

I've heard them say, and poaching dogs, and

horses'd go licking the wind, but it's a hard
thing, God help me, to breed sense in a son.

MICHAEL -- gloomily. -- If I didn't mar-
ry her, she'd be walking off to Jaunting Jim

maybe at the fall of night; and it's well your-
self knows there isn't the like of her for getting

money and selling songs to the men.
MARY. And you're thinking it's paying

gold to his reverence would make a woman
stop when she's a mind to go?

SARAH -- angrily. -- Let you not be de-

stroying us with your talk when I've as good
a right to a decent marriage as any speckled

female does be sleeping in the black hovels
above, would choke a mule.

MARY -- soothingly. -- It's as good a right
you have surely, Sarah Casey, but what good

will it do? Is it putting that ring on your
finger will keep you from getting an aged

woman and losing the fine face you have, or
be easing your pains, when it's the grand ladies

do be married in silk dresses, with rings of
gold, that do pass any woman with their share

of torment in the hour of birth, and do be
paying the doctors in the city of Dublin a great

price at that time, the like of what you'd pay
for a good ass and a cart?

[She sits down.
SARAH -- puzzled. -- Is that the truth?

MARY -- pleased with the point she has
-- Wouldn't any know it's the truth?

Ah, it's a few short years you are yet in the
world, Sarah Casey, and it's little or nothing

at all maybe you know about it.
SARAH -- vehement but uneasy. -- What

is it yourself knows of the fine ladies when
they wouldn't let the like of you go near them

at all?
MARY. If you do be drinking a little sup

in one town and another town, it's soon you

get great knowledge and a great sight into
the world. You'll see men there, and women

there, sitting up on the ends of barrels in the
dark night, and they making great talk would

soon have the like of you, Sarah Casey, as
wise as a March hare.

MICHAEL -- to Sarah. -- That's the truth
she's saying, and maybe if you've sense in you

at all, you'd have a right still to leave your
fooling, and not be wasting our gold.

SARAH -- decisively. -- If it's wise or fool
I am, I've made a good bargain and I'll stand

to it now.
MARY. What is it he's making you give?

MICHAEL. The ten shillings in gold, and
the tin can is above tied in the sack.

MARY -- looking at the bundle with sur-
prise and dread.
-- The bit of gold and the

tin can, is it?
MICHAEL. The half a sovereign, and the

gallon can.
MARY -- scrambling to her feet quickly. --

Well, I think I'll be walking off the road to
the fair the way you won't be destroying me

going too fast on the hills. (She goes a few
steps towards the left, then turns and speaks

to Sarah very persuasively.
-- Let you not take
the can from the sack, Sarah Casey; for the

people is coming above would be making game

of you, and pointing their fingers if they seen
you do the like of that. Let you leave it safe

in the bag, I'm saying, Sarah darling. It's
that way will be best.

[She goes towards left, and pauses for a
moment, looking about her with em-


MICHAEL -- in a low voice. -- What ails

her at all?
SARAH -- anxiously. -- It's real wicked

she does be when you hear her speaking as
easy as that.

MARY -- to herself. -- I'd be safer in the
chapel, I'm thinking; for if she caught me

after on the road, maybe she would kill me

[She comes hobbling back towards the

SARAH. Where is it you're going? It
isn't that way we'll be walking to the fair.

MARY. I'm going up into the chapel to
give you my blessing and hear the priest

saying his prayers. It's a lonesome road is
running below to Greenane, and a woman

would never know the things might happen
her and she walking single in a lonesome place.

[As she reaches the chapel-gate, the
Priest comes to it in his surplice.

PRIEST -- crying out. -- Come along now.

It is the whole day you'd keep me here saying
my prayers, and I getting my death with not

a bit in my stomach, and my breakfast in ruins,
and the Lord Bishop maybe driving on the

road to-day?
SARAH. We're coming now, holy father.

PRIEST. Give me the bit of gold into my

SARAH. It's here, holy father.
[She gives it to him. Michael takes the

bundle from the ditch and brings it
over, standing a little behind Sarah.

He feels the bundle, and looks at Mary
with a meaning look.

PRIEST -- looking at the gold. -- It's a
good one, I'm thinking, wherever you got it.

And where is the can?
SARAH -- taking the bundle. -- We have

it here in a bit of clean sack, your reverence.
We tied it up in the inside of that to keep it

from rusting in the dews of night, and let you
not open it now or you'll have the people

making game of us and telling the story on
us, east and west to the butt of the hills.

PRIEST -- taking the bundle. -- Give it
here into my hand, Sarah Casey. What is it

any person would think of a tinker making a
can. [He begins opening the bundle.

SARAH. It's a fine can, your reverence.

for if it's poor simple people we are, it's fine
cans we can make, and himself, God help him,

is a great man surely at the trade.
[Priest opens the bundle; the three empty

bottles fall out.

SARAH. Glory to the saints of joy!

PRIEST. Did ever any man see the like
of that? To think you'd be putting deceit

on me, and telling lies to me, and I going to
marry you for a little sum wouldn't marry a

SARAH -- crestfallen and astonished. --

It's the divil did it, your reverence, and I
wouldn't tell you a lie. (Raising her hands.)

May the Lord Almighty strike me dead if the
divil isn't after hooshing the tin can from the

PRIEST -- vehemently. -- Go along now,

and don't be swearing your lies. Go along
now, and let you not be thinking I'm big fool

enough to believe the like of that, when it's
after selling it you are or making a swap for

drink of it, maybe, in the darkness of the night.
MARY -- in a peacemaking voice, putting

her hand on the Priest's left arm.
-- She
wouldn't do the like of that, your reverence,

when she hasn't a decentstanding drouth on
her at all; and she's setting great store on her

marriage the way you'd have a right to be

taking her easy, and not minding the can.
What differ would an empty can make with

a fine, rich, hardy man the like of you?
SARAH -- imploringly. -- Marry us, your

reverence, for the ten shillings in gold, and
we'll make you a grand can in the evening --

a can would be fit to carry water for the holy
man of God. Marry us now and I'll be saying

fine prayers for you, morning and night, if
it'd be raining itself, and it'd be in two black

pools I'd be setting my knees.
PRIEST -- loudly. -- It's a wicked, thiev-

ing, lying, scheming lot you are, the pack of
you. Let you walk off now and take every

stinking rag you have there from the ditch.
MARY -- putting her shawl over her head.*

Marry her, your reverence, for the love of
God, for there'll be queer doings below if you

send her off the like of that and she swearing
crazy on the road.

SARAH -- angrily. -- It's the truth she's
saying; for it's herself, I'm thinking, is after

swapping the tin can for a pint, the time she
was raging mad with the drouth, and our-

selves above walking the hill.
MARY -- crying out with indignation. --

Have you no shame, Sarah Casey, to tell lies
unto a holy man?

SARAH -- to Mary, working herself into

a rage. -- It's making game of me you'd be,
and putting a fool's head on me in the face

of the world; but if you were thinking to be
mighty cute walking off, or going up to hide

in the church, I've got you this time, and
you'll not run from me now.

[She seizes up one of the bottles.
MARY -- hiding behind the priest. -- Keep

