
误译:The efforts made to improve people's livelihood will enhance their sense of luckiness.
正译:The efforts made to improve people's livelihood will enhance their sense of happiness.
解释:luckiness 的意思是good things that happen to you by chance, not because of your own efforts or abilities,相当于"幸运"或"好运"。sense of luckiness是"碰巧走运的感觉"。而"幸福感",是人们对生活的满意度及其各个方面的全面评价,应译为 sense of happiness或 sense of wellbeing。
"感"的第一个意思与生理感觉相关。译为 sense, feel。
1. 由于我的方向感很差,我在一个新地方很容易迷路。As I have got a very poor sense of directions, I tend to get lost in a new place.
"感"的第二个意思与心理或感情相关。译为 sense。
2. 为你自己追名逐利,并不会给你的生活带来幸福感。The pursuit of fame and wealth for your own sake will not bring a sense of wellbeing to your life.
3. 宠物可以帮助孤单老人减少孤独感。A pet can help a lonely elder to reduce the sense of solitude.
"感"的第三个意思与思想和意识相关。英语可以译为 sense, awareness。
4. 使命感能成为你的事业和生活的动力。A sense of mission can become the driving force in your business and your life.
5. 在经济衰退过程中,一种危机感在商业公司中间很快地传播。During the economic recession, crisis awareness rapidly spread among the commercial companies.
6. 这些预防地震的措施大大地增强了人们的安全感。These measures designed to prevent earthquakes have greatly enhanced people's sense of safety.
