

优先股英文亦称preferred stock/shares,是集合债券和股票特质的证券,其特性偏向债券多一点。"优先"是指相对于普通股,股东有优先获配发股息的权利,而在公司清盘时,对公司资产亦有优先索取权(但后于债权人)。优先股股东对公司事务一般不具表决权,公司发行新股时,一般也没有优先认购权。优先股可分"累积"(cumulative)与"非累积"(non-cumulative)两种,"累积"是指公司在停止派发股息一段时间后恢复派息时,须清偿停止派息期间积欠优先股股东的股息,非累积优先股则没有这种优待。累积优先股会列明股息收益率,类似债券的票面利率。

Preference Share的英文解释

Preference or preferred shares entitle a holder to a prior claim on any dividend paid by the company before payment is made on ordinary shares. The holder also has a prior claim on assets in the event of a liquidation. Typically these shares do not carry voting or pre-emptive rights.

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