
It didn't take a Hogwarts magician to know this day would eventually come.


The bookstore feature of J.K. Rowling's Pottermore website went live Tuesday, enabling English-language readers to buy the digital editions of all seven Harry Potter novels -- and the audiobook editions -- from anywhere in the world. Editions in French, Italian, German and Spanish will be the next wave.

周二,J.K.罗琳(J.K. Rowling)的网站Pottermore的网上书店正式上线。全球英语读者现在可以买到全部七本哈利•波特(Harry Potter)小说的电子书和有声读物。网站下一步还将推出法文、意大利文、德文和西班牙文的电子书。

The digital books are accessible on dedicated e-readers, tablets, personal computers and mobile phones. The first three Harry Potter titles are priced at $7.99 each, while the remaining four titles, which are longer, cost $9.99 each. Enhanced editions that may have video and other features will eventually follow.


The bookstore's website is shop.pottermore.com.


Ms. Rowling's books have sold an estimated 450 million physical copies and been translated into more than 70 languages. But because the author retained the digital rights to her works when she signed her publishing contracts, e-book editions weren't yet available.


Last June, Ms. Rowling said she was launching Pottermore as a site for Harry Potter fans to gather online, find new material -- and eventually buy her e-books. The retail side of the site initially was planned to launch last October, but it took Pottermore longer than expected to ensure the site could handle the expected volume of orders. In November, a veteran digital publishing executive, Charlie Redmayne, was brought in to get the site on track. The content side of the site, which is still in beta-testing, is expected to go live in early April. By selling the e-books on her own site, Ms. Rowling will keep most of the revenue, rather than sharing much of it with her publishers as is usually the case. On Tuesday afternoon, consumers were able to buy Harry Potter digital books via links on bookstores operated by Sony Corp., Amazon.com Inc. and Barnes & Noble Inc. The digital editions download directly onto the Sony Reader, Kindle and Nook from the Pottermore site. The retailers will get a cut of the sales.

去年6月,罗琳说她打算推出Pottermore网站,以便哈利•波特书迷在网上相聚,寻找新的素材,最终可以购买她的电子书。网站的零售业务最初打算于去年10月推出,但为了保证网站能应付预计出现的预定量,Pottermore所花的时间比此前预计的要长。去年11月,为了将网站带入正轨,一位资深的数字出版人雷德梅因(Charlie Redmayne)开始参与其中。网站的内容方面目前还处于测试阶段,预计将于4月初上线。通过在自己的网站上销售电子图书,罗琳将保留大部分收入,而不是像往常那样与她的出版商分享大部分收入。周二下午,消费者可以通过索尼公司(Sony Corp.)、亚马逊公司(Amazon.com Inc.)以及Barnes & Noble Inc.运营的网上书店的链接买到哈利•波特电子书。电子书可以直接下载到Sony Reader、Kindle以及Nook等电子书阅读器上。零售商还能获得销售提成。

Pottermore hasn't struck a similar deal with Apple Inc., said Mr. Redmayne, which means that its books won't appear within Apple's iBookstore. Apple device owners will be able to access the books through other retailer apps.

雷德梅因说,Pottermore网站没有和苹果公司(Apple Inc.)签署类似协议,这意味着这一系列电子书不会出现在苹果的iBookstore上。苹果设备用户可以通过其它零售商的应用程序看到这本书。

An Apple representative declined to comment.


Jeffrey A. Trachtenberg