
Apple's Macintosh computers have long been able to run Windows, in addition to their native operating system, Mac OS X. But the process has sometimes been clumsy, slow or taxing to the machine and it hasn't been tailored to the new Lion version of Apple's OS.

苹果公司(Apple)的Mac电脑除了运行自带的Mac OS X操作系统,也早就可以运行Windows系统了,但运行的过程有时会比较笨拙,不但运行速度较慢,也会加重电脑负担。此外,这种双系统进程还未针对苹果新推出的Lion操作系统进行优化。

Now, the most popular utility for running Windows programs simultaneously with Mac programs has been updated in a speedier version that takes advantage of some Lion features. It's called Parallels Desktop 7 for Mac, and it goes on sale Sept. 1, as a $50 upgrade for current Parallels users and on Sept. 6 for new users at $80. The product comes from a Seattle company of the same name.

现在,能同时运行Window程序和Mac程序的最流行工具已发布更新,并利用Lion系统的一些新功能,让运行速度更流畅。这款软件叫做Parallels Desktop 7 for Mac(简称PD7),从2011年9月1日起面向老用户以50美元的价格提供升级服务,从9月6日起以80美元的价格向新用户发售。该软件的开发商是美国西雅图的一家公司,公司的名字就叫Parallels。

I've been testing the new Parallels 7 on last year's version of the MacBook Air laptop, running Lion with 4 gigabytes of memory. That's the recommended amount of memory for running Windows 7, the version of Windows I tested.

我用2010年款的MacBook Air笔记本电脑对PD7进行了测试。这款电脑使用的是Lion系统,内存为4G,这是运行我测试的Windows 7所建议的内存容量。

In my tests, this latest Parallels edition ran Windows quickly and smoothly, and integrated well with some of Lion's new features, even though my test Mac isn't the fastest Apple laptop available today.

虽然我测试用的MacBook Air并不是当前最快的苹果笔记本,但在测试中,PD7运行Windows速度很快,而且相当流畅,与Lion系统的一些新功能也整合得很好。

For instance, while I'm writing this in a Mac program on the Air, I'm simultaneouslyrunning the Windows-only Internet Explorer Web browser, and a couple of other Windows programs, with no discernible slowdown in any of them. I can easily recommend Parallels 7 to Mac users who need to use Windows programs some of the time.

举例来说,我在MacBook Air上用苹果程序写这篇文章时,还同时在运行Windows版的IE浏览器以及其他几个Windows软件,但没有察觉任何一个软件有延迟现象。因此,我很乐意向那些有时需要使用Windows 程序的苹果用户推荐PD7。

I also tested a new companion Parallels Mobile iPad and iPhone app, which allows you to remotely control both your Mac and Windows running on your Mac. I am less sanguine about this product, which also goes on sale Thursday, for an introductory price of $5 (the regular price is $20). It did work, but like similar mobile programs for controlling PCs, I found it a bit awkward to use.


Parallels works by creating a so-called virtual machine inside your Mac. Within this virtual machine, you can install a copy of Windows you've purchased and it will behave like a faux Windows computer, compatible with the same programs as a physical Windows PC.


You can run Windows programs on your Mac either in one large window that displays the Windows desktop and taskbar, or in a mode that allows the Windows programs you run to simply appear on the Mac as if they were Mac programs, without the Windows desktop.

用 PD7虚拟出来的Windows程序有两种工作模式,第一种是在Windows桌面和任务栏中显示,另一种是直接在Mac操作系统的窗口下运行,就好像原生的Mac程序一样,而不显示Windows桌面。

Going Back and Forth


Either way, you can switch back and forth between this virtual Windows computer and your regular Mac environment. You can copy and paste material between Mac programs and Windows programs, and drag files between the two operating systems. You can even open files from the Mac side of the machine in Windows programs, provided they are compatible.

不管采用哪种模式,用户都可以方便地在虚拟的Windows和正常的Mac环境中切换,可以在Mac 程序和Windows程序之间使用复制粘贴,在两个操作系统之间拖放文件,甚至可以使用Windows程序打开Mac环境下的文件,前提是文件本身有这种兼容性。

This isn't the same as another method for running Windows on a Mac, called Boot Camp -- a built-in feature of the Mac designed by Apple. Boot Camp, which also requires you to purchase and install Windows, has two big advantages over Parallels: It's free, and it dedicates the Mac's hardwaresolely to Windows, so it runs Windows programs even faster.

这与另一种虚拟机软件Boot Camp的运行机制不同。Boot Camp是苹果公司自己设计开发的,也是Mac电脑的一项内置功能。它同样要求用户购买并安装Windows系统,但有两个大大优于Parallels的地方:一是免费,二是把Mac电脑的硬件全部用来跑Windows,使Windows程序运行起来更快速。

But it has a big disadvantage. It doesn't allow you to run both operating systems simultaneously, or copy and paste material between them. With Boot Camp, if you want to switch between the Mac OS and Windows, you have to reboot the Mac.

但它也有一个巨大的弱点,不允许同时运行两个系统,也不能在两大系统之间复制粘贴。使用Boot Camp时,如果你想在Mac和Windows系统之间切换,就必须重启机器。

I found that the new Parallels started and resumed Windows much faster than its predecessor. When launching Windows, the Mac no longer slowed to a crawl, as it had in past versions.


All Windows 7 programs I tested launched and ran quickly and smoothly, and the fancy visual effects in Windows 7, such as mini-previews for icons in the taskbar, worked great.

我测试的所有Windows 7程序都能快速顺畅地启动,Windows 7的华丽视觉效果──比如任务栏的迷你预览图标等──也得以保留。

Playing Solitaire


I was able to run the Windows versions of Microsoft Office (including Outlook), Quicken, and many other programs. I also easily ran such Windows-only programs as IE, Windows Media Player and even the venerable Windows Solitaire.

我还在Mac环境下运行了办公软件 Microsoft Office(包括邮件客户端Outlook)、理财软件 Quicken、Windows专属的IE 浏览器、Windows 媒体播放器甚至非常容易崩溃的空当接龙游戏等大量应用程序,运行得都非常好。

In addition, the new Parallels for the first time can take advantage of the Mac's built-in webcam.


It has a new wizard for creating a virtual machine. And now, it will even allow you to buy, download and install Windows right from within Parallels. Previously, you had to obtain Windows separately. This is a big improvement, in my view.


Playing Solitaire


Windows, and Windows programs, can be displayed in Lion's new Launchpad feature, which mimics the main screen of an iPad. They also show up and behave like Mac programs in Lion's new Mission Control feature, which shows all the programs running on the Mac in miniature. Windows programs can also run in Lion's new full-screen mode.

苹果Lion系统引入了LaunchPad这个应用程序启动工具,它的界面和iPad很相似。安装PD7并创建Windows虚拟机之后,就能直接通过LaunchPad运行Windows系统和Windows程序,甚至能像Mac程序一样出现在Lion系统全新的"任务控制"(Mission Control)界面中(即以缩略图方式显示所有在机器上运行的程序),也能够使用Lion系统的全屏模式。

The companion iPad app has been enhanced so it not only remotely controls the virtual machine, but the entire Mac. This has some advantages, such as allowing you to view Flash videos that the iPad normally can't play, by playing them remotely on the computer.

iPad 版的Parallels也得到了强化,用户不仅可以直接在 iPad 上远程控制虚拟机,还可以控制Mac电脑。这样能带来一些好处,比如通过远程控制电脑播放,在iPad上看正常情况下不支持的Flash视频。

But I found that, as on other iPad apps for remotely controlling computers, controlling PC and Mac screens is difficult using iPad gestures.

但我发现,iPad 版Parallels与远程控制电脑的其他iPad应用程序一样,通过iPad手势来远程控制个人电脑和苹果电脑不太容易。

Many Virtual Machines


Parallels 7 can create and run multiple virtual machines, and also handle operating systems other than Windows. For instance, I was able to run Linux and an open-source version of Google's Chrome OS on my Mac using Parallels. At one point in my tests, I had four operating systems running at once, and could control all four from an iPad.

PD7可以创建并运行多个虚拟机系统,并且不限于Windows系统。举个例子来说,我在自己的Mac电脑上用PD7运行了Linux和谷歌Chrome OS操作系统的开源版本。在测试中,我成功地一次同时运行四个虚拟机系统,而且所有的虚拟机都可以通过iPad进行远程控制。

Oddly, the new Parallels can even run a second, virtual copy of Lion, on a Lion-equipped Mac, though this would mainly be of interest to developers testing products.


(Apple says Lion won't work in a virtual machine running on a PC.)


There are a couple of drawbacks to Parallels 7. As in prior versions, it can't run the most graphics-intensive Windows games and other programs, so heavy-duty gamers will do better with Boot Camp or a physical Windows PC. And I found it wouldn't share my Verizon 4G data modem with the Mac OS.

PD7也有一些弱项。与之前的版本一样,它不能运行对图形性能要求较高的游戏和其他应用,因此游戏玩家还是得使用Boot Camp或直接在Windows电脑上玩比较好。此外,我发现它也不能直接共享Mac系统中的Verizon 4G无线网卡。

If you're likely to be using Windows most of the time, it's best to just use a regular Windows PC. But for Mac users who need to run a few Windows programs some of the time, Parallels 7 is a fine product.


Walter S. Mossberg