

Apprentice interview

"Well Jim, you can approach my desk now. I have done an appraisal of your application to be my apprentice, and I have a few questions for you. You don't seem to have any apparent experience in working with large aquatic appliances. You do know that the aquariums I clean and make are not for goldfish or restaurant shelves, right?"

"Ummm. You mean you can put minnows in them too?"

"No. I mean they put sharks, manta rays, whales, and seals in them! Well, I applaud your effort and appreciate your coming across town for this interview, but you don't have the experience or aptitude that is usually required for this type of apprenticeship. I just can't approve hiring you."

"Thank you, sir." I am very appreciative of your apt assessment of my qualifications. But

I believe you are wrong and I would like to appeal, uhhh, to you to give me approval to at least be your apprentice for an approximate test period. I know I don't know anything about aquariums. I don't even know an approximate amount of information about them! I come from the desert where arable land is a rare thing. But that's why I came to California, to work with water, sir. And I know you approve of determination. Well sir, I have that and I hope you will give me a try."

"Hmmm. Okay Jimmy, I'11 take a risk and give you a try. I will appoint you for a three-month test period. We' 11 take a look at how you' re doing in three months and go from there."

"Thank you, sir! You won't be disappointed!"









apparent a.清晰可见的;明显的,显而易见的

appeal v.呼吁,上诉;求助;有吸引力


applaud v.鼓掌欢迎;赞成;赞许

appliance n.器具;器械;装置

applicatin n.1.申请,请求;申请书 2.实施应用

appoint v.任命,委任;指定

appraisal n.估价,评价

appreciate n.1.对...表示感激 2.欣赏;欣赏;重视

appreciative a.有欣赏力的;表示欣赏的,感激

apprentice n.艺徒;徒弟;初学者 v.当学徒,学艺

apprenticeship n.1.学徒身份,学徒期 2.见习期,训练期

approach v.靠近;接近;近似,近于

n.1靠近,接近 2.处理问题的方式方法;态度

approval n.赞同,同意,批准;认可

approve v.造成,同意,批准,核准;对...表示认可

approximate a.大概的,近似的

apt a.易于...的,有...倾向的;恰当的,适当的;聪明的

aptitude n.天资才能;聪明

aquarium n.养鱼缸,水族馆

aquatic a.1水生的;水栖的 2水上的;水中(进行)的

arable a.可耕的,适于耕种的
  • apprentice [ə´prentis] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.学徒 vt.使当学徒 四级词汇
  • applaud [ə´plɔ:d] 移动到这儿单词发声 v.鼓掌赞成;称赞 四级词汇
  • apprenticeship [ə´prentisʃip] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.学徒工身份 六级词汇
  • appreciative [ə´pri:ʃətiv] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.欣赏的;感激的 六级词汇
  • approximate [ə´prɔksimit] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.近似的 v.接近 四级词汇

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