
three loaves of bread     三个面包

a piece / slice of bread    一片面包

a bar of soap            一块肥皂

two bars of chocolate     两块巧克力

a bottle of milk          一瓶牛奶

a pound of sugar         一磅

a bag of sugar           一包糖

half a pound of coffee     半磅咖啡

a quarter of a pound of tea  四分之一磅茶叶

a tin of tobacco         一听烟丝

a pair of trousers       一条裤子

a pair of soaks         一双袜子

a pair of shoes          一双鞋

a box of milk           一盒牛奶

Lesson 43~ 44

make the tea             沏茶

of course                当然

a kettle of water         一壶水

behind the teapot        茶壶后面

find sth.               找到某物

over there               在那边

hurry up               赶快

Lesson 45~ 46

come here            来这

come to (a place)      来某个地方

go to (a place)        去某个地方

a minute              一会儿

= a moment

= half a minute

wait a minute        稍等一会儿

next door              隔壁

= in the next room

= our next door neighbour

black tea             红茶

boss’s handwriting     老板的书写

Lesson 47~ 48

black coffee            不加牛奶的咖啡

white coffee            加牛奶的咖啡

fresh eggs               新鲜的鸡蛋

a box of butter          一盒黄油

a bottle of pure honey  一瓶纯净的蜂蜜

a cluster of ripe bananas 一串成熟的香蕉

a bottle of jam         一瓶果酱

sweet orange           甜橙

a big bottle of Scotch whisky 一大瓶苏格兰威士忌

choice apples           精选的苹果

Lesson 49~ 50

To tell you the truth.    老实说; 说实话

Lesson 51~ 52

come from             来自

be like                怎么样

every day              每天

in your country        在你们国家

in spring             在春天

in March             在三月

Lesson 53~ 54

in the north of England  在英国的北部

in the east of China      在中国的北部

in the South            在南方

in the West             在西方

which seasons          哪些季节

like best               最喜欢的

subject of conversation   谈论的话题

Lesson 55~ 56

the Sawyers           索耶一家
