚杂志编辑,也是设计大师汤姆•福特(Tom Ford)的灵感女神之一);他在洛杉矶高尚住宅区"香芬"(Bel-Air)买了一栋房子,把孩子们送去声名卓著的班特伍德中学(Brentwood)和Crossroads私立高中;他不到50岁就赚够了钱提前退休,想方设法加入了门槛极高的香芬乡村俱乐部(Bel-Air Country Club),期待自己的高尔夫球艺能在那里精益求精。

Clearly something about Eisner's formula is working: This fall, 67 YES kids will be enrolled at the nation's most prestigious universities - among them, Yale, Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, USC and UC Berkeley. Through sheer force of will, Eisner and his organization have had a profoundimpact on the lives of L.A.'s disadvantaged, opening what the author Malcolm Gladwell, a champion of Eisner's, has called an 'underground railroad' out of the barrio.

伊斯纳享受的生活方式与洛杉矶最贫穷社区的残酷现实可谓差了十万八千里,而他却创建了一个富有远见的组织,名叫"年轻伊斯纳学者"(Young Eisner Scholars,简称YES)。他说,这一切如此奇妙,他以往的非凡经历只是一种铺垫,目的就是让他能够从事现在的这份事业。YES位于洛杉矶市西南部,致力于在条件较差的学校发现很有前途的学生,帮助他们开发潜在智慧,为其安排洛杉矶最好的预科学校和特色学校就读。YES与别的爱心项目的最大区别在于其对帮助学生克服贫穷和较差教育环境的持续关注。伊斯纳把所有精力放在如何让孩子们对自己的未来充满信心和动力上。伊斯纳说,"要想理解孩子们的想法,明白什么东西吸引他们,首先你得让自己投入进去。你得搞清楚为什么电子游戏能让孩子充满斗志想要去赢,而老师的教导却可能徒劳无功。如果你希望孩子们能实现他们的理想,就得想办法让他们对特定的目标产生浓厚的兴趣。"

How was this unlikelypartnership between under-performing public schools and a wealthy former music executive formed? A few years after Eisner retired from Geffen, his friend Dorothy Courtney pressed him to get involved with an organization that helps families in the Hawthorne and Lennox areas of Los Angeles. 'Dorothy went to work on me a little bit, 'You must have some time,' and so on,' Eisner recalls. 'I had time, but I had never, ever, ever done anything for anyone in my life. If there was no money in it, count me out. I wasn't even on the student council. But I thought, Try it. So I said, 'What do you want me to do?' And she was clever enough to say, 'If I tell you, you'll stop doing it in six months. Why don't you give it some thought?' '

很显然,伊斯纳的爱心事业正在开花结果。2012年秋,67名YES资助的孩子将进入美国最顶级的大学学府,包括耶鲁(Yale)、哈佛(Harvard)、斯坦福(Stanford)、哥伦比亚(Columbia)、南加州大学(USC)和加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)。在孜孜不倦的推动下,伊斯纳和他创建的组织给加州底层学子的生活带来了深远的积极影响。用支持伊斯纳的作家马尔科姆•格拉德威尔(Malcolm Gladwell)的话说,其为贫民区的孩子们奔向美好前途开辟了一条"地下铁路"(Underground Railroad,19世纪美国废奴主义者把黑奴送到自由州、加拿大、墨西哥以至海外的秘密网络)。

The next day, he told her what he had in mind: to meet the brightest kids in the worst school. 'I told her, 'I want to meet the smartest kids, the kids who are interested in building things, in physics,' ' he says. 'I want to see what's going on between their ears.' The worst of the schools, Courtney told him, was Lennox Middle School. Housed in a grim, unassuming building near the Los Angeles airport, it had lost its high school due to budget cuts, and the dropout rate had soared to nearly 60 percent. To get to school, students had to cross gang lines.

这位富有的前唱片公司总裁如何会与表现欠佳的公立学校之间结下如此一段出人意料的不解之缘呢?伊斯纳从Geffen公司退休几年之后,他的朋友多萝西•考特尼(Dorothy Courtney)敦促他加入一个旨在帮助洛杉矶市霍索恩(Hawthorne)和列农克斯(Lennox)地区贫穷家庭的组织。伊斯纳回忆当时的情景:"多萝西来做我的动员工作,说'你一定有点空闲时间'等等。我确实有空,但在此之前,我从没特意帮助过任何人,没钱赚的事我向来不掺和,甚至在学校我都没担任过学生会的什么职务。不过,我倒是想尝试一下,就说'你要让我做什么?'她很聪明,这么回答我,'如果我要求你做什么,估计你只能坚持半年,不如由你自己来考虑决定如何?'"

Eisner began meeting with a handful of kids at Lennox, without any clear picture of what he was doing other than listening. One of the first kids he met was Chris Bonilla, who graduated from Columbia University two years ago and now works for YES. Bonilla tells me that he first thought Eisner was there to discipline him. 'He was just sitting there, and he had a printout of all my grades and information and he was like, 'Why are you getting a B minus in social studies?' I thought he was a school official who was pretty angry for some reason, so I walked away shook up.' Soon, Bonilla and Eisner were regularly meeting to talk, along with a handful of other kids.

第二天,伊斯纳把自己的想法告诉了多萝西:去发现最差学校的最棒学生。伊斯纳说,"我告诉她,'我想认识那些最聪明的孩子,那些对建筑感兴趣的,对物理学感兴趣的。'我想了解他们脑子里在想些什么。"多萝西说,当地最差的学校是列农克斯中学(Lennox Middle School),坐落在洛杉矶机场附近一座阴冷简朴的大楼内,由于预算削减已经撤销了高中部,退学率高达近60%。学生们上学时,甚至不得不穿过黑帮横行的地带。

The Young Eisner Scholars is the outgrowth of one man's natural curiosity, not a predetermined pedagogical philosophy. Its mission has evolved over time, as Eisner became aware of how he could be most helpful. That first year, he realized that the most difficult thing for these students was verbalizing their thoughts - not having complex thoughts, but expressing them. He encouraged the students to debate him and helped pay for them to attend summer school. When teachers at the Brentwood summer school approached Eisner to say that Bonilla, whom Eisner had sent there, would be a great addition to the high school, Eisner agreed to pay for his tuition. He began finding slots at top high schools for students graduating from Lennox. And Young Eisner Scholars was born.

伊斯纳开始和列农克斯中学的几个孩子会面,当时他对自己要做什么还不是很清楚,只是认真地倾听。克里斯•伯尼拉(Chris Bonilla)是他最早见的那批孩子之一,两年前已从哥伦比亚大学毕业,现在为YES工作。伯尼拉对我说,他一开始以为伊斯纳是个训导员。"他只是坐在那里,面前放着我所有成绩和个人情况的打印件,然后问我'你为什么在社会学上只得了个B-?'我觉得他像是学校的什么领导,不知什么原因好像挺生气的样子,所以离开的时候我都快吓坏了。"从那以后,伊斯纳定期与伯尼拉和其他几个孩子见面交谈。

Today, YES serves students from the third grade through graduate school, though Eisner focuses on the pivotal upper-middle-school years: The kids are old enough for him to reliably evaluate their work ethic and their hunger for knowledge, but young enough that their minds are still growing rapidly. As in the past, he counsels the students, gauges their self-motivation and stability - a child who has a resilient personality and is willing to speak up, he's quick to point out, is more likely to succeed - and gets to know their parents. If it seems like a good fit, he helps find a place for the student in an L.A. high school - usually private, but not always.


In the majority of cases, the high schools themselves provide scholarships; today, schools that work with YES pay a small fee in order to meet the scholars and recruit them. (The organization helps pay for college once the scholars leave high school.) Eisner raises all the money for the YES budget in an ad hoc way: 'sharpening his teeth' when someone asks him what he does at the kind of cocktail parties he used to dread.


To private schools hungry for greater diversity, Eisner's program is a gift: It screens the students beforehand and, once they're admitted, offers additional support and counseling far beyond the school's resources. The path from the barrio to Beverly Hills is not without its bumps. Roughly 60 percent of the YES kids live below the poverty line, and all kinds of unpredictable problems arise as they transition from Lennox or Buford to Brentwood and Harvard-Westlake. It's not just culture shock, which the kids say is real, yet not as daunting as they had imagined, but also pragmatic issues: Their parents may not have the resources to get them to and from school, or understand how to apply for financial aid.


Eisner, who grew up in Manhattan, the child of left-leaning parents who hosted fundraisers for Ethel and Julius Rosenberg (one of his earliest memories is of Paul Robeson singing) was never the smartest kid in the room, but he always wanted to get As and spent a lot of time studying how the smart kids learned.Today, he describes himself as 'tough' and not the most 'empathetic' person, but his bluntness is appealingly open and he speaks eloquently (and concretely) about strategies for learning.

对那些渴望学生群体更加多元化的私立学校来说,伊斯纳的项目可谓天降甘霖:YES会为学校事先筛选学生,等他们入学后还会为其提供远超学校资源范畴的额外支持和咨询辅导。从贫民区迈向比佛利山庄(Beverly Hills)的道路不可能是一帆风顺的,约有60%的YES学子生活在贫困线之下,在他们从列农克斯中学或比福德中学(Buford)转到班特伍德中学和哈佛西湖私立高中(Harvard-Westlake)学习的过程中,各种无法预料的问题都会发生,这不仅包括文化冲击──这些学子说,文化冲击是有的,但没有想象的那么难以克服──还有很多现实问题:他们的父母可能连让孩子上学和放学回家的交通费都给不出来,或根本不知道怎么为孩子申请助学金。

The students clearly respond to him and appreciate his straight shooting. On the afternoon I visit Eisner in the YES offices, Andrew, a skinny, reserved eighth grader, sits with us. Andrew had recently been accepted to The Lawrenceville School in New Jersey, making this the first year YES will enroll students at boarding schools. As Eisner speaks, Andrew corrects him, or adds salient details, demonstrating a key trait Eisner looks for: a mind obsessed with accuracy. When I ask Andrew what the best thing about YES is, he pauses, then says, 'I learned how to learn.'

伊斯纳在纽约曼哈顿区长大,父母是左倾人士,曾在家招待那些为埃塞尔•罗森伯格(Ethel Rosenberg)和朱丽叶•罗森伯格(Julius Rosenberg)苏联间谍指控案奔走筹款的人(伊斯纳最早的童年记忆之一就是左翼黑人歌唱家保罗•罗伯逊(Paul Robeson)的歌声)。他从来都不是家里最聪明的那个孩子,但一直都希望考试门门都得A,并花很多时间研究那些聪明孩子是怎么学习的。如今,伊斯纳描述自己是个"强硬"的人,不会同情心泛滥。不过,他的率直令人产生好感,在教育理念方面,他能侃侃而谈,且言之有物。

Eisner believes the students need to learn what he calls 'literate thinking.' In Los Angeles, the middle-school curriculum is pegged to tests. Kids are expected to memorize material, but often don't fully understand the broader concepts behind what they're studying. As Andrew puts it, for two problems in a math class at Lennox, he would get a paragraph of notes; for one problem with Eisner, he gets several pages. Eisner tells me he thinks the fact that he wasn't himself a 'brainiac' made him more attentive to the question of how to learn; this is what he drives home in his meetings with the kids. Many of the YES students I meet with describe the process as 'intimidating' and 'scary,' but also express their respect for Eisner. His high standards have taken them further than they ever imagined. 'You couldn't just give the answer,' one student says, trying to explain what was so different about Eisner's teaching. 'You had to say why the answer was the way it was.'

YES学子们与伊斯纳相处融洽,并感激他的坦诚和直率。我去YES办公室采访伊斯纳的那天下午,有个名叫安德鲁(Andrew)的八年级学生(相当于中国的初二)和我们坐在一起。安德鲁身材瘦小,有些矜持,最近刚被新泽西州劳伦斯维尔中学(Lawrenceville School)录取,成为第一个由YES推荐上寄宿学校的学生。伊斯纳说话时,安德鲁有时会纠正他的说法,或补充一些重要细节,展现出伊斯纳所看重的一项关键品质:对准确无误的不懈追求。我问安德鲁YES让他最为受益的是什么,他停下来思考了一下,说,"我学会了如何学习。"

Though Eisner has no background in education, and not much of a formal philosophy, he understands that students in Bel-Air are taught how to internalize literate thinking - the ability to effectivelycommunicate and bargain, and to extrapolate from particulars to universals - from an early age. In southwest L.A., the education system is turning out kids who are silent memorizers; as hungry as they may be for knowledge, there's not much room for them to learn broad principles, let alone the social skills that are crucial to making one's way in our entrepreneurial culture. In theory, the literate-thinking methodology isn't all that different from an SAT prep course, which also teaches kids how to fathom the basic principles underlying all sorts of word problems. In practice, the difference lies in Eisner's passion. This is education on a human level, not a theoretical one.

伊斯纳相信,学生们需要掌握一种"文化思考"(literate thinking)能力。在洛杉矶,中学的课程安排与考试测验结合在一起。孩子们需要记住很多东西,但往往不能完全理解所记忆内容背后所蕴含的更宽广的文化理念。安德鲁举了个例子,他在列农克斯中学上数学课时,只要写一段话就能解答两道题目;而解答伊斯纳提出的一个问题,就得写上好几页纸。伊斯纳表示,正因为他自己不是"天才少年",所以才更注重学习方法的问题,他与学子们见面讨论的核心话题也正是这个。我采访过的许多YES学子都形容这种探讨过程"令人生畏",但同时也表达出对伊斯纳的敬重。他提出的高标准严要求令他们以无法想象的高度超越了自己。一个学子在描述伊斯纳独特的教育方法时说,"仅仅给出答案是不够的,你还得说明白为什么要给出这样的答案。"

EISNER DESCRIBES HIMSELF as a third parent, and his influence in the students' lives reflects this. Having been told that one boy, Sebastian, wasn't participating at recess, he met with him and noticed that his shoes were too big and the soles had worn away. So YES helped him buy new tennis shoes, and the boy started playing at recess again. Eisner has found himself buying eye-glasses for students whose parents couldn't afford them. After getting reports that one scholar wasn't doing his homework, he called the boy himself to find out what was going on, acting, as he puts it, 'like a marine sergeant, blind to the nuances: 'Why are you being negligent about your homework?' ' It turned out that the boy had been nervously focused on an upcoming dance recital - he had not one but two solos. After seeing the boy dance - 'Next to the other boys, he was Nureyev. And the joy!' - Eisner was reminded that measuring success in young students is always complex.


While it could be argued that the program robs the public school system of its most talented students, the Lennox Middle School administration has been extremely supportive of Eisner's mission, acknowledging that they do not always have the resources to serve their brightest kids. And it would take a stony heart not to be inspired by all that Eisner has managed to accomplish with just a five-person staff (including himself).


One of these success stories is Diana Orozco, who graduated from the Brentwood School this year and was admitted to Yale. At the YES office, she explains that she'd been raised by a single mother with four kids - she is the oldest - who works as a cashier in a burger place. Her mother, who has been taking night classes and will graduate from high school herself this year, 'is very excited about Yale,' she says.


Although Eisner's model may not, at first glance, appear scaleable, his success reminds us that innovation on a grass-roots level can be as important as revolutions in pedagogy. Eisner's model is artisanal rather than commercial (in his 12 years running YES, he has worked with just 211 students), but it might be just what's needed to inject schools with a hopeful, cooperative spirit - the kind of can-do attitude that leads to greater change. Next spring, in partnership with Columbia University, YES is planning to bring the program to New York City.

狄安娜•奥罗兹科(Diana Orozco)是YES学子的成功代表之一,她今年从班特伍德中学毕业,考上了耶鲁大学。在YES的办公室,她向我介绍了自己的家境:她来自一个单亲家庭,母亲在汉堡店当收银员,一共生了四个孩子,而她是长女。她母亲晚上去夜校进修,今年也将从高中毕业。狄安娜说,"我考上耶鲁让她非常激动。"

On a Friday afternoon, Eisner and I have lunch at the Bel-Air Country Club with his assistant, Alina. As we eat, overlooking the golf course he once imagined playing on every day, Eisner speaks about some of the kids in the program and the many obstacles they've over- come. Now, YES helps its scholars find jobs, continuing to level the playing fields - one had just completed an internship at Morgan Stanley . 'It's a fascinating world when you get involved with all these kids,' Eisner muses. 'It's like they're plants: You have to see where they're growing, what they need.'


Before getting up to leave the table (he and Alina are going to Brentwood to watch Diana and three other YES scholars graduate), he gestures at the vista before him, as if to invoke the distance between his own life and those of his students. Thanks to YES, perhaps that distance won't always be so large.

一个周五的下午,我和伊斯纳及其助手爱丽娜(Alina)在香芬乡村俱乐部共进午餐。我们一边吃饭,一边俯瞰着高尔夫球场的美景,伊斯纳曾以为自己每天会在这里打球,但现在他跟我谈的都是那些学生,以及他们共同克服的许多困难。如今,YES还帮助学子找工作,继续为穷学生创造一个公平竞争的环境──有个学生已经完成了在摩根士丹利公司(Morgan Stanley)的实习。伊斯纳斟词酌句地说道,"与这些孩子相处,你会发现这是一个美妙的世界。这就像培育植物一样,你得关注他们的生长情况,关注他们需要什么。"

