
Millions of Britons feel more patriotic due to the royal wedding and 2012 Olympics - but 60% cannot sing the national anthem.
Some 56% know just the first verse of God Save The Queen and only sing it for the football World Cup,the Greenall's Gin poll found.
Just 29% of people can sing the whole song. And 25% said Land of Hope and Glory makes them feel the most patriotic anyway.
Yet 87% think high profile events - such as the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and Euro 2012 - will boost patriotism.
Prince William and Kate's nuptials made 68% prouder to be British than ever before, the poll found. Some 54% said they last felt this strongly at the Queen's Silver Jubilee in 1977.

据英国《每日镜报》7日报道,因为2011年举行王室大婚和2012年举办奥运,英国人的爱国热情空前高涨, 但近60%的英国人却不会唱国歌。
英国著名企业Greenall日前做的一项调查显示,56%的英国人只会唱国歌《天佑女王》(God Save the Queen)的第一句,而且还只是在世界杯足球赛的时候才唱上一句。
能把整首国歌从头唱到尾的英国人只占29%,而25%的英国民众认为传统歌曲《希望和荣耀之土》(Land of Hope and Glory)比国歌更具爱国之情。