
Samsung Electronics Co. introduced a faster, larger version of its flagship smartphone, aimed at sustaining its strong growth in advanced cellphones and avoiding an escalation of a global patentdispute with Apple Inc.

三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.)Samsung Electronics 推出了速度更快、屏幕更大的新一代旗舰智能手机,此举意在维持其在高端手机市场的强劲增长势头,同时避免与苹果公司(Apple Inc.)间的全球专利纠纷进一步升级。

The Galaxy S III, unveiled at an event in London on Thursday, features facial-recognition technology and a souped-up processor that allows users to watch video and write messages at the same time.

周四在伦敦的一个活动上推出的三星Galaxy S III具有面部识别功能,处理器也经过了改进,还允许用户在观看视频的同时编写短信。

Samsung is hoping the new smartphone will help dent its rivals' market share ahead of an expected new version of Apple Inc.'s iPhone this year.


Samsung has generated momentum in cellphones: The company's first-quarter profit rose 82% from a year earlier to a record 5.05 trillion won ($4.47 billion), with three-fourths of that coming from its phone business.


However, the new phone comes as Samsung is set to face intensifying competition, not only from Apple, but also from Chinese manufacturers such as Huawei Technologies Co. and ZTE Corp., who are building less-expensive smartphones and phones under their own brands.

然而,随着这款新手机的推出,三星也将面临更加激烈的竞争。其对手不仅包括苹果,还包括华为技术有限公司(Huawei Technologies Co., 简称:华为)和中兴通讯股份有限公司(ZTE Corp., 简称:中兴通讯)等中国厂商。华为和中兴通讯正在生产自有品牌的中低端智能手机和功能手机。

Reflecting the increasinglycompetitive smartphone business, J.K. Shin, president of Samsung's mobile business, said in an interview that Samsung expects second-quarter earnings from its mobile business to be similar to the first.

鉴于智能手机业务的竞争日益激烈,三星移动业务总裁J.K. Shin在接受记者采访时表示,三星预计二季度其手机业务营收将和一季度相当。

Samsung aims to sell more than 200 million smartphones this year and grab 23% to 24% of the global handset market, Mr. Shin estimated, up from 21.1% last year.

J.K. Shin估计,三星的目标是今年售出超过2亿部智能手机,在全球手机市场的份额达到23%至24%,高于去年的21.1%。

Samsung didn't provide shipment data for its smartphones but some analysts estimated that it outsells Apple.


Samsung shipped 44.5 million smartphones in the first quarter, topping Apple's 35.1 million, according to Strategy Analytics. Samsung also overtook Nokia Corp. as the biggest handset maker.

根据市场研究公司Strategy Analytics的数据,今年一季度三星智能手机的出货量达到4,450万部,超过苹果3,510万部的成绩。三星也已经赶超诺基亚(Nokia Corp.)成为全球最大的手机厂商。

In contrast with Apple, Samsung's strategy for growth has been to sell a wide range of phones to soak up demand across price points. Mr. Shin said the company plans to offer more sub-$150 smartphones and introduce a smartphone using Microsoft Corp.'s newest operating system in September.

和苹果不同,三星的增长战略一直是销售各种价位的手机,以满足各类消费者的需求。J.K. Shin说,三星计划推出更多价格在150美元以下的智能手机,并将在今年9月推出一款搭载微软(Microsoft Corp.)最新操作系统的智能手机。

He declined to provide a sales forecast for the new Galaxy smartphone or comment on its price other than to say it would be more expensive than its predecessor, the Galaxy S II, which retails in the U.S. for about $500 without a contract from AT&T Inc.

J.K. Shin拒绝提供新一代Galaxy智能手机的销售预测数据,也不对其价格置评,只说它的价格会比上一代Galaxy S II更高。在美国,不带美国电话电报公司(AT&T Inc.)合约的Galaxy S II的零售价约为500美元。

The new phone will hit stores first in Europe, including London, at the end of this month. It is slated to reach the U.S. in the summer. It's not clear which carriers will offer the phone in the U.S., but the previous model was available through all four carriers -- AT&T, Verizon Wireless, Sprint Nextel Corp. and T-Mobile USA.

这款手机将在本月底首先登陆包括伦敦在内的欧洲市场。并计划于今夏在美国发售。目前还不清楚美国的哪家运营商将会销售这款手机,不过之前的型号在美国四家运营商全部有售。这四家运营商分别是美国电话电报公司, Verizon Wireless,Sprint Nextel Corp. 和T-Mobile USA。

Mr. Shin said the phone includes software and design modifications that won't be subject to patent litigation. 'Features that were identified in previous lawsuits aren't in this new model. We've created and invented many technologies,' he said.

J.K. Shin说,这款手机在软件和设计上的调整使手机不那么容易因专利纠纷遭到起诉。这款手机没有之前诉讼中提到的那些特点。他说:我们创造和发明了许多技术。

Apple and Samsung are embroiled in a global patentdispute over design and technology of mobile devices. A U.S. court has ordered the chief executives of the companies to hold settlement talks on May 21 and 22, which could set a precedent for other cases around the world.


Mr. Shin said Samsung would continue to fight the patent suits but acknowledged that a negotiated end would be preferable. 'Of course, fundamentally, settling would be better,' he said.

J.K. Shin说,三星将在专利诉讼战中坚持到底,但他也承认,通过谈判结束争端是更可取的办法。他说,当然,从根本上讲,和解会更好。

Samsung's new Galaxy S phone runs on Google Inc.'s Android software and comes with a faster chip -- a quad-core processor developed by the company to match the iPhone -- that allows users to watch video while emailing, for example.

三星新款Galaxy S手机搭载了谷歌(Google Inc.)的安卓(Android)操作系统,并且配备了运行速度更快的芯片,即三星独立开发的、可与iPhone相抗衡的四核处理器。该处理器可允许用户在发电子邮件的同时观看视频。

It also has voice and face-recognition capabilities. Samsung said the smartphone can detect eye movements and override the automatic shutdown feature if the user is looking at the 4.8-inch screen. The previous Galaxy S phone had a 4.3-inch screen, while the iPhone 4S's screen is 3.5 inches.

这款手机还拥有语音识别和面部识别功能。三星说,这款智能手机能够觉察到用户眼部的变化,如果用户正在盯着显示屏,手机可以暂时不运行自动待机功能。这款手机的屏幕尺寸为4.8英寸。此前的Galaxy S手机屏幕大小为4.3英寸,而iPhone 4S的屏幕为3.5英寸。

The new phone's main camera has a resolution of eight megapixels, the same as the previous model and comparable with the iPhone


The first version of the new phone will run on third-generation wireless networks, but Mr. Shin said that versions for 4G networks will be available in the summer.

这款手机的第一个版本将会支持第三代无线网络。J.K. Shin说,今年夏天会推出4G版。

'The S III is an evolution but not a revolution,' said Neil Mawston, executivedirector at Strategy Analytics. 'It's an improvement but it's not a game changer nor an iPhone killer.

市场研究机构Strategy Analytics的执行董事莫斯顿(Neil Mawston)说,Galaxy S III称得上是一种进化,但不算是革命。这款手机是对以往机型的改进,但是不具备改变游戏规则的实力,也无法打败iPhone。

'Samsung's strategy is to offer good hardware at a cheaper price so it'll give Apple some pause for thought,' Mr. Mawston said. 'It could put some pressure on Apple to develop a vastly improved iPhone 5.'

莫斯顿说,三星的战略是以更低的价格提供有着良好硬件配置的手机,这将让苹果停下脚步好好思考一番。三星的战略可能会让苹果在开发全新iPhone 5的过程中感到压力。

Jung-Ah Lee / Yun-Hee Kim