of her nearness is
irresistible; because, in fine, he cannot wait
until he finds a more secluded spot: nay,
verily, he
embraces her
because--tell me, infatuated fruiterers, poulterers, soldiers,
haberdashers (limited), what is your reason? For it does not appear
to the
casual eye. Stormy weather does not vex the calm of the Park
Lover, for 'the rains of Marly do not wet' when one is in love. By
a clever manipulation of four arms and four hands they can manage an
umbrella and enfold each other at the same time, though a feminine
macintosh is well known to be ill adapted to the purpose, and a
continuous drizzle would dampen almost any other lover in the
The park
embrace, as nearly as I can
analyse it, seems to be one
instinct, one part duty, one part custom, and one part reflex
action. I have purposely omitted pleasure (which, in the analysis
of the ordinary
embrace, reduces all the other ingredients to an
invisible faction), because I fail to find it; but I am
willing to believe that in some rudimentary form it does exist,
because man attends to no
purelyunpleasant matter with such
praiseworthy assiduity. Anything more fixedly stolid than the Park
Lover when he passes his arm round his chosen one and takes her
crimson hand in his, I have never seen; unless, indeed, it be the
fixed stolidity of the chosen one herself. I had not at first the
assurance even to glance at them as I passed by, blushing myself to
the roots of my hair, though the offenders themselves never changed
colour. Many a time have I walked out of my way or lowered my
parasol, for fear of invading their Sunday Eden; but a spirit of
inquiry awoke in me at last, and I began to make psychological
investigations, with a view to
finding out at what point
embarrassment would appear in the Park Lover. I experimented (it
was a most
arduous and
unpleasant task) with
upwards of two hundred
couples, and it is interesting to record that self-consciousness was
apparent in a single
instance. It was not merely that they
failed to
resent my stopping in the path directly opposite them, or
my glaring most offensively at them, nor that they even allowed me
to sit upon their green bench and
witness their
chaste salutes, but
it was that they did fail to
perceive me at all! There is a kind of
superb finish and completeness about their
indifference to the
public gaze which removes it from ordinary immodesty, and gives it a
scientific value.
Chapter VII. A ducal tea-party.
Among all my English experiences, none occupies so important a place
as my forced meeting with the Duke of Cimicifugas. (There can be no
harm in my telling the
incident, so long as I do not give the right
names, which are very well known to fame.) The Duchess of
Cimicifugas, who is
charming, unaffected, and
lovable, so report
says, has among her chosen friends an untitled woman whom we will
call Mrs. Apis Mellifica. I met her only daughter, Hilda, in
America, and we became quite
intimate. It seems that Mrs. Apis
Mellifica, who has an
income of 20,000 pounds a year, often
exchanges p
resents with the
duchess, and at this time she had
brought with her from the Continent some rare old tapestries with
which to adorn a new morning-room at Cimicifugas House. These
tapestries were to be hung during the
absence of the
duchess in
Homburg, and were to greet her as a birthday surprise on her return.
Hilda Mellifica, who is one of the most
talentedamateur artists in
London, and who has
exquisite taste in all matters of decoration,
was to go down to the ducal
residence to
inspect the work, and she
permission from Lady Veratrum (the
- honourable [´ɔnərəbəl] a.荣誉的;正直的 (初中英语单词)
- international [,intə´næʃənəl] a.国际的,世界的 (初中英语单词)
- literary [´litərəri] a.文学(上)的 (初中英语单词)
- willing [´wiliŋ] a.情愿的,乐意的 (初中英语单词)
- trifle [´traifəl] n.琐事,小事;少量 (初中英语单词)
- mingle [´miŋgəl] v.(使)混合;交往 (初中英语单词)
- orderly [´ɔ:dəli] a.整洁的 n.勤务兵 (初中英语单词)
- plainly [´pleinli] ad.平坦地;简单地 (初中英语单词)
- observation [,ɔbzə´veiʃən] n.观测;注意;意义 (初中英语单词)
- circle [´sə:kəl] n.圆圈 v.环绕;盘旋 (初中英语单词)
- attentive [ə´tentiv] a.注意的;殷勤的 (初中英语单词)
- unhappy [ʌn´hæpi] a.不幸的;不快乐的 (初中英语单词)
- extreme [ik´stri:m] a.尽头的 n.极端 (初中英语单词)
- sensible [´sensəbəl] a.感觉得到的 (初中英语单词)
- explanation [,eksplə´neiʃən] n.解释;说明;辩解 (初中英语单词)
- unlike [,ʌn´laik] a.不同的 prep.不象… (初中英语单词)
- wholly [´həul-li] ad.完全,十足;统统 (初中英语单词)
- accent [´æksənt, æk´sent] n.重音;口音 vt.重读 (初中英语单词)
- seriously [´siəriəsli] ad.严肃;严重,重大 (初中英语单词)
- audience [´ɔ:diəns] n.听众;观众;接见 (初中英语单词)
- discussion [di´skʌʃən] n.讨论;辩论 (初中英语单词)
- ignorant [´ignərənt] a.无知的,愚昧的 (初中英语单词)
- argument [´ɑ:gjumənt] n.辩论;争论;论证 (初中英语单词)
- employment [im´plɔimənt] n.工作;职业;雇用 (初中英语单词)
- sunset [´sʌnset] n.日落;晚霞 (初中英语单词)
- belief [bi´li:f] n.相信;信仰,信条 (初中英语单词)
- helpless [´helpləs] a.无助的,无依靠的 (初中英语单词)
- female [´fi:meil] a.女(性)的 n.女人 (初中英语单词)
- thoroughly [´θʌrəli] ad.完全地,彻底地 (初中英语单词)
- contrary [´kɔntrəri] a.相反的 n.相反 (初中英语单词)
- intention [in´tenʃən] n.意图;打算;意义 (初中英语单词)
- embrace [im´breis] vt.&n.拥抱;采纳;信奉 (初中英语单词)
- instinct [´instiŋkt] n.本能;直觉;天资 (初中英语单词)
- invisible [in´vizəbəl] a.看不见的;无形的 (初中英语单词)
- purely [´pjuəli] ad.仅仅;简单地 (初中英语单词)
- apparent [ə´pærənt] a.显然的;表面上的 (初中英语单词)
- instance [´instəns] n.例子,实例,例证 (初中英语单词)
- witness [´witnis] n.见证人 vt.目击 (初中英语单词)
- perceive [pə´si:v] vt.察觉;看出;领悟 (初中英语单词)
- scientific [,saiən´tifik] a.科学(上)的 (初中英语单词)
- incident [´insidənt] n.小事件;事变 (初中英语单词)
- charming [´tʃɑ:miŋ] a.可爱的;极好的 (初中英语单词)
- intimate [´intimit] a.亲密的 n.知己 (初中英语单词)
- income [´inkʌm] n.收入,所得 (初中英语单词)
- continent [´kɔntinənt] n.大陆,陆地 (初中英语单词)
- absence [´æbsəns] n.不在,缺席;缺乏 (初中英语单词)
- talented [´tæləntid] a.天才的;能干的 (初中英语单词)
- amateur [´æmətə, ,æmə´tə:] n.业余爱好者 (初中英语单词)
- residence [´rezidəns] n.居住(期间);住宅 (初中英语单词)
- inspect [in´spekt] v.检查;视察;检阅 (初中英语单词)
- permission [pə´miʃən] n.允许;同意;许可 (初中英语单词)
- companion [kəm´pæniən] n.同伴;同事;伴侣 (初中英语单词)
- headache [´hedeik] n.头痛;使人头痛的事 (高中英语单词)
- mistaken [mis´teikən] mistake的过去分词 (高中英语单词)
- conception [kən´sepʃən] n.构思;概念;怀孕 (高中英语单词)
- harmless [´hɑ:mləs] a.无害的,无恶意的 (高中英语单词)
- gloomy [´glu:mi] a.昏暗的;忧郁的 (高中英语单词)
- decided [di´saidid] a.明显的;决定的 (高中英语单词)
- pudding [´pudiŋ] n.布丁 (高中英语单词)
- disagreeable [,disə´gri:əbl] a.令人不悦的 (高中英语单词)
- severely [si´viəli] ad.剧烈地;严格地 (高中英语单词)
- necessarily [´nesisərili] ad.必定,必然地 (高中英语单词)
- decidedly [di´saididli] ad.坚决地,果断地 (高中英语单词)
- stroll [strəul] n.&v.漫步;散步;游荡 (高中英语单词)
- formula [´fɔ:mjulə] n.公式;配方;原则 (高中英语单词)
- universe [´ju:nivə:s] n.天地;全人类;银河系 (高中英语单词)
- ragged [´rægid] a.衣服破烂的 (高中英语单词)
- hopeless [´həupləs] a.无望的,无可救药的 (高中英语单词)
- thankful [´θæŋkfəl] a.感激的;欣慰的 (高中英语单词)
- interpretation [in,tə:pri´teiʃən] n.解释;翻译;表演 (高中英语单词)
- salvation [sæl´veiʃən] n.救助;拯救 (高中英语单词)
- repeated [ri´pi:tid] a.反复的;重复的 (高中英语单词)
- ordinarily [´ɔ:dinərili] ad.平常地;普通地 (高中英语单词)
- manhood [´mænhud] n.人格;男子气概 (高中英语单词)
- loving [´lʌviŋ] a.爱的,有爱情的 (高中英语单词)
- respectable [ri´spektəbəl] a.可敬的;有身价的 (高中英语单词)
- phoebe [´fi:bi] n.月亮女神 (高中英语单词)
- tropical [´trɔpikəl] a.热带地区的 (高中英语单词)
- madness [´mædnis] n.疯狂;狂热 (高中英语单词)
- casual [´kæʒuəl] a.偶然的;临时的 (高中英语单词)
- analyse [´ænəlaiz] vt.分析,分解 =analyze (高中英语单词)
- unpleasant [ʌn´plezənt] a.不愉快的;不合意的 (高中英语单词)
- finding [´faindiŋ] n.发现物;判断;结果 (高中英语单词)
- resent [ri´zent] vt.不满于;怨恨;忿恨 (高中英语单词)
- indifference [in´difrəns] n.冷淡;无足轻重 (高中英语单词)
- duchess [´dʌtʃis] n.公爵夫人;女公爵 (高中英语单词)
- exquisite [ik´skwizit] a.精巧的;敏锐的 (高中英语单词)
- trying [´traiiŋ] a.难堪的;费劲的 (英语四级单词)
- amiable [´eimiəbəl] a.亲切的,温和的 (英语四级单词)
- prudence [´pru:dəns] n.谨慎;慎重;节俭 (英语四级单词)
- aristocracy [,æris´tɔkrəsi] n.贵族政治;贵族 (英语四级单词)
- flattery [´flætəri] n.奉承;谄媚的举动 (英语四级单词)
- recount [ri´kaunt] vt.描述;列举 n.重计 (英语四级单词)
- delighted [di´laitid] a.高兴的;喜欢的 (英语四级单词)
- wretch [retʃ] n.不幸的人;卑鄙的人 (英语四级单词)
- eloquence [´eləkwəns] n.雄辩;口才 (英语四级单词)
- grievance [´gri:vəns] n.不平;冤情;抱怨 (英语四级单词)
- fascinatingly [´fæsineitiŋli] ad.迷人地 (英语四级单词)
- orator [´ɔrətə] n.演说者;雄辩家 (英语四级单词)
- convincing [kən´vinsiŋ] a.有说服力的;有力的 (英语四级单词)
- temperance [´tempərəns] n.节制;节欲;戒酒 (英语四级单词)
- devoted [di´vəutid] a.献身…的,忠实的 (英语四级单词)
- setting [´setiŋ] n.安装;排字;布景 (英语四级单词)
- tattered [´tætəd] a.(衣服等)破烂的 (英语四级单词)
- irresistible [,iri´zistəbəl] a.不可抵抗的 (英语四级单词)
- verily [´verili] ad.真实的;肯定地 (英语四级单词)
- arduous [´ɑ:djuəs] a.费力的;陡峭的 (英语四级单词)
- upwards [´ʌpwədz] ad.=upward (英语四级单词)
- chaste [tʃeist] a.贞洁的;高雅的 (英语四级单词)
- confidential [,kɔnfi´denʃəl] a.极受信任的;心腹的 (英语四级单词)
- eccentric [ik´sentrik] a.古怪的;离心的 (英语六级单词)
- shocking [´ʃɔkiŋ] a.令人震惊的;可怕的 (英语六级单词)
- harrow [´hærəu] n.&v.耙(地) (英语六级单词)
- arrant [´ærənt] a.彻头彻尾的;极恶的 (英语六级单词)
- oblivion [ə´bliviən] n.(被)忘却;漠视 (英语六级单词)
- inherent [in´hiərənt] a.固有的,天生的 (英语六级单词)
- magnetism [´mægnitizəm] n.磁性,磁力,吸引力 (英语六级单词)
- eskimo [´eskiməu] n.&a.爱斯基摩人(的) (英语六级单词)
- irishman [´aiəriʃmən] n.爱尔兰人 (英语六级单词)
- clerical [´klerikəl] a.牧师的;教士的 (英语六级单词)
- liking [´laikiŋ] n.爱好;嗜好;喜欢 (英语六级单词)
- lovable [´lʌvəbəl] a.可爱的 (英语六级单词)