

me nothing of my own affairs."

The younger notary had seized, in the main, the future effect of the

new proposal, based, as it was, on the self-love of both parties, into

which his client had fallen headlong. Now, while Mathias was more than

a mere notary, Solonet was still a young man, and brought into his

business the vanity of youth. It often happens that personal conceit

makes a man forgetful of the interests of his client. In this case,

Maitre Solonet, who would not suffer the widow to think that Nestor

had vanquished Achilles, advised her to conclude the marriage on the

terms proposed. Little he cared for the future working of the marriage

contract; to him, the conditions of victory were: Madame Evangelista

released from her obligations as guardian, her future secured, and

Natalie married.

"Bordeaux shall know that you have ceded eleven hundred thousand

francs to your daughter, and that you still have twenty-five thousand

francs a year left," whispered Solonet to his client. "For my part, I

did not expect to obtain such a fine result."

"But," she said, "explain to me why the creation of this entail should

have calmed the storm at once."

"It relieves their distrust of you and your daughter. An entail is

unchangeable; neither husband nor wife can touch that capital."

"Then this arrangement is positively" target="_blank" title="ad.确实;断然;绝对">positively insulting!"

"No; we call it simply precaution. The old fellow has caught you in a

net. If you refuse to consent to the entail, he can reply: 'Then your

object is to squander the fortune of my client, who, by the creation

of this entail, is protected from all such injury as securely as if

the marriage took place under the "regime dotal."'"

Solonet quieted his own scruples by reflecting: "After all, these

stipulations will take effect only in the future, by which time Madame

Evangelista will be dead and buried."

Madame Evangelista contented herself, for the present, with these

explanations, having full confidence in Solonet. She was wholly

ignorant of law; considering her daughter as good as married, she

thought she had gained her end, and was filled with the joy of

success. Thus, as Mathias had shrewdly calculated, neither Solonet nor

Madame Evangelista understood as yet, to its full extent, this scheme

which he had based on reasons that were undeniable.

"Well, Monsieur Mathias," said the widow, "all is for the best, is it


"Madame, if you and Monsieur le comte consent to this arrangement you

ought to exchange pledges. It is fully understood, I suppose," he

continued, looking from one to the other, "that the marriage will only

take place on condition of creating an entail upon the estate of

Lanstrac and the house in the rue de la Pepiniere, together with eight

hundred thousand francs in money brought by the future wife, the said

sum to be invested in landed property? Pardon me the repetition,

madame; but a positive and solemnengagement becomes absolutely

necessary. The creation of an entail requires formalities, application

to the chancellor, a royal ordinance, and we ought at once to conclude

the purchase of the new estate in order that the property be included

in the royal ordinance by virtue of which it becomes inalienable. In

many families this would be reduced to writing, but on this occasion I

think a simple consent would suffice. Do you consent?"

"Yes," replied Madame Evangelista.

"Yes," said Paul.

"And I?" asked Natalie, laughing.

"You are a minor, mademoiselle," replied Solonet; "don't complain of


It was then agreed that Maitre Mathias should draw up the contract,

Maitre Solonet the guardianship account and release, and that both

documents should be signed, as the law requires some days before the

celebration of the marriage. After a few polite salutations the

notaries withdrew.

"It rains, Mathias; shall I take you home?" said Solonet. "My

cabriolet is here."

"My carriage is here too," said Paul, manifesting an intention to

accompany the old man.

"I won't rob you of a moment's pleasure," said Mathias. "I accept my

friend Solonet's offer."

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