
Most research to study the roots of generosity takes place with adults, in search of insights of potential use to many professions, including philanthropists seeking to sharpen their calls for cash and volunteers. Studies have found that about 70% of adults choose to share when cash is used in the same exercise as that performed with the Israeli children. It's a common exercise used by researchers known as the Dictator Game, in which the participant, the dictator, has to decide how to split a fixed sum of money between himself and a recipient who is unknown and therefore not likely to reciprocate.

多数探索慷慨行为根源的研究都是在成年身上进行的,目的在于对一些行业的潜在应用有所启发,比方说,慈善行业希望能够更好地说服人们捐款和提供志愿服务。研究发现,在现金分享实验中(活动与以色列儿童实验相同,只是把贴画换成了现金),有70%左右的成年人选择与他人分享。研究人员经常使用这种被称为"独裁者博弈"(Dictator Game)的实验。在"独裁者博弈"中,参加者扮演独裁者角色,由他来决定怎样把一定数量的钱在自己和一个接受者之间分配。他并不认识这个接受者,因此也不可能会指望他给予回报。

Experiments with children typically are staged free of parents, siblings and other acquaintances from whom the child might expect a reward of some kind. Under examination is the willingness" target="_blank" title="n.情愿,乐意,自愿">willingness of children to share with a child they will never meet.


In a large study of British school children aged 4, 6 and 9, Emmanuel College psychologist Joyce Benenson found a strong correlation between socio-economic status and willingness" target="_blank" title="n.情愿,乐意,自愿">willingness to give. Acts of generosity come at lower rates from children in poverty, because 'poverty is linked with myriad differences in socialization practices, including less interaction with unfamiliar adults' and greater exposure to violence, Dr. Benenson wrote in a 2007 article in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior.

伊曼纽尔学院(Emmanuel College)的心理学家贝嫩森(Joyce Benenson)针对英国4岁、6岁和9岁学童展开的大规模研究发现,社会经济地位与给予意愿之间高度相关。贝嫩森在2007年发表在《进化和人类行为》(Evolution and Human Behavior)杂志上的一篇文章中写道,贫困儿童做出慷慨举动的几率较低,因为贫困与社会化实践中的诸多差异存在关联,比方说,他们与不熟悉的成年人互动较少,并且对暴力有更多的体验。

Social scientists note that, although studies have found evidence of altruism in young children, it exists in near equal parts, as it does in adults, alongsideselfishness. Of the 136 children in the Israeli study, the largest group gave away one sticker; the second-largest group gave away none. Twenty-two children gave away more than one sticker.


Perusing the Israeli study, Emmanuel College's Dr. Benenson says she isn't tempted to pin any halos on kids willing to give away one of six sets of stickers. Even at 3 or 4 years old, Dr. Benenson says, 'If you've got six packs of something, you know that giving away one isn't really changing what you have.'


Kevin Helliker

Kevin Helliker
