

"Oh even sooner. I feel, after so much talk with you about it, as

if I were already there!" Then "GOOD-bye!" came out of the fog.
"Good-BYE!" went into it. Our young lady went into it also, in the

opposed quarter, and presently, after a few sightless turns, came
out on the Paddington canal. Distinguishing vaguely what the low

parapet enclosed she stopped close to it and stood a while very
intently, but perhaps still sightlessly, looking down on it. A

policeman; while she remained, strolled past her; then, going his
way a little further and half lost in the atmosphere, paused and

watched her. But she was quite unaware--she was full of her
thoughts. They were too numerous to find a place just here, but

two of the number may at least be mentioned. One of these was
that, decidedly, her little home must be not for next month, but

for next week; the other, which came indeed as she resumed her walk
and went her way, was that it was strange such a matter should be

at last settled for her by Mr. Drake

