
The compliments aren't going to his head, David Chang says.

David Chang说,那些溢美之词不会让他冲昏头脑。

The 34-year-old chef behind the growing Momofuku empire opened his first restaurant outside New York last year with Momofuku Seiobo in Sydney. With 30 seats and a 175-Australian-dollar (roughly US$180) tasting menu, Seiobo has gotten a warm reception from local food critics.

34岁的Chang是正在壮大的Momofuku餐饮帝国的幕后主厨。去年他在悉尼开了纽约之外的第一家餐厅Momofuku Seiobo,有30个座位和一个175澳元(约180美元)的试味菜单。Seiobo餐厅受到了当地美食评论家的热情欢迎。

But Mr. Chang says the restaurant is still finding its stride. 'We're not there yet,' he says. 'The style of cooking is still not there.'


Over the past two years, he spent roughly six months in Sydney familiarizing himself with the local food scene. He adapted his menu to the region's specialties and developed a newfound appreciation for ingredients Down Under. 'They have access to arguably the best shellfish,' he says. 'The spiny lobsters? I don't even like lobster, but I like those.'


Where does he eat when he's there? Mr. Chang shared his five favorite restaurants in Sydney.


Golden Century

金唐海鲜酒家(Golden Century)

This Cantonese restaurant is where he dined the most often, Mr. Chang says. 'I try to go off the menu there. They make a great rendition of the XO sauce, and they do this pan-fried noodle. It's almost like a paella. I don't know how to describe it, but I like it.' 393-399 Sussex St., Haymarket, NSW 2000, Australia, +61 (02) 9212 3901, goldencentury.com.au


Chat Thai

地址:393-399 Sussex St., Haymarket, NSW 2000, Australia

When in Sydney, Mr. Chang visits Chat Thai once a week, he says. 'It's simple food, but it's so well made, and it gets out fast. I really love their bamboo shoot salad.' Five locations in Sydney, including 20 Campbell St., Haymarket, NSW 2000, Australia, +61 (02) 9211 1808, chatthai.com.au

电话:+61 (02) 9212 3901

Spice I Am


'Again, it's a Thai restaurant, but we really don't have anything comparable in America,' he says. 'I usually go here for a curry and some satay for lunch. There are large Thai and Vietnamese populations in Sydney, so there's a tremendousamount of good eating of those cultures there.' 90 Wentworth Ave., Surry Hills, NSW 2010, Australia, +61 (02) 9280 0928, spiceiam.com

Chat Thai泰餐厅

Spice Temple

Chang说,在悉尼时他每周都会去Chat Thai一次。他说,"都是简单的食物,但做得很好,而且上菜很快,我真的很喜欢他们的竹笋沙拉。"Chat Thai在悉尼有五家店,其中一家的地址是20 Campbell St., Haymarket, NSW 2000, Australia。

One of Australian celebrity chef Neil Perry's restaurants, 'I like it because it's not chasing authenticity, but it's spot on in terms of the dishes,' Mr. Chang says. 'I'm pre-dispositioned to eat really spicy food, and there are some extraordinarily hot ones here. I'll order everything and know it'll be spicy.' 10 Bligh St., Sydney NSW 2000, Australia, +61 (02) 8078 1888, rockpool.com

电话: +61 (02) 9211 1808


网址: chatthai.com.au

'1950s rockabilly-meets-Argentinian barbecue' is how Mr. Chang describes Porteno. 'I don't know how this could exist anywhere else but in Sydney,' he says. 'They sometimes reserve a pig or lamb's head, roast it and serve it whole. But all the grilled meats on the menu are good.' 358 Cleveland St., Surry Hills, NSW 2010, Australia, +61 (02) 8399 1440, porteno.com.au

Spice I Am泰餐厅