
One of the fastest-growing costs in the global mining industry are workers like James Dinnison: the 25-year-old high-school dropout from Western Australia makes $200,000 a year running drills in underground mines to extract gold and other minerals.

雇佣像詹姆斯•迪尼森(James Dinnison)这样的工人所需的费用是全球采矿业增长最快的成本之一。这位来自西澳大利亚州的25岁小伙子高中没读完便辍学了,现在他在地下矿井操作钻机,开采黄金和其他矿石,每年能挣20万美元。

The heavily tattooed Mr. Dinnison, who started in the mines seven years ago earning $100,000, owns a sky-blue 2009 Chevy Ute, which cost $55,000 before a $16,000 engine enhancement, and a $44,000 custom motorcycle. The price tag on his chihuahua, Dexter, which yaps at his feet: $1,200.

身上满是刺青的迪尼森从七年前开始做矿工,起薪10万美元。他拥有一辆价值5.5万美元的天蓝色2009款雪佛兰Ute (Chevy Ute)跑车,并另外花了1.6万美元来升级引擎。他还有一辆价值4.4万美元的定制摩托车。他脚边那只汪汪叫的吉娃娃狗德克斯特(Dexter)价格为1,200美元。

A precious commodity himself, Mr. Dinnison belongs to a class of nouveau riche rising in remote and mineral-rich parts of the world, such as Western Australia state, where mining companies are investing heavily to develop and expand iron-ore mines. Demand for those willing to work 12-hour days in sometimes dangerous conditions, while living for weeks in dusty small towns, is huge.


'It's a historical shortage,' says Sigurd Mareels, director of global mining for research firm McKinsey & Co. Not just in Australia, but around the world. In Canada, example, the Mining Industry Council foresees a shortfall of 60,000 to 90,000 workers by 2017. Peru must find 40,000 new miners by the end of the decade.

麦肯锡咨询公司(McKinsey & Co)全球矿业部门主管西古德•马雷尔斯(Sigurd Mareels)说,"这是历史性的矿工荒。"矿工短缺不仅限于澳大利亚,在全球范围都是如此。举例来说,矿业委员会(Mining Industry Council)预计,到2017年加拿大会出现6万至9万个劳动力缺口。而秘鲁到2020年需要4万名新矿工。

Behind this need for mine workers is a construction boom in China and other emerging economies that has ramped up the demand for iron ore, used to make steel, and other metals used in construction, such as copper, typically used for wiring buildings.


The manpower dearth comes with a hefty price tag. 'Inflationary pressures are driving up costs and wages at mining hot spots like Western Australia, Chile, Africa,' said Tom Albanese, CEO of Rio Tinto PLC the world's third-biggest miner by sales. 'You're seeing double-digit wage growth in a lot of regions.'

劳动力的稀缺带来的是昂贵的人力成本。力拓股份有限公司(Rio Tinto PLC)首席执行长艾博年(Tom Albanese)说,"通货膨胀压力令西澳大利亚州、智利和非洲等热点产矿区的成本及工资节节攀升,很多地区工资是以两位数的幅度增长。"以销售额计算,力拓是全球第三大矿业公司。

The shortage is particularly acute in Australia, the world's biggest source of iron ore and the world's second-biggest gold producer.


The Minerals Council of Australia estimates the country needs an additional 86,000 workers by 2020, to complement a current work force estimated at 216,000. 'It's a tight labor market and difficult cost environment,' said Ian Ashby, president of BHP BillitonLtd.'s iron-ore division. To attract workers, BHP and other companies are building recreation centers, sports fields and art galleries in hardscrabble company towns. BHP said rising manpower and capital costs reduced earnings by $1.2 billion during the first half of 2011, when the company posted profit of $11.2 billion.

澳大利亚矿业协会(Minerals Council of Australia)估计,在2020年之前需要新招8.6万名矿工,来补充目前约21.6万人的矿工队伍。必和必拓(BHP Billiton Ltd)铁矿石部门总裁伊恩•阿什比(Ian Ashby)说,"这是个供不应求的劳动力市场,成本环境很严峻。"为了吸引工人,必和必拓和其他公司正在原本是不毛之地的矿区小镇兴建休闲中心、体育场和艺术画廊。必和必拓称,公司2011年上半年实现利润112亿美元,而人力和资本成本的上升令公司损失了12亿美元利润。

Some workers in Australia commute from the Philippines and New Zealand. 'It makes sense for me,' says 47-year-old Ricky Ruffell. The New Zealander, who drives a grader at Port Hedland in northern Australia, flies home once a month on a $1,200 ticket, paying for the fare himself out of his $120,000 annual income.

一些矿工在澳大利亚和菲律宾与新西兰之间通勤。47岁的新西兰人里奇•吕费尔(Ricky Ruffell)在澳大利亚北部的黑德兰港(Port Hedland)操作平地机,他每个月花1,200美元买机票回家探亲一次。年收入12万美元的吕费尔自己出这笔钱,他说,"这样挺合适的。"

Mr. Ruffell's employer, Welshpool, Australia-based NRW Holdings Ltd., said the company covers air fares only from within Australia. NRW declined to comment on individual workers but says it pays what the market demands.

吕费尔的雇主是总部位于澳大利亚威尔士浦(Welshpool)的NRW Holdings Ltd.。该公司称仅能报销澳大利亚境内的机票。NRW拒绝就员工个人言论置评,但表示公司是按市场需求付薪的。

The average salary in the Australian mining industry was about 108,000 Australian dollars, or about US$110,000, in 2010, which includes some part-time and lower-skilled workers and is well above the A$66,594 average for all Australians, according to the Australian government's Bureau of Statistics.

澳大利亚统计局(Bureau of Statistics)的数据显示,2010年,包括部分兼职和低技能工人工资在内的澳大利亚采矿业平均工资约为10.8万澳元(合11万美元),远高于澳大利亚整体平均工资66,594澳元。

William Boal, a professor at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, who studies the labor economics of mining, said the higher salaries reflect in part the higher expenses in isolated areas. 'There's also inflation because people have never seen this kind of money before, and they're spending it,' he said, referring to further increases in local prices as miners purchase more homes, cars and consumer goods.

爱荷华州德梅因(Des Moines)德雷克大学(Drake University)的教授威廉•博尔(William Boal)说,较高的薪水在一定程度上反映出偏远地区花销更大。研究采矿业劳动经济学的博尔说,"那些地方也有通货膨胀,因为这些人以前没赚过这么多钱,现在他们要把赚来的钱花掉。"他谈到,随着矿工购买更多的住房、汽车和消费品,当地物价出现了进一步上涨。

Mr. Dinnison went into miningsolely for the pay. While in high school, he said, he broke somebody's skull and teeth 'in a bar fight that I deeply regret and have never repeated'. He said the judge in his case told him that he could spend a year in prison or pay a $10,000 fine plus $16,000 compensation for the victim. 'I needed the money, so I went to the mines,' he said.


Barminco Ltd., a Western Australia-based mining-services company, hired him. Barminco CEO Neil Warburton didn't return calls seeking comment.

总部位于西澳大利亚州的采矿服务公司Barminco Ltd聘用了他。记者致电Barminco首席执行长尼尔•沃伯顿(Neil Warburton)请他就此置评,但他没有回复。

Mr. Dinnison, who has mined copper, tin, nickel and gold, drills holes that are then packed with explosives to extract ore. He wears a $5,000 gold chain crucifix. 'I'm not religious, but I am conscious that what I do is serious,' he said. 'But then you come home and you have all that cash.'


Despite having earned roughly US$1 million since he started, he has no savings and doesn't apologize. 'The mines are so dull, that when you get back here, everything is stimulation and excitement,' he said. 'The money I spend supports other businesses because of the [stuff] I blow it on.'


Mr. Dinnison proudly calls himself a Cub