
Steve Jobs has stepped down from his pulpit. Now, followers of the 'Cult of Mac' are contemplating a world without their charismatic leader.

Investors took news of Mr. Jobs' departure in stride, pushing Apple shares down less than one percent in Thursday trading. And across the technology and business worlds, Mr. Jobs continued to receive plaudits for his innovative role in modern business. Even competitors from the likes of Microsoft Corp. and Hewlett-Packard Co. lined up to sing his praises.

布斯(Steve Jobs)走下了神坛。如今,"苹果教"信徒开始设想一个失去了他们魅力四射的领袖的世界。

The most ferventdevotion still rests with Apple's devotees, often called 'fanboys,' who have provided a sales base to see the company through its darkest hour of near bankruptcy to become one of the world's most valuable companies. They have served as a core of early adopters who, with often evangelical fervor, helped ignite interest in Apple products.

投资者对乔布斯辞职的消息反应从容,周四苹果股价收盘跌了不到1%。在科技和商业领域,乔布斯仍因他在现代商业中发挥的创新性作用而备受赞扬。甚至是来自微软(Microsoft Corp.)和惠普(Hewlett-Packard Co.)等公司的竞争对手也纷纷为其唱起了赞歌。

For many, devotion to Apple Inc. products has come with a special reverence for Mr. Jobs, who founded the company in 1976. While in elementary school, enthusiast Allen Paltrow posted a photo of Mr. Jobs on his wall. 'He was the first celebrity of any type that I could recognize,' said Mr. Paltrow, now 19 years old.


When he was 10, Mr. Paltrow sent Mr. Jobs an impassioned email about how much he loved Apple products that earned his family a tour of the company's headquarters. His parents let him buy $800 of Apple stock. He began shaving an Apple logo into the back of his head.

对很多人来说,对苹果产品的热衷伴随着对乔布斯的特殊崇拜。1976年,乔布斯创立了苹果。苹果迷帕特洛(Allen Paltrow)还在上小学的时候,就在自己的 上贴了一张乔布斯的照片。如今已经19岁的帕特洛说,他是各类名人中能认出的第一个。

In 2006, at the grand opening of an Apple store on New York's Fifth Avenue, Mr. Paltrow met Mr. Jobs in person. 'I shook his hand and didn't wash it for a long time,' said Mr. Paltrow, who is now a sophomore at Princeton studying computer science.


The comparisons between Apple and a religion began as early as 1994, when Italian scholar Umberto Eco wrote a humorous essay in which he compared Apple to the Catholic church