
An action film featuring active-duty Navy SEALs captured the weekend box office crown, earning $24.7 million in North America, according to early estimates.

初步估计,一部由美国现役海豹突击队(Navy SEALs)队员主演的动作片《勇者行动》(Act of Valor)以2,470万美元的成绩夺得上周北美周末票房冠军。

'Act of Valor,' distributed by Relativity Media LLC and produced for $12 million, opened on 3,039 screens in its first weekend in theaters. The film, about a Navy SEAL team on a mission to rescue a kidnapped Central Intelligence Agency officer, was a hit with men, drawing a 71% male audience.

由好莱坞电影制作公司Relativity Media LLC发行、投资仅1,200万美元的《勇者行动》上映首周末便登陆3,039家院线。这部影片讲述的是一支海豹突击队奉命拯救一位被绑架的美国中央情报局(CIA)探员的故事,因此受到男性观众的青睐,男性观影者占观影总人数的比例高达71%。

'Tyler Perry's Good Deeds' took the second spot in its first weekend in theaters, grossing $16 million in domestic receipts, according to early estimates. The film, distributed by Lions Gate Entertainment Corp., stars Mr. Perry on a break from his signature Madea character, instead featuring him as businessman Wesley Deeds. Mr. Perry also wrote and directed the movie.

初步估计,泰勒•佩里(Tyler Perry)自编自导的《新好男人》(Tyler Perry's Good Deeds)以1,600万美元的收入获票房亚军。这部由狮门影业公司(Lions Gate Entertainment Corp.)发行的影片由佩里主演,他摆脱了自己在"黑疯婆"(Madea)系列中所扮演的标志性角色,转而饰演了一个名为迪茨(Wesley Deeds)的生意人。

In third place, 'Journey 2: The Mysterious Island,' from Time Warner Inc.'s Warner Bros. Pictures, earned $13.5 million over the weekend, bringing its cumulative receipts to $76.6 million. Starring Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, the film is entering its fourth week in theaters.

位列排行榜第三位的是时代华纳公司(Time Warner Inc.)旗下华纳兄弟影业(Warner Bros. Pictures)出品的《地心历险记2:神秘岛》(Journey 2: The Mysterious Island)。该片上周末获得1,350万美元的收入,累计总票房7,670万美元。这部影片由绰号"巨石"的德韦恩•约翰逊(Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson)主演,即将进入公映第四周。

'Safe House,' the Denzel Washington thriller that took the top box-office spot last weekend, fell to fourth place, grossing $11.4 million. After its third week in theaters, 'Safe House,' distributed by Comcast Corp.'s Universal Pictures, has grossed $98 million.

上上周末夺得北美票房冠军的由丹泽尔•华盛顿(Denzel Washington)主演的惊悚片《藏身之所》(Safe House)上周末的排名跌至第四位,吸金1,140万美元。这部由康卡斯特公司(Comcast Corp.)旗下环球影业公司(Universal Pictures)发行的影片已实现9,800万美元的票房。

The romantic drama 'The Vow' rounded out the top five. Starring Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams, the movie took in $10 million, bringing its grosses to date to $103 million. 'The Vow' is distributed by Sony Corp.'s Screen Gems and Spyglass Entertainment.

浪漫爱情片《誓约》(The Vow)名列榜单第五位。这部影片由钱宁•塔特姆(Channing Tatum)和蕾切尔•麦克亚当斯(Rachel McAdams)担纲主演,上周末吸金1,000万美元,截至目前累计票房1.03亿美元。该片由索尼公司(Sony Corp.)旗下Screen Gems和好莱坞私人制片厂望远镜娱乐(Spyglass Entertainment)出品。

Erica Orden