

no knowledge of any near land. The one thing to do was to run for

more clement climate, which we accordingly did, setting our small

sail and steering quartering before the fresh wind to the north-


The food problem was simple arithmetic. We did not count Aaron

Northrup, for we knew he would soon be gone. At a pound per day,

our five hundred pounds would last us twenty-five days; at half a

pound, it would last fifty. So half a pound had it. I divided and

issued the meat under the captain's eyes, and managed it fairly

enough, God knows, although some of the men grumbled from the first.

Also, from time to time I made fair division among the men of the

plug tobacco I had stowed in my many pockets--a thing which I could

not but regret, especially when I knew it was being wasted on this

man and that who I was certain could not live a day more, or, at

best, two days or three.

For we began to die soon in the open boat. Not to starvation but to

the killing cold and exposure were those earlier deaths due. It was

a matter of the survival of the toughest and the luckiest. I was

tough by constitution, and lucky inasmuch as I was warmly clad and

had not broken my leg like Aaron Northrup. Even so, so strong was

he that, despite being the first to be severely" target="_blank" title="ad.剧烈地;严格地">severelyfreeze 的过去分词">frozen, he was days

in passing. Vance Hathaway was the first. We found him in the gray

of dawn crouched doubled in the bow and freeze 的过去分词">frozen stiff. The boy, Lish

Dickery, was the second to go. The other boy, Benny Hardwater,

lasted ten or a dozen days.

So bitter was it in the boat that our water and beer froze solid,

and it was a difficult task justly to apportion the pieces I broke

off with Northrup's claspknife. These pieces we put in our mouths

and sucked till they melted. Also, on occasion of snow-squalls, we

had all the snow we desired. All of which was not good for us,

causing a fever of inflammation to attack our mouths so that the

membranes were continually" target="_blank" title="ad.不断地,频繁地">continually dry and burning. And there was no

allaying a thirst so generated. To suck more ice or snow was merely

to aggravate the inflammation. More than anything else, I think it

was this that caused the death of Lish Dickery. He was out of his

head and raving for twenty-four hours before he died. He died

babbling for water, and yet he did not die for need of water. I

resisted as much as possible the temptation to suck ice, contenting

myself with a shred of tobacco in my cheek, and made out with fair


We stripped all clothing from our dead. Stark they came into the

world, and stark they passed out over the side of the longboat and

down into the dark freezing ocean. Lots were cast for the clothes.

This was by Captain Nicholl's command, in order to prevent


It was no time for the follies of sentiment. There was not one of

us who did not know secret satisfaction at the occurrence of each

death. Luckiest of all was Israel Stickney in casting lots, so that

in the end, when he passed, he was a veritable treasure trove of

clothing. It gave a new lease of life to the survivors.

We continued to run to the north-east before the fresh westerlies,

but our quest for warmer weather seemed vain. Ever the spray froze

in the bottom of the boat, and I still chipped beer and drinking

water with Northrup's knife. My own knife I reserved. It was of

good steel, with a keen edge and stoutly fashioned, and I did not

care to peril it in such manner.

By the time half our company was overboard, the boat had a

reasonably high freeboard and was less ticklish to handle in the

gusts. Likewise there was more room for a man to stretch out


A source of continual grumbling was the food. The captain, the

mate, the surgeon, and myself, talking it over, resolved not to

increase the daily whack of half a pound of meat. The six sailors,

for whom Tobias Snow made himself spokesman, contended that the

death of half of us was equivalent to a doubling of our

provisioning, and that therefore the ration should be increased to a

pound. In reply, we of the afterguard pointed out that it was our

chance for life that was doubled did we but bear with the half-pound


It is true that eight ounces of salt meat did not go far in enabling

us to live and to resist the severe cold. We were quite weak, and,

because of our weakness, we frosted easily. Noses and cheeks were

