Gold notched up a fresh record in excess of $1,600 a troy ounce on Tuesday morning as debt crises on both sides of the Atlantic continued to dominate investors' minds. | 金价周二上午在每盎司1600美元上方创新高。目前欧美债务危机继续主宰着投资者的情绪。 |
The precious metal has surged 8.4 per cent in little more than two weeks as fear has swept financial markets, burnishing the appeal of haven assets such as bullion. | 随着担忧情绪席卷整个金融市场,黄金等避险资产的吸引力增强,金价在两周多一点的时间内已累计飙升8.4%。 |
Gold has now set four new records in five trading sessions. On Tuesday it hit a new nominal peak of $1,609.51 a troy ounce, before softening to $1,603 by mid-morning in London after a successful Spanish bond auction gave investors some short-term relief. | 黄金已在5个交易日内创下4项新纪录。周二,金价创下每盎司1609.51美元的新的名义最高纪录,而后在伦敦早盘交易中段跌至1603美元,此前西班牙成功发售债券,让投资者获得了短暂的安慰。 |
Silver has also rallied more than 20 per cent since the start of the month, on Tuesday hitting $40.84 a troy ounce, the highest since its precipitous collapse in early May. | 自本月初以来,银价也已累计上涨逾20%,周二,银价触及每盎司40.84美元,为今年5月初大幅下挫以来的最高水平。 |
James Steel, precious metals strategist at HSBC in New York, said that investors had been left with few assets to hold as crises struck on both sides of the Atlantic. | 汇丰(HSBC)驻纽约贵金属策略师詹姆斯•斯蒂尔(James Steel)表示,由于欧美都面临危机,投资者几乎没有资产可以持有。 |
"Taken singly, the US debt ceiling impasse or the ongoing EU sovereign debt crisis would be sufficient reason to trigger a gold rally," he said. "But taken together, the combined affect on gold prices is even more bullish as investors, wary of dollar and euro assets, seek a safe alternative." | "单独来看,美国债务上限僵局或正在持续的欧盟主权债务危机都是促使金价上扬的充足理由,"他表示,"但结合起来看,它们对金价的综合效应甚至更为看涨,因为担心美元和欧元资产的投资者正在寻找安全的替代资产。" |
译者/梁艳裳 |