
Tim Cook promised that Apple Inc. wouldn't change when he took over the company's helm from Steve Jobs in August.

2011年8月蒂姆•库克(Tim Cook)从史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)手中接过掌门人一职时,曾表示苹果公司(Apple Inc.)不会发生变化。库克是苹果的资深员工,2005年成为首席运营长,曾在乔布斯多次因病休假期间代为执掌公司。

But the low-key Mr. Cook has already put his operational mark on Apple in ways that suggest the company won't be entirely the same as under its intense and tempestuous co-founder.


In recent weeks, Mr. Cook has tended to administrative matters that never interested Mr. Jobs, such as promotions and corporate reporting structures, according to people familiar with the matter. The new chief executive, 50 years old, has also been more communicative with employees than his predecessor, sending a variety of company-wide emails that address Apple employees as 'Team,' people close to the company said.


Mr. Cook has also displayed some different corporate philosophies from Mr. Jobs. The new CEO recently announced a charitableprogrampromising Apple would match employee donations to non-profits of up to $10,000 a year, starting in the U.S. In contrast, Mr. Jobs said at a company off-site meeting last year that he was opposed to giving money away, according to a person who attended.


Much about the technology giant hasn't changed and isn't expected to. Mr. Cook, an Apple veteran who became chief operating officer in 2005 and who ran the company during Mr. Jobs's multiple medical leaves, isn't a fan of reorganizations, said a person familiar with the matter. He is also a fiercebeliever in Apple's culture, which prizes product development and design and preaches intense secrecy.


But the moves Mr. Cook has made since he officially took over the CEO title on Aug. 24 provide signs of how he will seek to run Apple in the years ahead, imposing more discipline on a place that for years was guided by Mr. Jobs's gut.


An Apple spokesman declined to comment and said Mr. Cook wasn't available for an interview.


A supply chain whiz fluent in sales charts and forecasts, Mr. Cook is a disciplined manager and a contrast to Mr. Jobs, who had little patience for management matters, according to friends and colleagues of both.


Mr. Cook is accessible, and over the years served as a sounding board for executives who wanted advice on approaching Mr. Jobs, former Apple employees say.


In recent weeks, Mr. Cook has restructured Apple's big education division that deviated from the company's overall organizational structure, according to a person familiar with the matter.


For years, that business had operated fairly independently. Mr. Cook split the business into a sales arm and a marketing arm and incorporated the groups into their respective company-wide divisions, said this person.


The move streamlined Apple's structure and increased the responsibilities of senior vice president of world-wide product marketing Phil Schiller and John Brandon, a vice president who oversees many of Apple's sales channels and has worked closely with Mr. Cook for years, this person said. Apple's education head John Couch, who had reported to Mr. Cook, now reports to Mr. Schiller.

据该知情人透露,此举优化了苹果的组织结构,强化了全球产品营销资深副总裁菲尔•席勒(Phil Schiller)和副总裁约翰•布兰顿(John Brandon)的职责。布兰顿负责苹果许多销售渠道的管理工作,多年来一直与库克紧密合作。苹果教育培训部门的负责人约翰•考奇(John Couch)以前直接向库克汇报工作,现在则向席勒汇报工作。

Within days of taking over, Mr. Cook also promoted vice president Eddy Cue to Apple's senior vice president of Internet software and services, bumping up the title of one of the company's most visible executives.

接手公司仅几天,库克就提拔副总裁艾迪•库伊(Eddy Cue)为互联网软件及服务资深副总裁,让这名苹果公司最为外界瞩目的经理在职务方面更进了一步。

Former executives and people close to Apple say they also expect Mr. Cook to be more open with shareholders and customers than Mr. Jobs, citing Mr. Cook's willingness to meet fairly regularly with investors over the years.


'Steve thought he had all the answers,' said Toni Sacconaghi, a research analyst who covers Apple for Sanford Bernstein & Co. 'I am not sure Tim thinks he has all the answers.' Mr. Sacconaghi also describes Mr. Cook as 'surprisingly candid' about parts of the company, such as its iPhone expansion strategy.

投资银行桑福德伯恩斯坦公司(Sanford Bernstein & Co.)负责研究苹果公司的分析师托尼•萨克纳西(Toni Sacconaghi)指出,"史蒂夫觉得自己无所不能,而我不敢确定库克是否也是如此。"萨克纳西还说库克在一些事情上"出乎意料地坦率",如iPhone手机的扩张策略等。

One area people expect Mr. Cook to eventually focus on is what to do with Apple's $81.6 billion in cash and cash equivalents. Mr. Jobs was opposed to stock buybacks, according to former Apple executives.


But Mr. Cook seems open to more traditional options for Apple's cash hoard, such as dividends or a buyback, say people who have discussed the matter with Apple executives.


On the company's fiscal fourth quarter earnings call last month, Mr. Cook said, 'I'm not religious about holding cash or not holding it.'


Any such moves would be up to all of Apple's directors, of which Mr. Cook is one, and wouldn't likely happen soon, according to one of these people.


One other difference with Mr. Jobs: Mr. Cook is 'not a product guy,' his colleagues and friends often say. That's a sentiment Mr. Jobs himself echoed to author Walter Isaacson in a recently published biography.

库克的同事跟朋友经常说,库克与乔布斯的另一大区别在于:库克"不是一个产品奇才。"在最近出版的由沃尔特•艾萨克森(Walter Isaacson)撰写的乔布斯传记中,乔布斯对库克也做出了类似的评价。

People close to the company question whether Mr. Cook can continue the string of hits that have made Apple the world's largest technology company.


In the past, Mr. Cook once asked an employee briefing him on a new service, 'tell me again how this helps me sell more phones,' according to this person.
