
If you think Linda Evangelista is over-paying for child care in New York, imagine what she would be paying in London.

如果你认为琳达•伊万格丽斯塔(Linda Evangelista)在纽约为幼托服务花的钱太多,想想她在伦敦会花多少钱。

According to an article in The Times of London by Fiona Neill, the mega-rich Russians, Sheikhs and Chinese pouring into London in recent years have jacked up the cost of a British nanny. A British staffing agency called Imperial Nannies cited a Russian client who wanted to poach a nanny from another family. Their salary offer: $200,000 a year.

菲奥娜•尼尔(Fiona Neill)发表在伦敦《泰晤士报》(The Times)上的一篇文章称,近几年涌入伦敦的俄罗斯、中东和中国的超级富人推高了英国保姆的身价。英国一家名为皇家保姆(Imperial Nannies)的职介机构提到了想挖走别人家保姆的一个俄罗斯客户。他们提供的年薪是20万美元。

Then there was the Imperial Nanny client with three kids who employed a nanny for each child