
Readers of my Review essay on The High-Beta Rich will recall David and Jackie Siegel, the wealthy Florida couple who was building the largest home in America until they stopped construction and put it up for sale.

读过我在《高贝塔值富翁》(The High-Beta Rich)一书中的评论文章的人应该还记得戴维·西格尔(David Siegel)和杰姬·西格尔(Jackie Siegel),这对佛罗里达州的富翁夫妇建造了美国最大的宅邸......但是最终却停工了,并将这座大宅放盘。

As I mentioned, their 90,000-square-foot home, called Versailles, is on the market for $75 million. After David's time-share company, Westgate Resorts, got hit by the credit crunch, the couple put the home up for sale to raise cash and slashed their personal spending.

如我之前所言,他们那座9万平方英尺(约合8360平米)的巨宅(被称作"凡尔赛宫")开价7500万美元,戴维的分时度假公司Westgate Resorts遭到信用困境的打击后,这对夫妇挂牌出售此屋以筹集现金,并且削减了个人开支。

Last week, in an interview with the Orlando Sentinel, David Siegel explained that the home isn't reflective of his thrifty nature.

最近在接受《奥兰多前哨报》(Orlando Sentinel)采访时,戴维解释说,这座大宅没有反应出他的节俭作风。他对《前哨报》说:这是一座华丽的房子,我们需要它吗?不。我们想要它吗?是。

'It was a magnificent home,' he told the Sentinel. 'Did we need it? No. Did we want it? Yes.'


'I'm very frugal,' he added. 'That house kind of makes me look the other way