
The electronics manufacturer Foxconn has been accused of treating its workers like machines as they toil on assembly lines, particularly after a spate of suicides among its employees in recent years. Now the company, best known for producing iPhones and other hi-tech gadgets, has found a solution: use robots instead.
The Taiwanese company has vowed to expand automation in its plants, and plans to use a million robots in the next three years.
The news highlights questions about the future of China's Pearl River delta, "the factory of the world". Its low-cost, high-employment model has transformed the international economy, sucking in manufacturing from around the globe, and keeping down inflation in other countries through the flow of cheap exports.
As the world's biggest contract electronics maker, whose other clients include Sony, Nokia, Dell and Hewlett Packard, Foxconn has become an emblem of global manufacturing's ups and downs in China. It expanded at apparently unstoppable pace - with its mainland workforce growing from 600,000 just after the financialcrisis to a million - but has faced increasing costs and growing criticism of working conditions.
Terry Gou, founder and chairman, has said he wants to cut rising labor costs and improve efficiency by using the machines for simple and routine tasks such as spraying, welding and assembling.
Speaking at a company event, Gou said Foxconn already had 10,000 robots and would increase the number to 300,000 next year and a million within three.
"I don't think this is a one-off. Foxconn is often seen as a bellwether of global manufacturing," said Alistair Thornton of IHS Global Insight, suggesting other companies would follow suit.
"As labor costs rise, companies will have to invest more in automated facilities. But we shouldn't get carried away; there is still a lot of cheap labor out there," said Tom Miller, of Beijing-based economic consultancy GK-Dragonomics.







环球透视的阿里斯特•桑顿说:"我认为这一做法绝不会是个个例,富士康一直就是全球制造业的领头羊。" 这预示着其他公司也会效仿。
