(Shanghai Daily | 07-11-2008 13:20)--Bus passengers entering Beijing will have their ID cards and
belongings checked before entering the capital beginning July 20 in an effort to ensure security during the Olympic Games next month, Beijing News reported.
Even if one passenger fails to show a valid ID card, the bus and all passengers will be refused entry to the city, the report said.
According to the Public Security Department of Hebei Province, all 26
inspection stations
surrounding the capital will begin checking vehicles from July 20.
Surveillance equipment is being installed at
inspection stations, which are expected to sound alerts when people are found carrying contraband
knives, explosives or inflammable goods, the report said.
In addition, an ID card reading machine will be installed at every station, according to the report.
"Such checks might back up traffic, but we will improve our
efficiency to avoid congestion,'' an
inspection station employee told the newspaper. ``There are three security check doors and one large
luggage X-ray machine at our station.''