
a teacher of my sister’s   我妹妹的一位老师

What’s up?             干什么?有什么事?

as quickly as they could   能跑多快就跑多快

say and smile                笑着说

go back to sleep               继续睡

go back to work               继续工作

go back to one’s hometown    回到故乡

go out                      出去

finish the housework         完成家务

the price of the car          小车的价格

take the examination          考试

Lesson 121~ 122

takesth. with sb.     带着某件东西

forget sth.           忘记某事

forget to do sth.      忘记做某事


Lesson 123~ 124

during the day             在白天

during the night           在晚上

during the holidays        假期中间

during my trip to Australia去澳大利亚旅行时

take a photograph         拍照

grow a beard             留胡子

shave off                 刮掉

Lesson 125~ 126

have to               不得不

by oneself             某人自己

instead of              代替

Lesson 127~ 128

at least               至少

have an another look    再仔细看一眼

at most              至多

more than           多于

Lesson 129~ 130

wave to sb.            朝某人招手

on a race track         在赛车场上

at seventy miles an hour每小时70英里的速度

driving licence         驾驶执照

business licence         营业执照

had better             最好

take one’s advice    听从某人的劝告

= follow one’s advice   

give advice          给某人劝告

Lesson 131~ 132

spend your holidays      度假

= have your holidays

on holiday           度假(状态)

go abroad            出国

live abroad           在国外生活

at home and abroad    在国内外

make up one’s minds   打定主意

decide / make a decision  做决定

by sea = by ship         乘船

by air = by plane        乘飞机

take a long time        花很长时间

take sb. sometime/ money to do sth.花费某些时间或金钱做某事

in the end                  最后

at first                     开始

look after = take care of       照顾

Lesson 133~ 134

make a new film       拍一部新电影

sensational news       爆炸性新闻

Lesson 135~ 136

introduce sb to sb     把某人介绍给某人

a report about/on sth/sb.   关于某事或某人的一篇报道
