

信用等级反映借款人在还款上的信誉,为比较债务工具发行人和债券的信用品质提供了一个国际框架。评级机构的评级分为三类:对发行人、对长期债务和短期债务的评级,其中对发行人的信用评级最受关注。这些评级反映债务人的信用程度,包括其履行金融债务的能力和意愿。最高的等级意味着债务人几乎没有无力偿还本息的风险。等级越高,债务人的举债成本(即需支付的利息水平)就越低。由主要的评级机构(如标准普尔、穆迪和惠誉国际)评定的最高信用等级为AAA或aaa,只有少数的国家和公司可获得这种评级。各评级公司所评定的等级的名称和含义不尽相同,但均可分为两大类:投资级别(investment grade)和投机/垃圾级别(speculative/junk grade)。主要评级公司的网址: www.moodys.com, www.standardandpoors.com, www.fitchratings.com

Credit Rating的英文解释

Credit ratings measure a borrower's creditworthiness and provide an internationalframework for comparing the credit quality of issuers and rated debt securities. Rating agencies allocate three kinds of ratings: for issuers, for long-term debt and for short-term debt. Of these, issuer credit ratings are the most widely watched. They measure the creditworthiness of the borrower including its capacity and willingness to meet financial obligations. A top rating means there is thought to be almost no risk of the borrower failing to pay interest and principal. The higher the rating the less the borrower will need to pay for funds. The top credit rating issued by the main agencies (Standard & Poor's, Moody's and Fitch IBCA) is AAA or Aaa. This is reserved for a few sovereign and corporate issuers. The naming and designation of ratings varies according to each agency. But they all fall into two broad groups - investment grade and speculative (junk) grade.

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