
The biggest consideration in choosing an alarm clock is usually finding the right buzzer noise -- annoying enough to force you to get up but not so horrible that it ruins your day. Now a bevy of 'smart alarms' have a new selling point: waking you at the perfect time.


A smart alarm can monitor your sleep and wake you gently while you are in a light stage of sleep, which will leave you feeling less groggy, according to the companies that sell the alarms. But sleep specialists are skeptical the alarms will improve alertness, emphasizing instead the importance of a good night's sleep.


Several devices work by 'actigraphy' or monitoring your motion because people are more likely to be moving when sleeping lightly. The alarms determine the optimal time to wake you by sensing increased motion, either by a device that's worn or placed on the bed. You set a window -- say a half-hour -- in which you would like to be awakened.


Alarms designed to wake a person at the best moment have been around since at least 2005, but they were pricey and sometimes complicated to use. The current generation of smart alarms is simpler and less expensive.


Not all devices use actigraphy. The Zeo is a headband with silver electrodes that measure brainwaves and electrical impulses from eye movements. The mobile-device version, which connects to your iPad, iPhone or Android device using Bluetooth, is $99 and the bedside alarm clock is $149. According to Zeo Inc.'s website, its system wakes you gently at the 'optimal point in your sleep cycle,' which the company says is at the transition between light sleep and rapid eye movement, sometimes called REM or dream sleep, according to the Zeo website.


The groggy state after you wake up, in which your cognitive and motor functions are impaired, is called 'sleep inertia,' says Kenneth P. Wright Jr., director of the sleep lab at the University of Colorado in Boulder and a paid consultant to Zeo, of Newton, Mass. Studies have established that sleep inertia is worst after waking from deep sleep, he says, but there is 'some inconsistency' in the literature about when is the best time to wake, for example, during light sleep or REM sleep.

睡眠专家小肯尼斯•P•赖特(Kenneth P. Wright Jr.)说,醒后那种昏昏沉沉的状态(在这一阶段你的认知和运动功能较弱)被称为"睡眠惯性"。他说,研究已经证实,人从深睡眠中被唤醒时,睡眠惯性是最严重的,但现有文献对最佳唤醒时间的看法"有些不一致",比方说,有人认为是在浅睡眠阶段,也有人认为是在REM睡眠阶段。赖特是科罗拉多大博尔德分校学(University of Colorado in Boulder)睡眠实验室的负责人,同时担任Zeo公司的有偿顾问。

The SleepTracker is a $149 wristwatch alarm that wakes you at the 'true optimum time,' when your body motion suggests you are sleeping more lightly, according to the website of Atlanta-based Innovative Sleep Solutions LLC. You can choose between a vibration, chime or both.

总部位于亚特兰大的睡眠监测用品公司Innovative Sleep Solutions LLC的网站显示,该公司出售一种名为SleepTracker的腕表式闹钟,售价149美元,这种闹钟可以在"真正的最佳时间"唤醒你,也就是当你的身体活动显示你睡眠变浅的时候。你可以在震动和音乐这两种铃声之间任选一种,或者两种同时使用。

Sleep Cycle is a 99-cent app for the iPhone, which is placed on a mattress. The app analyzes a person's sleep patterns using an algorithm and prompts the iPhone to wake you 'in your lightest sleep phase,' says Sweden's Maciek Drejak Labs AB.

售价99美分的Sleep Cycle是一种iPhone应用程序,可以放在床垫上。开发该程序的瑞典公司Maciek Drejak Labs AB称,该应用程序用一个算法分析人的睡眠模式,让iPhone"在你睡眠最浅的阶段"把你唤醒。

None of the three devices have been tested in clinical studies that prove users are more alert and refreshed using the smart-alarm features. The devices also provide a sleep graph you can analyze, but only the Zeo has proved it accurately distinguishes sleep stages.


In a company-funded study published last year in the Journal of Sleep Research, the Zeo predicted the same sleep cycle as professional sleep equipment in a lab about 75% of the time, compared with 86% agreement for two independent professional lab measures with each other. The device can help you monitor your sleep and test which measures -- such as cutting caffeine in the afternoon -- can improve it, says Zeo Chief Executive David Dickinson.

《睡眠研究期刊》(Journal of Sleep Research)去年发表了一项由Zeo公司赞助的研究,该研究显示,Zeo预测的睡眠周期与一家实验室的专业睡眠设备测得的结果在大约75%的时间里是吻合的,而两家独立专业实验室之间的吻合率则为86%。Zeo公司首席执行长戴维•迪金森(David Dickinson)说,Zeo可以帮助你监测睡眠,能测出哪些措施──比如下午不喝咖啡──可以改善睡眠。

Some physicians who specialize in sleep are skeptical. 'If I don't sleep enough I'm going to be grumpy. I'm not sure a machine like this will help, and certainly one can't recommend it based on the scientific literature,' says Yale University sleep specialist Meir Kryger. If it does reduce grogginess, he says, the benefit would likely only last 15 or 20 minutes after you wake; at most an hour or two.

一些睡眠专业医师对此持怀疑态度。耶鲁大学(Yale University)的睡眠专家迈尔•克里格(Meir Kryger)说,"如果睡眠不足,我的脾气就会不好。我不确定这样一种机器对我有没有帮助,而且现在肯定没有科学文献能证明这种产品值得推荐。"他说,就算这种产品真的能减轻昏昏沉沉的感觉,其效果可能也只能在你醒后维持15或20分钟;至多能维持一到两个小时。

The Zeo mobile version was fun and simple to use. I liked the detailed sleep graph it downloaded to my iPad, and it recorded when I was in REM sleep. The headband annoyed me at first and left red bumps on my forehead. After I washed it by hand, per the company's suggestion, to remove manufacturing residue, the problem disappeared.


The SleepTracker generally woke me at the end of the window I had set. Twice, I was already awake. Lee Loree, managing partner of Innovative Sleep Solutions, says the device uses a 'proprietary algorithm' that decides when to wake you. It's likely the device let me sleep longer because it thought I hadn't slept enough, he adds.

SleepTracker一般会在我设置的时间段结束时唤醒我。有两次我已经醒了。Innovative Sleep Solutions的执行合伙人李•洛里(Lee Loree)说,该设备使用一种"专有的算法"来确定该在什么时候唤醒你。他还说,设备可能是认为我没睡够,所以允许我睡得长一点。

To use the Sleep Cycle app, you set the alarm and lay the iPhone face down on your bed. It appeared to sound in the morning as soon as I moved; my cat jumping on and off the bed also triggered it.

在使用Sleep Cycle应用程序时,你要设定闹钟,并将iPhone面朝下放在床上。清晨似乎只要我身体一动,闹钟就会响;我的猫在床上跳上跳下也会启动闹钟。

Maciek Drejak, lead developer of Sleep Cycle, says the app does record small movements, but when analyzing your sleep patterns, it 'filters' the ones it doesn't think are relevant. He adds the app can't be used to cut back on the sleep you need -- just to wake you up at the right time when you are already rested. The feedback the company is getting from users shows it is helping them wake up in a good mood, he adds.

Sleep Cycle 的首席开发员马西克•德勒雅克(Maciek Drejak)说,这个应用软件确实能记录小的动作,但它在分析你的睡眠模式时,可以"过滤"那些它认为不相关的动作。他还说,这个应用程序不能用来减少你需要的睡眠──只能在你已经休息好的前提下,在适当的时候叫醒你。他还说,来自用户的反馈显示,该软件能让用户醒来时有个好心情。

Laura Johannes

Laura Johannes