
After 35 years of marriage, Mark Earnhart came home one day and told his wife, Jeanine, that he wanted a separation. He said he was tired of the bickering and tension, the lack of communication, how they never did anything together anymore.

His wife sadly agreed that the marriage seemed broken. So Mr. Earnhart, a chiropractor, moved out of their home to a furnished apartment on the other side of San Juan Island, in Washington.

步入婚姻殿堂35年后,脊椎指压治疗师马克•伊恩哈特(Mark Earnhart)一天回家突然对妻子珍宁(Jeanine)说,他想分手。伊恩哈特说他们之间无休止的斗嘴争执、缺乏沟通以及不再一同做任何事情,这一切都让他感到厌倦。

Three months later husband and wife were back together. They have been married now for 42 years.

妻子伤心地承认了他们婚姻似乎已经破裂这一事实。之后,伊恩哈特从他们在华盛顿州圣胡安岛(San Juan Island)的家中搬了出来,住到了位于圣胡安岛另一侧的一套配备家具的公寓内。

It seems counterintuitive: How can a separation save a marriage? When a couple splits -- even for a trial period -- isn't that just a pit stop on the way to divorce?


Surprisingly, many marriage therapists recommend a separation, albeit as a measure of last resort. They say that if both spouses set specific parameters, the space and time to think that a trial separation provides just might be what is needed to save the relationship. Still, there are few, if any, statistics that show whether it works or how many couples try separating.


Sharon Gilchrest O'Neill, a marriage and family therapist in Mount Kisco, N.Y., has helped about 40 couples arrange trial separations over the past 20 years and says that about half reconciled and remained married.


Ms. O'Neill recommends that a separation shouldn't just happen -- after one partner storms out, say. The couple should decide who will move out and where that person will live, how the finances will be handled, the care-giving of the kids, what to tell friends and family, and -- very importantly -- how long the separation will last. She believes that six months is ideal, and most experts agree. It's long enough to set up a second household and gain perspective, but not long enough to seem permanent.

纽约州芒特基斯科(Mount Kisco)的莎伦•吉尔克里斯特•奥尼尔(Sharon Gilchrest O'Neill)是一位婚姻和家庭问题心理咨询师。在过去20年里,她曾经帮助40多对夫妇安排过试分手。据奥尼尔说,其中大约一半的夫妇重归于好并将婚姻维系了下来。

If a couple has experienced infidelity, they should deal with that issue in therapy before planning a separation, says Ms. O'Neill.


Marriage therapists say that by the time most couples show up in therapy talking about divorce it's often too late to salvage the relationship. There's so much anger, hurt and mistrust that the partners can't work out their issues.


But what if the partners took a break before the hatred set in? It wouldn't have to be the formalseparation that is often a legal precursor to divorce, but an informal break to give the spouses some space to breathe, think and calm down.


Often, the reality-check that marital separations provide -- the prospect of unraveling finances, facing dating again, fully grasping the collateral damage done to the kids -- is enough to make people resolve to work harder on the marriage.


'Sometimes having a dress rehearsal for divorce makes them realize they don't want to do it,' says Richard Levak, a psychologist who works with couples in Del Mar, Calif.


Linda Lea Viken, a divorceattorney in Rapid City, S.D., and president of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, says it's important for each party to understand the other's motivation. She has seen cases in which one person isn't really interested in reconciling, but wants to use the separation to buy time to rearrange or dispose of assets.

加州德尔马(Del Mar)的婚姻心理专家理查德•里瓦克(Richard Levak)说,有时候对离婚进行一次"戴装演练"能够让人们意识到,这不是他们想要的。

Ms. Viken also warns couples that the arrangements made during a trial separation, such as who pays the bills and where the children live, may have a big impact on an eventual divorce, if there is one. It will be hard, for example, to convince a judge to award full custody of the children to one parent if in the separation period the couple had agreed to a 50-50 split. For this reason, she suggests that each spouseconsult a divorceattorney.

南达科塔州拉皮德市(Rapid City)的离婚律师、美国婚姻律师学会会长(American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers)琳达•维肯(Linda Lea Viken)表示,对任何一方而言,了解对方的动机都很重要。在她接触过的一些案例中,试分手夫妻中的一方并不是真的有意重归于好,而只是希望借试分手赢得时间来重新安排或处置资产。

Then there's the fraught issue of whether each party is allowed to see other people during the separation. Some therapists believe that dating is OK, as long as both parties are truly comfortable with the decision. Ms. Viken disagrees. 'If one of the parties wants to date, this is not a trial separation, it's the end,' she says.


Another tricky issue: What to tell family and friends? Experts say couples should decide together what the party line is, then tell only those people who really need to know. 'Until a marriage is going to go down the path of divorce, you should keep as much to yourselves as you can, otherwise it may come back to haunt you if you stay together,' Ms. O'Neill says.


The Earnharts, who are both 61 and live in Friday Harbor, Wash., decided to separate in 2003. They say they had gotten to the point where they barely spoke. He spent his spare time golfing, and she went shopping or to lunch with friends. They ate dinner in front of the TV without talking, gave each other the silent treatment for days on end, and rarely had sex. By the time Mr. Earnhart decided to move out, the couple had read numerous self-help books, taken separate vacations and gone to see two marriage therapists. Nothing helped. Ms. Earnhart wrote down a list of things that irritated her about her husband. At the top: The way he chewed, monopolized a conversation and walked like a duck.


'We repelled each other,' Mr. Earnhart says.

上文提到的伊恩哈特夫妇如今都已61岁,住在华盛顿州的弗莱德港(Friday Harbor)。他们在2003年决定分手。据他们说,因为那时俩人已经到了无话可说的地步。丈夫闲暇时去打高尔夫,妻子则去购物或是约朋友出去吃午餐。他们的晚餐都是一言不发地在电视机前吃完,之后互不交谈各自睡去,很少共赴温柔乡。在丈夫决定搬出去之前,他们已经读了很多挽救婚姻的书籍,尝试分别度假,并咨询了两位婚姻专家。但这些都无济于事。妻子列了张单子,历数丈夫令她厌烦的种种,其中第一条是:他嚼东西的方式、聊天时只顾自己夸夸其谈、走路像只鸭子。

'I thought, 'Why not do what you want to do?'' adds his wife. 'Life is too short and I don't like you anyway.'


So he moved to a condo, yet continued to pay the couple's bills. She stayed in their house. They told their adult son and daughter why they were separating and were relieved when their kids said they understood.


And they talked regularly, at first on the phone. Then Mr. Earnhart started coming over to the house with a bottle of wine. They would sit outside, look at the water and discuss how to divide up their assets in a divorce. They talked about how they could communicate better and be less judgmental.


After awhile, they realized they missed their friendship. They talked about the memories they shared -- how they'd bought a house and built a life together -- and wondered what they were doing by throwing it all away. One night, they ended up in bed together.


'It was kind of like falling in love again,' says Ms. Earnhart. 'He would come over for some silly reason, and we would have a heck of a conversation and a really good time.'


'When you are apart, you have time to reflect, first on all of the things that were upsetting in your life with each other,' says her husband. 'And then you realize that you've allowed things that maybe aren't really important to take on a life of their own.'


After three months of living apart, Mr. Earnhart moved back in.


Now, the couple tries to talk out problems as soon as they arise, often leaving each other polite, little notes about an issue, like the one that Ms. Earnhart recently left her husband, telling him she felt he had been rude and didn't want to stew on the issue. He left her a note, apologizing.


They also entertain friends and travel, taking road trips to California and Alaska. Mr. Earnhart cooks dinner each night, and the two often eat while watching -- and discussing -- whatever is on the Food Network. They have self-published a book about marriage, called 'Marriage Works.'


'You can get to the point where you feel that there's no way that you will ever fall in love with this person again, but you can,' says Ms. Earnhart. 'He still waddles like a duck, but now I love him for it.'

他们还会请朋友来家里玩,或者是驾车去加州或是阿拉斯加旅行。伊恩哈特先生每天晚上都会在家做晚饭,俩人常常边吃边看餐饮频道Food Network,并对上面的内容品头论足一番。他们还自己出了一本关于婚姻的书,书名叫做《婚姻行得通》(Marriage Works)。

Elizabeth Bernstein