
New research hints at a silver lining for children after divorce: happier stepfamilies.


Some social scientists have claimed that divorce harms children for the rest of their lives leading them to form marriages as unhappy as their parents'. But other recent studies say marital breakups have mixed long-term effects, fostering growth in some children and the resolve to build happier marriages of their own.


In support of the second viewpoint, a recent Pew Research Center study suggests that if divorced parents remarry, the kids' own marriages may benefit from the example of a parent's second, happier union. Indeed, some 60% of children who grow up in stepfamilies say their marriages are closer than those of their own biological parents, says the Pew survey of 2,691 adults, conducted last October. Also, some 70% of people with step-relatives say they are very satisfied with their family lives, the Pew study shows. The study indicates that stepkids may be benefiting from a parent's positive bond with a stepparent.

皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)近期一份研究报告支持了第二种观点。报告显示,如果离婚父母各自再婚,比原来更幸福的第二次结合可能会成为子女的榜样,从而造福于他们自己的婚姻。事实上,据皮尤中心去年10月对2,691名成年人的调查,成长于继父继母家庭的子女当中,约60%的人都说他们的婚姻关系比亲生父母更加紧密。皮尤中心这项调查还显示,约70%有继亲的人对自己的家庭生活非常满意。这项调查说明,继子女或许在受益于亲生父/母与继母/父之间的积极婚姻关系。

Still, blood is thicker than water. The 42% of Americans who have at least one step-relative typically feel a stronger sense of obligation to their biological parent, child or sibling than to their step-relatives, the Pew survey says. Significantly higher percentages of respondents said they would feel obligated to provide financial help or care to a biologicalrelative who was in trouble, compared with those who would help a step-relative who was in trouble.


Parenting.com offers some tips for dealing with the stresses of life with kids post-divorce: Allow children in blended families to get to know each other gradually, on an individual basis, rather than forcing group outings. And while stepparents should be treated with respect by stepchildren, it is usually best to let the biological parent take the lead on discipline. (We also provide more tips in this recent post about becoming a stepparent.)


Readers, have you seen children benefit from time spent in stepfamilies? Do you think a parent's second marriage can serve as a positive example for kids? Have you seen this happen? Or have you more often seen examples of unhappy stepfamilies?


Sue Shellenbarger

Sue Shellenbarger