

保证金交易模式让投资者无需拿出十足资金即可进行买卖. 这种交易方式可放大盈亏,风险较大. 期货市场的结算所为确保买卖双方有能力履行各自的合约义务,会要求他们交存初始保证金。而为了使保证金额度能赶上其后的市场变动,还可能要求投资者缴交变动保证金。需交存的保证金是通过参照每天的收盘价,重新对所有头寸进行估值而计算得出的。


Margin allows trading without having the full amount of funds available. It is a part-payment of collateral to cover contractual obligations and to insure against potentialunlimited loss. Clearing houses in futures markets demand an initialmargin from both the buyer and the seller of a futures contract to ensure they will be able to meet their contractual obligations. To ensure that margin requirements keep pace with subsequent market movements, variationmargin is also called for. This is calculated by revaluing all positions with reference to the closing prices each day.

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