
January Wind

By Hal Borland(1900-1978)

The January wind has a hundred voices. It can scream, it can bellow, it can whisper, and it can sing a lullaby. I can roar through the leafless oaks and shout down the hillside, and it can murmur in the white pines rooted among the granite ledges where lichen makes strange hieroglyphics. It can whistle down a chimney and set the heart-flames to dancing. On a sunny day it can pause in a sheltered spot and breathe a promise of spring and violets. In the cold of a lonely night it can rattle the sash and stay there muttering of ice and snowbanks and deep-frozen ponds.

Sometimes the January wind seems to come from the farthest star in the outer darkness, so remote and so impersonal is its voice. That is the wind of a January dawn, in the half0light that trembles between day and night. It was a wind that merely quivers the trees, its force sensed but not seen, a force that might almost hold back the day if it were so directed. Then the east brightens, and the wind relaxes---the stars, its source, grown dim.

And sometimes the January wind is so intimate that you know it came only from the next hill, a little wind that plays with leaves and puffs at chimney smoke and whistles like a little boy with puckered lips. It makes the little cedar trees quiver, as with delight. It shadow-boxes with the weather-vane. It tweaks an ear, and whispers laughing words about crocuses and daffodils, and nips the nose and dances off.

But you never know, until you hear its voice, which wind is here today. Or, more important, which will be here tomorrow.


一月的风儿,奏响千般号角,诉说万般风情。它时而尖叫,划破长空;时而怒吼,响彻宇宙;时而轻声细语,似也万般风情;时而哼着小曲儿,似有慈母柔情。山坡上的橡树林,树叶凋落,风儿嚎啕过处,犹如猛虎下山,威风振振。花岗石崖上,青苔斑斑,也似奇异画面;银松林里,白色茫茫。风儿一路轻声而过,也似玩味着林间美景。 路过村庄,钻进烟囱,为炉里火焰的偏偏舞姿,奏响串串哨音。白天,阳光明媚,过阴凉处,也会逗留片刻,飘洒春天的气息,携带紫罗兰的花香。夜晚,寒气逼人,也觉人间孤苦寂寞,摇曳窗棂,吱吱作响,似也提醒人们冰雪世界即将来临。



  • lullaby [´lʌləbai] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.催眠曲,摇篮曲 六级词汇
  • lichen [´laikən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.地衣,青苔 四级词汇
  • farthest [´fɑ:ðist] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.&a.最远(的) 四级词汇
  • impersonal [im´pə:sənəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.不受个人感情影响的 六级词汇