
'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 1' stayed atop the box office its second week in theaters, earning $42 million domestically during the post-Thanksgiving weekend, and $62.3 million during the five-day holiday period, according to early estimates.

暮光之城4:破晓(上)》(The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, Part 1)连续两周蝉联票房冠军。据此前估计,在感恩节过后的这个周末,该片在美国国内收获了4,200万美元的票房,并在五天的假期期间该片总共揽获6,230万美元的票房。

The vampire-romance fantasy film, released by Summit Entertainment LLC, has taken in $221.3 million domestically and $489.3 million world-wide.

Summit Entertainment LLC发行的这部吸血鬼爱情题材的幻想电影已经在美国国内的票房收入为2.213亿美元,而在全球的票房收入则达到了4.893亿美元。

The weekend's biggest new release, Walt Disney Co.'s 'The Muppets,' couldn't catch 'Twilight,' taking in $29.5 million over the weekend and $42 million during the five-day period, but that beat studio expectations. The puppetrevivalvehicle stars Jason Segel and Amy Adams, alongside Kermit the Frog, Miss Piggy and other felt favorites.

华特-迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Co.)在上周末新上映的大片《布偶秀大电影》(The Muppets)的票房成绩不敌《暮光之城》。该片在上周末只收获了2,950万美元的票房,在感恩节五天假期期间收获了4,200万美元。但这一成绩已经超出了片方此前的预期。这部源自上世纪70年代同名综艺节目的影片由杰森•席格尔(Jason Segel)和艾米•亚当斯(Amy Adams)主演,同时出镜的还包括克米特青蛙(Kermit the Frog)和猪小姐(Miss Piggy)等受人喜爱的布偶。

At a cost of just $45 million, the film may prove a lucrative investment for rebooting the puppetfranchise across the spectrum of Disney platforms.


'I think more than anything the mission was to bring them back,' Dave Hollis, Disney Studios' executive vice president of sales and distribution, said of the Muppets.

迪士尼主管影片销售和分销的执行副总裁霍利斯(Dave Hollis)在谈到《布偶秀大电影》时说,拍摄此片的主要目的是要把当年这些为人熟知的布偶请回来。

'It opens the door for the possibility of more films or TV or whatever it might be,' Mr. Hollis said.


Two animated movies took the next spots. In its second weekend, 'Happy Feet Two,' released by Time Warner Inc.'s Warner Bros. Pictures, took in $13.4 million over the weekend ($18.4 during the five-day period), falling 37% from its opening weekend. And 'Arthur Christmas,' from Aardman Animation and Sony Corp.'s Sony Pictures Animation, earned $12.7 million during the weekend ($17 million during the five-day period).

票房成绩排在《布偶秀大电影》之后的是两部动画片。已经上映两周的《快乐的大脚2》(Happy Feet Two)在周末拿下1,340万美元的票房(在五天假期收获了1,840万美元),和上映首周末票房相比下滑了37%。该片由时代华纳公司(Time Warner Inc.)旗下华纳兄弟影业(Warner Bros. Pictures)发行。Aardman Animation和索尼公司(Sony Corp.)旗下Sony Pictures Animation联合推出的《亚瑟•圣诞》(Arthur Christmas)在上周末拿下1,270万美元的票房(在五天假期期间收获了1,700万美元)。

The Martin Scorsese-directed 'Hugo,' an adaptation of Brian Selznick's children's book about an orphan living in a Paris train station, opened at a relativelylimited 1,277 locations and earned $11.4 million during the weekend and $15.4 million for the five-day period.

马丁•斯科塞斯(Martin Scorsese)执导的《雨果•卡布里特》(Hugo)只在1,277家影院上映,该片在上周末获得了1,140万美元的票房,在五天假期期间收获了1,540万美元。影片改编自布赖恩•塞尔兹尼克(Brian Selznick)同名儿童小说,讲的是生活在巴黎一个火车站的孤儿的故事。

'My Week With Marilyn,' starring Michelle Williams as Marilyn Monroe, got off to a modest but auspicious start, taking in $1.8 million during the weekend and $2.1 during the five-day period. Weinstein Co., which released the film, opened it in 123 locations on Wednesday, adding another 121 locations on Friday.

影片《我与梦露的一周》(My Week With Marilyn)的票房成绩还算不错。该片在上周末揽获了180万美元的收入,在五天假期期间收获了210万美元的收入。米歇尔•威廉姆斯(Michelle Williams)在片中饰演玛丽莲•梦露(Marilyn Monroe)。影片发行公司Weinstein Co.上周三只选择了123家影院上映这部影片,到周五时又增加了121家影院。

'We wanted word of mouth to generate a little buzz, and it seemed to work,' said Erik Lomis, Weinstein Co.'s president of theatricaldistribution and home entertainment.

Weinstein Co.负责影片分销和家庭娱乐业务的总裁罗米思(Erik Lomis)说,此前我们曾希望良好的口碑能产生一点轰动效应,现在看来这已经实现了。