
same time, with the evident wish to monopolize the commissary's attention.

When the commissary turned to Lupin, to request his evidence, he
perceived that the stranger was no longer there.

Without the least suspicion, he said to one of the policemen:
"Go and tell that gentleman that I should like to ask him a few

They looked about for the gentleman. Some one had seen him standing on

the steps, lighting a cigarette. The next news was that he had given
cigarettes to a group of soldiers and strolled toward the lake, saying

that they were to call him if he was wanted.
They called him. No one replied.

But a soldier came running up. The gentleman had just got into a boat
and was rowing away for all he was worth. The commissary looked at

Gilbert and realized that he had been tricked:
"Stop him!" he shouted. Fire on him! He's an accomplice!... "

He himself rushed out, followed by two policemen, while the others
remained with the prisoners. On reaching the bank, he saw the gentleman,

a hundred yards away, taking off his hat to him in the dusk.
One of the policemen discharged his revolver, without thinking.

The wind carried the sound of words across the water. The gentleman
was singing as he rowed:

"Go, little bark,
Float in the dark... "

But the commissary saw a skiff fastened to the landing-stage of the
adjoining property. He scrambled over the hedge separating the two

gardens and, after ordering the soldiers to watch the banks of the lake
and to seize the fugitlve if he tried to put ashore, the commissary and

two of his men pulled off in pursuit of Lupin.
It was not a difficult matter, for they were able to follow his movements

by the intermittent light of the moon and to see that he was trying to
cross the lakes while bearing toward the right - that is to say, toward

the village of Saint-Gratien. Moreover, the commissary soon perceived
that, with the aid of his men and thanks perhaps to the comparative

lightness of his craft, he was rapidly gaining on the other. In ten
minutes he had decreased the interval between them by one half.

"That's it!" he cried. "We shan't even need the soldiers to keep him
from landing. I very much want to make the fellow's acquaintance. He's

a cool hand and no mistake!"
The funny thing was that the distance was now diminishing at an abnormal

rate, as though the fugitive had lost heart at realizing the futility of
the struggle. The policemen redoubled their efforts. The boat shot

across the water with the swiftness of a swallow. Another hundred yards
at most and they would reach the man.

"Halt!" cried the commissary.
The enemy, whose huddled shape they could make out in the boat, no longer

moved. The sculls drifted with the stream. And this absence of all
motion had something alarming about it. A ruffian of that stamp might

easily lie in wait for his aggressors, sell his life dearly and even
shoot them dead before they had a chance of attacking him.

"Surrender!" shouted the commissary.
The sky, at that moment, was dark. The three men lay flat at the bottom

of their skiff, for they thought they perceived a threatening gesture.
The boat, carried by its own impetus, was approaching the other.

The commissary growled:
"We won't let ourselves be sniped. Let's fire at him. Are you ready?"

And he roared, once more, "Surrender... if not... !"
No reply.

The enemy did not budge.
"Surrender!... Hands up!... You refuse?... So much the worse for you...

I'm counting... One... Two... "
The policemen did not wait for the word of command. They fired and, at

once, bending over their oars, gave the boat so powerful an impulse that
it reached the goal in a few strokes.

The commissary watched, revolver in hand, ready for the least movement.
He raised his arm:

"If you stir, I'll blow out your brains!"
But the enemy did not stir for a moment; and, when the boat was bumped

and the two men, letting go their oars, prepared for the formidable
assault, the commissary understood the reason of this passive attitude:

there was no one in the boat. The enemy had escaped by swimming, leaving
in the hands of the victor a certain number of the stolen articles,

which, heaped up and surmounted by a jacket and a bowler hat, might be
taken, at a pinch, in the semi-darkness, vaguely to represent the figure

of a man.
They struck matches and examined the enemy's cast clothes. There were

no initials in the hat. The jacket contained neither papers nor
pocketbook. Nevertheless, they made a discovery which was destined to

give the case no little celebrity and which had a terrible influence on
the fate of Gilbert and Vaucheray: in one of the pockets was a

visiting-card which the fugitive had left behind... the card of Arsene

At almost the same moment, while the police, towing the captured skiff
behind them, continued their empty search and while the soldiers stood

drawn up on the bank, straining their eyes to try and follow the fortunes
of the naval combat, the aforesaid Arsene Lupin was quietly landing at

the very spot which he had left two hours earlier.
He was there met by his two other accomplices, the Growler and the

Masher, flung them a few sentences by way of explanation, jumped into
the motor-car, among Daubrecq the deputy's armchairs and other valuables,

wrapped himself in his furs and drove, by deserted roads, to his
repository at Neuilly, where he left the chauffeur. A taxicab brought

him back to Paris and put him down by the church of Saint-Philippe-du
-Roule, not far from which, in the Rue Matignon, he had a flat, on the

entresol-floor, of which none of his gang, excepting Gilbert, knew, a
flat with a private entrance. He was glad to take off his clothes and

rub himself down; for, in spite of his strong constitution, he felt
chilled to the bone. On retiring to bed, he emptied the contents of his

pockets, as usual, on the mantelpiece. It was not till then that he
noticed, near his pocketbook and his keys, the object which Gilbert had

put into his hand at the last moment.
And he was very much surprised. It was a decanter-stopper, a little

crystal stopper, like those used for the bottles in a liqueur-stand.
And this crystal stopper had nothing particular about it. The most that

Lupin observed was that the knob, with its many facets, was gilded right
down to the indent. But, to tell the truth, this detail did not seem to

him of a nature to attract special notice.
"And it was this bit of glass to which Gilbert and Vaucheray attached

such stubborn importance!" he said to himself. "It was for this that
they killed the valet, fought each other, wasted their time, risked

prison... trial... the scaffold!... "
Too tired to linger further upon this matter, exciting though it appeared

to him, he replaced the stopper on the chimney-piece and got into bed.
He had bad dreams. Gilbert and Vaucheray were kneeling on the flags of

their cells, wildly stretching out their hands to him and yelling with

"Help!... Help!" they cried.
But, notwithstanding all his efforts, he was unable to move. He himself

was fastened by invisible bonds. And, trembling, obsessed by a monstrous
vision, he watched the dismal preparations, the cutting of the condemned

men's hair and shirt-collars the squalid tragedy.
"By Jove!" he said, when he woke after a series of nightmares. "There's

a lot of bad omens! Fortunately, we don't err on the side of
superstition. Otherwise... !" And he added, "For that matter, we have

a talisman which, to judge by Gilbert and Vaucheray's behaviour, should
be enough, with Lupin's help, to frustrate bad luck and secure the

triumph of the good cause. Let's have a look at that crystal stopper!"
He sprang out of bed to take the thing and examine it more closely. An

exclamation escaped him. The crystal stopper had disappeared...

Notwithstanding my friendly relations with Lupin and the many flattering

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