
A year and a half after Steve Jobs endorsed it in an unusual essay, a set of programming techniques called HTML5 is rapidly winning over the Web.

一年半之前,史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)在一篇非同寻常的文章中力挺一种称为HTML5的程序设计技术,如今这一技术正在迅速征服整个网络界。

The technology allows Internet browsers to display jazzed-up images and effects that react to users' actions, delivering game-like interactivity without installing additional software. Developers can use HTML5 to get their creations on a variety of smartphones, tablets and PCs without tailoring apps for specifichardware or the online stores that have become gatekeepers to mobile commerce.


That promise -- and the lure of Apple Inc. (AAPL) devices in particular -- is sweeping aside alternative technologies. In the latest development, Adobe Systems Inc. (ADBE) said Wednesday it will pull back on pushing the rival Flash format opposed by Jobs for mobile devices.

HTML5──已经成为苹果公司(Apple Inc.)产品的一大亮点──把其他的技术扫到了一边,最新的发展动态是,奥多比系统公司(Adobe Systems Inc.)于11月2日表示,将停止对移动版Flash的开发。乔布斯曾反对在移动设备上使用Flash。

'HTML5 is a major step forward,' says venturecapitalist Marc Andreessen, who helped invent the first successful browser, Netscape, in the 1990s.

风险投资人马克•安德瑞森(Marc Andreessen)曾经在1990年代资助了第一个成功的浏览器Netscape的开发工作,他说:HTML5是向前迈出的重要一步。

Another Silicon Valley investor, Roger McNamee, predicts the technology will let artists, media companies and advertisers differentiate their Web offerings in ways that weren't practical before. 'HTML5 is going to put power back in the hands of creative people,' he says.

另一名硅谷投资家罗杰•麦克纳米(Roger McNamee)预言,HTML5技术能让艺术家、媒体公司和广告商用从前不可能使用的方式使他们的网络作品别具一格。他说:HTML5技术将把威力放回到富有创造力的人们的手中。

Many companies are placing bets. Amazon.com Inc. (AMZN) used HTML5 for a Web-based app called Kindle Cloud Reader that sidesteps Apple rules for selling content on its iPhone and iPads.

许多公司都在HTML5上下注。亚马逊公司(Amazon.com Inc.)使用HTML5技术开发了网页应用程序Kindle云阅读器(Kindle Cloud Reader),它避开了苹果公司对在iPhone和iPad上出售内容的有关规定。

'Angry Birds' creator Rovio Entertainment Ltd. developed an HMTL5 version that lobs avian projectiles at enemy pigs with no need for an app. Pandora Media Inc. (P) used the technology to overhaul its popular Internet radio website, which launches more quickly and helps users more easily track others' listening patterns. Publications including Playboy and Sports Illustrated used HTML5 to let online readers boost the size of photos and rapidly flip through them.

"愤怒的小鸟"游戏开发商Rovio Entertainment Ltd.开发出了该游戏的HMTL5版本,用户不需要应用程序就能向坏猪投掷鸟弹。Pandora Media Inc.使用HMTL5技术改革了其广受欢迎的电台网站,使得登录更为快捷,帮助用户更容易地跟踪其他人的收听方式。《花花公子》(Playboy)和《体育画报》(Sports Illustrated)等出版物使用HTML5技术让在线读者能够放大照片的尺寸以及迅速地查看照片。

The trend has been fueled by Apple, Google Inc. (GOOG) and Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) -- rivals that more often disagree about technology choices -- by building HTML5 support into their latest Web browsers. So have the Mozilla Foundation, maker of Firefox, and Opera Software ASA.

这种趋势受到了苹果公司、谷歌公司(Google Inc.)及微软公司(Microsoft Corp.)的推动,这些竞争对手在选择技术手段的问题上常常意见相左,它们却都在最新的网络浏览器上采用HTML5技术做支持。推出了火狐(Firefox)浏览器的Mozilla Foundation也是如此,奥普拉软件股份有限公司(Opera Software ASA)亦不例外。

Some 34% of the 100 most popular websites used HTML5 in the quarter ended in September, according to binvisions.com, a blog that tracks Web technologies. Resume searches by hiring managers looking for HTML5 expertise more than doubled between the first quarter and the third quarter, according the tech job site Dice.com.


The excitement has spread despite the fact that HTML5 is missing some key features. Many users, moreover, won't notice striking differences from websites that use Flash.


But Flash, a dominant Web technology before the advent of smartphones, relies on downloaded add-ins to browsers called plug-ins. Jobs withheld support for the approach in iPhones and iPads, and railed against it his April 2010 essay 'Thoughts on Flash.'

Flash是智能手机出现以前互联网技术的权威,它依赖下载到浏览器的附件,即插件程序。乔布斯生前拒绝在iPhone和iPad上支持Flash,并且在他2010年4月发表的文章《Flash之我见》(Thoughts on Flash)中对其提出严厉抨击。

Besides citing technical concerns with Flash, Jobs argued Apple couldn't allow itself to become dependent on Adobe for such critical technology. As a result, on Apple's mobile devices, websites that rely on Flash display black boxes where videos or graphics should appear.


Adobe rejected Jobs's arguments, but hedged its bets by developing programming tools that support HTML5 as well as Flash. On Wednesday, it said it would no longer develop new versions of Flash for mobile browsers.


Google has continued to support Flash in the browser delivered with its Android software. But developers want to create Web apps that work both with Android and iOS, Apple's mobile operating system, says Danny Winokur, Adobe's general manager for interactive development.

谷歌公司安卓(Android)平台的浏览器还继续支持Flash,但是奥多比公司交互开发业务总经理丹尼•温诺库尔(Danny Winokur)说,应用程序开发者想要开发在安卓和苹果公司的移动操作系统iOS上都能行得通的网络应用程序。

'If you want to be delivering a Web experience around multiple devices, you have to be doing it in HTML5,' he says.


HTML5 takes its name from hypertext markup language, the standard commands used to create Web pages. But the term is a catchall for multiple techniques to handle elements like typography, graphics and video.

HTML5得名于超文本标记语言(hypertext markup language),这种语言是制造网络页面所使用的标准指令。但是这个术语涵义很广,也指处理排印、图像和视频等元素的多种技术。

'When you show people HTML5 applications, they say that doesn't feel at all like a website,' says Dean Hachamovitch, the corporate vice president in charge of Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser.

微软公司主管Internet Explorer浏览器业务的副总裁迪恩•哈恰莫维奇(Dean Hachamovitch)说:当你把HTML5应用程序展示给人们看时,他们说一点都不觉得像个网站。

The technology is equally important for companies to play snazzy-looking ads, says James Lamberti, a vice president at InMobi Mobile Insights, which places ads on mobile devices. He says that major advertisers using its services swelled to 250 in September from 62 in January. 'If they are doing rich-media ads, they are doing HTML5.'

移动设备广告发布商InMobi Mobile Insights公司副总裁詹姆斯•兰伯提(James Lamberti)说,这种技术对那些要展示华美广告的公司来说同样也很重要。他说,使用其服务的大广告商从今年1月的62家增加到今年9月的250家,如果他们做富媒体广告,他们就必须用HTML5。

Then there are Flash-based games that haven't been available on the iPhone and iPad, such as popular titles from Zynga Inc., that work with Facebook Inc.'s social network. The San Francisco company recently announced three HTML5-based games that work on the Apple devices, exploiting a new Facebook mobile app platform that supports the technology.


Interest from game developers was apparent last week at New Game 2011, a technicalconference in San Francisco. Though HTML5 games don't match the graphics and fast action of PC and console games, attendees noted, free social games on the Web are attracting users.

不久前在旧金山召开的技术会议New Game 2011上,游戏开发商对HTML5的兴趣十分明显。与会者指出,尽管HTML5游戏在图像和快动作方面无法与PC电脑和单机游戏相比,但免费的网络社交游戏对用户的吸引力正在不断增强。

'The real thing you are competing for now is not dollars but the users' time,' says Richard Hilleman, chief creativedirector for game maker Electronic Arts Inc. (ERTS). 'So I need to be everywhere they are, and on all the devices that they have.'

游戏开发商艺电公司(Electronic Arts Inc.)的创意总监理查德•希勒曼(Richard Hilleman)说:大家竞争的真正对象不是金钱而是用户的时间。因此我要到用户们所在的一切地方,把游戏放到他们拥有的所有设备上。

A shift to HTML5 games that work on many devices, in theory at least, could reduce one of Apple's advantages -- the thousands of apps that work only with its hardware specifically.


Cadir Lee, Zynga's chief technology officer, predicts companies will keep tailoring apps for hit devices like Apple's. Yet he thinks HTML5 could eventuallyevolve to be an even broader technology movement. 'There is another wave of that revolution that is coming,' Lee says.

Zynga公司的首席技术长卡迪尔•李(Cadir Lee)预言,各公司将继续为苹果之类受欢迎的设备设计专门的应用程序,不过他认为HTML5技术最终会演变为范围更广的技术革命。他说:另一波革命浪潮正在袭来。

Don Clark