

道氏理论泛指查尔斯·道(Charles Dow)对股票市场的看法。道氏将其想法应用在他设计的股价指数上,即道琼斯工业平均指数(DJIA)和道琼斯运输类股指数(DJTA) 。其理论被普遍认为是许多现代技术分析原理的基础。道氏理论也可指道氏理论中的这一条:美国股市的主要趋势必须得到DJIA和DJTA相同走势的确认。

Dow Theory的英文解释

The term generally used to describe Charles Dow's ideas about stock market behaviour. Dow applied his ideas to the stock market averages (indices) he designed - the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) and the Dow Jones Transportation Average (DJTA). His theories are widely recognized to be the foundation to many modern technicalanalysis disciplines. Dow Theory is also used specifically to describe one of Dow's theories - that a major trend in the US stock market has to be confirmed by a parallel change in the DJIA and DJTA.

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