
The man who brought you the iPod had a message for the inventor of the Walkman: Keep it simple, Sony. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Howard Stringer, Sony's CEO, reminisced about how Steve Jobs once said: 'You need to focus more.' Not that Mr. Stringer, waving a new pair of Sony's 3-D binoculars, seems to have taken much notice. Unfocused Sony also makes cameras, TVs and game consoles.


Says Mr. Stringer: 'Should we do this many products? We're a very big company, engineers make products. That's what they . . . do, that's what they love. We do have to find a way to compete against Apple that has two products a year when we have 50. . . . When Sony was small, it had a different environment. It was the leader.'

索尼首席执行长斯特林格(Howard Stringer)在接受《华尔街日报》采访时回忆起乔布斯(Steve Jobs)曾经说过的一句话:你需要更加专注。如今挥舞着索尼新款3D眼镜的斯特林格当时似乎并没有怎么注意。不专注的索尼还生产相机、电视机和游戏主机。

And Sony's not about to embrace the Apple way. Mr. Stringer pointed out that cutting products would mean closing businesses and layoffs -- tough for a Japanese company. But with Apple shares up 19% this year and Sony down 52%, maybe it is time the latter embraced the simple life.


Shara Tibken