
Itches feel itchier when they're on the ankle or the back, compared with the forearm, according to a study in the British Journal of Dermatology.

英国皮肤病学期刊》(British Journal of Dermatology)发表的一项研究结果表明,脚踝或后背比前臂的痒感要强。

Researchers recruited 18 adults for the experiment. The researchers rubbed roughly the same number of cowhage spicules (the itch-inducing spiky bits of that plant, also known as velvet bean) on three locations: the front of the ankle; on the underside of the forearm; and under the shoulder blade on the back. Every 30 seconds for five minutes, the subjects rated the intensity of the itch from zero to 10.

研究人员找了18位成年人做实验。研究人员用等量的刺毛黧豆毛刺(刺毛黧豆的毛刺能导致皮肤发痒,也叫绒毛豆(velvet bean))对身体三个部位摩擦:前脚踝、前臂下部以及后背肩胛处。每隔30秒,研究对象按0到10的等级评定痒的程度。整个过程共持续五分钟。

The average 'itch intensity' rating was 6.0 for the ankle, 5.8 for the back, and 3.8 for the forearm. The researchers also examined the pleasurability of scratching the itches, which was higher for the ankle and back than for the forearm. (The researchers