



1. First editions of certain popular books cannot be obtained for love or money.

A) at any place B) at any price C) in any language D) in any country

2. The company recommended that a new petrol station (should) be built here.

A) ordered B) insisted C) suggested D) demanded

3. It's hard for the young people to imagine what severe conditions their parents once lived under.

A) sincere B) hard C) strict D) tight

4. The house stands as steady as a rock in the wind.

A) continuous B) quick C) firm D) exceptional

5. You must shine your shoes.

A) lighten B) clean C) wash D) polish

6. While serving in the Senate in the early 1970s Barbara Jordan supported legislation to bandiscrimination and to deal with environment problems.

A) list B) forbid C)handle D)investigate

7. A beautiful woman attended to me in that store yesterday.

A) waited on B) talked to C) spoke to D) stayed with

8. Loud noises can be annoying.

A) hateful B) painful C) horrifying D)disturbing

9. These are our motives for doing it.

A) reasons B) arguments C) targets D)pursuit

10. Successful leaders dominate events rather than react to them.

A) control B) contribute C) convey D)contact

11. The example was fundamental to the argument.

A) impressive B) public C) essential D)slight

12. They are still calculating the impact of automation on the lives of factory workers.

A) affect B) influence C) pressure D)passion

13. She finally recovered herself one month after the operation on her stomach.

A) got along B) got better C) got on D)got out

14. The minister headed the committee.

A) was on the verge of B) was on the basis of

C) was at the cost of D) was in charge of

15. Her words offended me.

A) made angry B) made happy C) made excited D)made disappointed




Since 1939, numerous studies have been conducted to determine whether smoking is a health hazard. The trend of the evidence has been consistent and indicates that there is a serious health risk. Research teams have conducted studies that show beyond all reasonable doubt that tobacco smoking is associated with a shortened life expectancy.

Cigarette smoking is believed by most research workers in this field to be an important factor in the development of cancer of the lungs and cancer of the throat and is believed to be related to cancer of some other organs of the body. Male cigarette smokers have a higher death rate from heart disease than non-smoking males. Female smokers are thought to be less affected because they do not breathe in the smoke so deeply.

Apart from statistics, it might be helpful to look at what tobacco does to the human body. Smoke is a mixture of gases, vaporized chemicals, minute particles of ash and other solids. There is also nicotine, which is powerful poison, and black tar. As smoke is breathed in, all those components from deposits on the membranes of the lungs. One point of concentration is where the air tube and bronchus divides. Most lung cancer begins at this point.

Filters and low tar tobacco are claimed to make smoking to some extent safer, but they can only slightly reduce, not eliminate the hazards.

1. It is easy to determine whether smoking is hazardous.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

2. Smoking reduces one's life expectancy.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

3. Smoking may induce lung cancer.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

4. There is evidence that smoking is responsible for breast cancer.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

5. Male smokers have a lower death rate from heart disease than female smokers

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

6. Nicotine is poisonous.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

7. Filters and low tar tobacco make smoking safer.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned


阅读下面这篇短文,短文后有2项测试任务:(1)1---4 题要求从所给的6个选项中为第2--5 段每段选择1个正确的小标题;(2)第5--8题要求从所给的6个选项中选择4个正确的选项,分别完成每个句子。请将答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。

How to Argue with your Boss

1. Before you argue with your boss, check with the boss's secretary to determine his mood. If he ate nails for breakfast, it is not a good idea to ask him for something. Even without the boss's secretary, there are keys to timing: don't approach the boss when he's on deadline; don't go in right before lunch, when he is apt to be distracted and rushed; don't go in just before or after he has taken a vacation.

2. If you're mad, that will only make your boss mad. Calm down first. And don't let a particular concern open the floodgates for all your accumulated frustration. The boss will feel that you think negatively about the company and it is hopelesstrying to change your mind. Then, maybe he will dismiss you.

3. Terrible disputes can result when neither the employer nor the employee knows what is the problem the other wants to discuss. Sometimes the fight will go away when the issues are made clear. The employee has to get his point across clearly in order to make the boss understand it.

4. Your boss has enough on his mind without your adding more. If you can't put forward an immediate solution, at least suggest how to approach the problem. People who frequently present problems without solutions to their bosses may soon find they can't get past the secretary.

5. To deal effectively with a boss, it's important to consider his goals and pressures. If you can put yourself in the position of being a partner to the boss, then he will be naturally more inclined to work you to achieve your goals.


1. Paragraph 2________

2. Paragraph 3________

3. Paragraph 4________

4. Paragraph 5________

A. Keep Your Voice Low All the Time

B. Put Yourself in the Boss's Position

C. Propose Your Solution

D. Don't Go in When You are Angry

E. Make the Issue Clear

F. Never Give in

5. If you want to ask the boss for anything, it is important to find out first________.

6. It is necessary to make clear to the boss____________

7. It is not wise to present the boss with a problem___________

8. You must be considerate and think of the troubles__________

A. to give the boss your advice

B. how he is feeling

C. the boss may have

D. what you really want to talk to him about

E. without suggesting a way to solve it

F. how unhappy you are

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U.S states do poorly in women's health

Not a single U.S states meets basic federal goals for women's health, and the nation as a whole fails except in two areas-mammograms and dental check-ups-researchers said on Thursday.

Millions of women lack health insurance, and states make it difficult to enroll in Medicaid, the state-federal health insurance plan for the poor, according to the report.

And few states are doing anywhere near enough to help women quit smoking-the leading cause of death in the United States.

"The nation as a whole and the individual states fall short of meeting national goals," reads the report, put together by the National Women's Law Center and the Oregon Health & Science University.

"These health objectives, primarily set for the nation by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Healthy People 2010 agenda, provide a road map for assessing the status of women's health."

Of 27 measures examined by the group, from screening for diseases to actually treating them, the nation passes on only two, the researchers said. "The nation is so far from the Healthy People goals that it receives an overall grade of unsatisfactory," they wrote.

The problem seems to be a lack among states of an overall plan for health in general, the NWLC said.

"State policy makers' piecemeal approach to our health Care crisis has resulted in a complex and ineffective system that fails to meet the health care needs of women," Judy Waxman, NWLC Vice President for Health, said in a statement.

"Lawmakers need to take a comprehensive, long-term approach to meeting women's health needs and tackle this serious problem that plagues so many families."


mammogram/n. 乳腺X光照片

dental/adj. 牙齿的;牙科的


piecemeal/adj. 一件一件(做)的:逐渐(做)的;零碎(做)的

plague/vt. 使苦恼;折磨;烦扰


1. The nation does poorly in all the following aspects of women's health EXCEPT_______

A) conducting dental check-ups.

B)helping women quit smoking.

C)screening for diseases.

D)treating cancer.

2. Medicaid is a program aimed at______

A)helping women.

B)helping the poor.

C)reducing poverty.

D)preventing disease.

3.Which causes the biggest number of deaths in the US?


B)Heart disease.



4. The national goals for women's health make it easier to_______

A)meet women's health needs.

B)assess the status of women's health.

C)make an overall plan for health in general.

D)deal with the health care crisis.

5.What kind of approach should be adopted to meet women's health needs?



C)Comprehensive and long-term.

D)Complex and ineffective.


Cigars instead

Smoking one or two cigars a day doubles the risk of cancers of the lip, tongue, mouth and throat, according to a government study.

Daily cigars also increase the risk of lung cancer and cancer of the esophagus, and increase the risk of cancer of the larynx (voice box) sixfold, say researchers at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland.

In addition, the report revealed that smoking three or four cigars a day increased the risk of oral cancer to 8.5 times the risk for nonsmokers and the risk of esophageal cancer by four times the risk of nonsmokers.

The health effects of smoking cigars is one of eight sections of the article "Cigars: Health Effects and Trends." The researchers report that, compared with a cigarette, a large cigar emits up to 90 times as much carcinogenic tobacco, specific nitrosamines.

"This article provides clear and invaluable information about the disturbing increase in cigar use and the significant public health consequences for the country," said Dr. Richard Klausner, director of the National Cancer Institute, in a statement.

"The data are clear-the harmful substances and carcinogens in cigar smoke, 1ike cigarettes, are associated with the increased risks of several kinds of cancers as well as heart and lung diseases," he added. "In other words, cigars are not safe alternatives to cigarettes and may be addictive."

"To those individuals who may be thinking about smoking cigars, our advice is-don't. To those currently smoking cigars, quitting is the only way to eliminate completely the cancer, heart and lung disease risks," warned Klausner.

According to a National Cancer Institute press release, there haven't been any studies on the health effects on nonsmokers at cigar social events. But "...a significant body of evidence clearly demonstrates an increased lung cancer risk from secondhand smoke."


cigar/n. 雪茄烟

double/vt. 使加倍,把......增一倍

esophagus/n. 食管

larynx/n. 喉

esophageal/adj. 食管的

emit/vt. 发出,射出,散发

carcinogenic/adj. 致癌的

nitrosamine/n. 亚硝胺

invaluable/adj. 非常宝贵的,无价的

carcinogen/n. 致癌物

alternative/n. 供替代的抉择

addictive/adj. (使人)上瘾的, (使人)入迷的

eliminate/vt. 排除,消除,根除


1. According to the report, smoking three or four cigars a day______

A)increases the risk of oral cancer for non-smokers.

B)greatly increases the risk of oral cancer for smokers.

C)increases the risk of more than one cancer for non-smokers,

D)greatly increases the risk of more than one cancer for smokers.

2. In the passage how many cancers are mentioned in relation to smoking cigars daily?





3. What is the main idea of the article "Cigars: Health Effects and Trends"?

A)When it comes to cancer, cigars are not any safer than cigarettes.

B)Cigars may be addictive while cigarettes are not easily so.

C)Cigars contain less harmful substances than cigarettes.

D)Increase in cigar-smoking does not affect public health much.

4. What is the doctors' advice to those cigar-smokers?

A)To give it up completely.

B)To give up part of it.

C)Not to think about it any more.

D)To cure the diseases first.

5. In the context of this passage, "secondhand smoke" means______

A)smoking bad-quality cigars.

B)smoking very cheap cigars.

C)being near cigar smokers when they are not smoking.

D)being near cigar smokers when they are smoking.

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Some things we know about language

Many things about language are a mystery, and many will always remain so. But some things we do know.

First, we know that all human beings have a language of some sort. There is no race of men anywhere on earth so backward that it has no language, no set of speech sounds by which the people communicate with one mother. Furthermore, in historical times, there has never been a race of men without a language.

Second, there is no such thing as a primitive language. There are many people whose cultures are undeveloped, who are, as we say, uncivilized, but the languages they speak are not primitive. In all known 1anguages we can see complexities that must have been tens of thousands of years in developing.

This has not always been well understood; indeed, the direct contrary has often been stated. Popular ideas of the 1anguage of the American Indians will illustrate. Many people have supposed that the Indians communicated in a very primitive system of noises. Study has proved this to be nonsense. There are, or were, hundreds of American Indian languages, and a11 of them turn out to be very complicated and very old. They are certainly different from the languages that most of us are familiar with, but they are no more primitive five than English and Greek.

A third thing we know about language is that all languages are perfectly adequate. That is, each one is a perfect means of expressing the culture of the people who speak the language.

Finally, we know that language changes. It is natural and normal for language to change; the only languages which do not change are the dead ones. This is easy to understand if we look backward in time. Change goes on in all aspects of language. Grammatical features change as do speech sounds, and changes in vocabulary are sometimes very extensive and may occur very rapidly. Vocabulary is the least stable part of any language.


race/n. 种族

primitive/adj. 原始的

uncivilized/adj. 不开化的,落后的

complexity/n. 复杂性,复杂现象

nonsense/n. 胡说,没有根据的话

extensive/adj. 广泛的

vocabulary/n. 词汇


1.In the second paragraph the author thinks that______

A)some backward race doesn't have a language of its own.

B)some race in history didn't possess a language of its own.

C)any human race, whether backward or not, has a language.

D)some races on earth call communicate without language.

2.According to the author, people of undeveloped cultures can have___ languages.





3. The author has used American Indian languages as an example to show that they are_____

A)just as old as some well-known languages.

B)just as sophisticated as some well-known languages.

C)more developed than some well-known languages.

D)more complex than some well-known languages.

4. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

A)A language is a means of expressing a particular culture.

B)All languages can well express their respective cultures.

C)American Indian languages are as sophisticated as English.

D)Some languages are better than other languages.

5.According to the author, language changes are most likely to occur in________







The first four minutes

When do people decide whether or not they want to become friends? During their first four minutes together, according to a book by Dr. Leonard Zunin. In his book, "Contact: The first four minutes," he offers this advice to anyone interested in starting new friendships: __1__. A lot of people's whole lives would change if they did just that.

You may have noticed that average person does not give his undivided attention to someone he as just met.__2__. If anyone has ever done this to you, you probably did not like him very much.

When we are introduced to new people, the author suggests, we should try to appear friendly and self-confident. In general, he says, "People like people who like themselves."

On the other hand, we should not make the other person think we are too sure of ourselves. It is important to appear interested and sympathetic, realizing that the other person has his won needs, fears, and hopes.

Hearing such advice, one might say, "But I'm not a friendly, self-confident person. That's not my nature. It would be dishonest for me to at that way."

__3__. We can become accustomed to any changes we choose to make in our personality. "It is like getting used to a new car. It may be unfamiliar at first, but it goes much better than the old one."

But isn't it dishonest to give the appearance of friendly self-confidence when we don't actually feel that way? Perhaps, but according to Dr. Zunin, "total honest" is not always good for social relationships, especially during the first few minutes of contact. There is a time for everything, and a certain amount of play-acting may be best for the first few minutes of contact with a stranger. That is not the time to complain about one's health or to mention faults one finds in other people. It is not the time to tell the whole truth about one's opinions and impressions.

__4__. For a husband and wife or a parent and child, problems often arise during their first four minutes together after they have been apart. Dr. Zunin suggests that these first few minutes together be treated with care. If there are unpleasant matters to be discussed, they should be dealt with later.

The author says that interpersonal relations should be taught as a required course in every school, along with reading, writing, and mathematics. __5__ that is at least as important as how much we know.

A. In reply, Dr. Zunin would claim that a little practice can help us feel comfortable about changing our social habits.

B. Much of what has been said about strangers also applies to relationships with family members and friends.

C. In his opinion, success in life depends mainly on how we get along with other people.

D. Every time you meet someone in a social situation, give him your undivided attention for four minutes.

E. He keeps looking over the other person's shoulder, as if hoping to find someone more interesting in another part of the room.

F. He is eager to make friends with everyone.

The first four minutes



Passive smoking is workplace killer

Pressure mounted on Britain on Monday to take action on __1__ smoking with new research showing second. hand smoke__2__ about one worker each week in the hospitality industry.

Professor Konrad Jamrozik, of Imperial College in London, told a conference on environmental tobacco that second-hand__3__kills 49 employees in pubs, bars, restaurants and hotels each year and contributes to 700 deaths from lung cancer, heart__4__ and stroke across the total national work force.

"Exposure in the hospitality__5__at work outweighs the consequences of exposure of living__6__ a smoker for those staff," Jamrozik said in an interview. Other__7__have measured the levels of exposure to passive smoking but Jamrozik calculated how it would translate into avoidable deaths.

His findings are__8__ on the number of people working in the hospitality industry in Britain. their exposure to second. hand smoke and their__9__of dying from it. Jamrozik said me findings would apply to __10__countries in Europe because, to a greater or__11__extent, levels of smoking in the community are similar.

Professor Carol Black, president of the Royal College of Physicians, which sponsored the meeting, said the research is proof of the need for a ban on smoking in __12__places.

"Environmental tobacco smoke in pubs, bars, restaurants and other public places is__13__ damaging to the health of employees as well as the general public," she said in a statement. "Making these places smoke free not only protects vulnerable staff and the public. It will__14__help over 300, 000 people in Britain to stop smoking completely," she added.

Ireland recently became the first country to introduce a national ban on smoking in

Public__15__. New York and parts of Australia have taken similar measures.


workplace/n. 工作场所:车间

killer/n. 杀人者;凶手

hospitality/n. 友好款待;好客;殷勤

imperial/adj. 英联邦的

outweigh vt. 在重要性(或价值上)超过

vulnerable/adj. 易受伤的;脆弱的


1.A)passive B)natural C)extensive D)whole

2.A)kills B)hurts C)wounds D1 injures

3. A)dealing B)working C)system D)disease

4. A)rate B)motion C)smoking D)shopping

5.A)level B)industry C)location D)nature

6.A)close B)with C)for D)next

7.A)researchers B)patients C)members D)smokers

8.A)applied B)based C)called D)relied

9. A)learning B)turning C)dying D)suffering

10. A)no B)most C)few D)some

11. A)small B)larger C)lesser D)more

12. A)private B)secret C)open D)public

13. A)seriously B)strangely C)nervously D)personally

14. A)yet B)still C)also D)just

15. A)sports B)places C)moves D)actions

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  • jordan [´dʒɔ:dn] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.约旦 四级词汇
  • discrimination [di,skrimi´neiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.区别,歧视 六级词汇
  • hateful [´heitfəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.可恨的,可憎的 四级词汇
  • impact [´impækt] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.影响,作用;冲击 六级词汇
  • consistent [kən´sistənt] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.一致的;始终如一的 四级词汇
  • affected [ə´fektid] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.做作的;假装的 六级词汇
  • statistics [stə´tistiks] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.统计学;统计 四级词汇
  • frustration [frʌs´treiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.挫折,阻挠 六级词汇
  • trying [´traiiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.难堪的;费劲的 四级词汇
  • effectively [i´fektivli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.有效地 六级词汇
  • considerate [kən´sidərit] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.考虑周到的;体谅的 六级词汇
  • poorly [´puəli] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.不舒服的 ad.贫穷地 四级词汇
  • dental [´dentl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.牙齿的;牙科(用)的 六级词汇
  • enroll [in´rəul] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.登记;注册;招收 六级词汇
  • primarily [´praimərəli, prai´merəli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.首先;主要地 四级词汇
  • status [´steitəs] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.身份;情形;状况 四级词汇
  • policy [´pɔlisi] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.政策;权谋;保险单 四级词汇
  • invaluable [in´væljuəbəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.无价的,非常重要的 六级词汇
  • respective [ri´spektiv] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.各自的,各个的 四级词汇
  • dishonest [dis´ɔnist] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.不诚实的 六级词汇
  • unfamiliar [ʌnfə´miljə] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.不熟悉的;生疏的 六级词汇
  • mathematics [,mæθə´mætiks] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.数学 四级词汇

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