
Warren Buffett defended his proposal to raise taxes on high earners, saying at Berkshire Hathaway Inc.'s annual meeting that those with large incomes should pay more in the name of fairness.

伯克希尔-哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway Inc.)的股东年度会议上,巴菲特(Warren Buffett)为其提高高收入者税负的提议辩护说,为了公平起见,收入多的人应当付出更多。

The billionaire investor also said the cash-rich company recently came close to landing a megaacquisition. He fielded a host of questions about how Berkshire might boost its shares, which have largely sat out the stock rally of the past two years.


Saturday's meeting was the first appearance before shareholders by Mr. Buffett, the company's chief executive, since the 81-year-old said last month he has early-stage prostate cancer.


Mr. Buffett said Saturday that he feels 'terrific' and views the cancer as a 'nonevent' that hasn't changed his work habits.


The company's board has designated a man to succeed Mr. Buffett as CEO but hasn't named or told him. A proposal by a union-affiliated investment fund for greater succession transparency was defeated by shareholders, though Mr. Buffett told the sponsor that 'we are on the same page' in placing a high value on planning.


'I'm perfectly fine with the level of disclosure we have,' said David Rolfe, chief investment officer at Berkshire Hathaway investor Wedgewood Partners Inc., a St. Louis advisory firm with $1.7 billion in assets under management.

管理资产17亿美元的圣路易斯顾问公司Wedgewood Partners Inc.是伯克希尔-哈撒韦公司的投资者。该公司首席投资长罗尔夫(David Rolfe)说,我对当前的披露水平完全没有意见。

The all-day event opened as always with a 7 a.m., doors-open sprint by dozens of shareholders to the floor seats directly in front of the raised table where Mr. Buffett sits alongside Vice Chairman Charlie Munger. The meeting was expected to draw more than 35,000 people.

持续了一天的这场年会像往常一样,早上7点钟门一打开,数十名投资者就涌向大厅内的地板座椅。他们正对面的高桌边坐着的就是巴菲特和伯克希尔公司副董事长芒格(Charlie Munger)。预计这次会议将吸引3.5万人参加。

Mr. Buffett, who owns roughly a third of Berkshire's stock, was asked repeatedly if he would consider expanding the conditions under which Berkshire may repurchase shares, and whether he will consider paying a dividend, a concept he has long opposed.


Berkshire shares have vastly outperformed the stock market over the course of Mr. Buffett's four decades at the helm but have lagged behind the S&P 500 index since 2010.

巴菲特40年的掌管之下,伯克希尔的股价表现远远超过大市,但自2010年以来却一直落后于标准普尔500指数(S&P 500)的表现。

At one point Mr. Buffett mentioned, unprompted, that Berkshire recently considered a $22 billion acquisition. 'We would have liked to do it,' but the acquisition would have meant selling stocks Mr. Buffett would like to keep, he said.


The company had $37.83 billion in cash at the end of March and Mr. Buffett prefers not to go below $20 billion. He didn't provide any details about the target or the discussions.


The meeting was Berkshire's first since Mr. Buffett made headlines by saying those earning more than $1 million a year should pay a tax rate of at least 30%.


One questioner asked whether a CEO should keep his political views 'muted,' prompting Mr. Buffett to respond that he has a duty to share his views on economic questions.


Mr. Buffett said higher taxes on high earners are part of necessary 'sacrifice' at a time when a fifth of households subsist on $21,000 or less annually.


He added that high earners paid higher rates up until tax-code changes over the past two decades sharply reduced the proportion of income paid by top earners.


Colin Barr / Erik Holm