
Navigating a business dinner can be complicated, but a successful evening out will solidify any business relationship. Nina Zagat, who co-founded Zagat Survey restaurant guides, has dined out several times a week at New York's best restaurants for more than 30 years, and she is a skilled guide to the unwritten rules of such meals.

驾驭一场商务宴会不是件简单的事情,不过,一顿成功的晚餐可以令任何一种商业关系得到巩固。三十多年以来,《扎加特餐厅指南》(Zagat Survey)的联合创始人妮娜•扎加特(Nina Zagat)每周都要到纽约那些顶尖的餐厅去吃几次饭,因此就对这类饭局的种种不成文规矩十分熟悉。

The main goal for Ms. Zagat is for the person with whom she is dining -- whether it's a colleague or a potential business partner -- to leave the meal knowing more about who she is as a person. 'The feeling that [all] people should come away with at the end of the business dinner is one that they've had a really nice conversation, met interesting people and had a good time,' says the 68-year-old, who owns the restaurant-guide business with her husband Tim. 'That's sort of the home run.'


Before choosing a restaurant, Ms. Zagat finds out about her fellow diners' food and location preferences. 'Think about who your guests are going to be,' says Ms. Zagat, who often visits restaurants like Jean Georges near her Midtown office.

选定餐厅之前,扎加特会先把共餐者对食物和地点的偏好弄清楚。扎加特的办公室在纽约中城(Midtown),她经常光顾办公室附近的一些餐厅,比如让•乔治西餐厅(Jean Georges)。她说,你得琢磨一下,客人是些什么样的人。

Since restaurant dining rooms can be loud, she suggests seeking out places where diners don't need to strain to carry on a conversation. Look for restaurants with tables placed far apart or with several smaller dining rooms, instead of one large space.


For larger groups, Ms. Zagat likes round tables, which feel 'inclusive,' and prefers not to sit at the head of a very long table. When being seated, the host or hostess should ask the guest of honor or business partner to sit on his or her right side, she says. And when dining a deux, she says, just ask your dining partner which seat he or she would like.


When ordering, Ms. Zagat has one key rule: 'At a business dinner, you're not trying to draw a lot of attention to yourself and what you're eating,' she says. A pet peeve she cites is when others are not discreet about their food allergies or other dietary restrictions when eating or ordering.


Since food shouldn't become the focus of the evening, she avoids dishes that are complicated to eat such as lobster and spaghetti, and she says it's all right, if you're not hungry, to request half-portions or to offer to share appetizers or dessert.


In a similar vein, if she is the first person to finish her entree, she won't let a waiter take the plate until her dining companions are finished. If the other diners aren't ordering tea or dessert, she'll skip the last course. And if she leaves the room momentarily, Ms. Zagat discreetly leaves her napkin on the chair, rather than displaying it -- and its possible food spots -- on the table.


Ordering the most expensive bottles of wine could also draw unwanted attention, coming off as showy, Ms. Zagat says. Asking the sommelier to recommend a low to midrange bottle is your best bet. 'Even at dinner last night, we said 'Can you recommend a wine that's not more than X' and gave some other qualifications,' she says.


She draws no rigid boundaries when it comes to conversation. She even talks about politics, as long as the conversation doesn't get heated. One kind of communication, however, is discouraged. While she believes taking out a mobile device to read notes or refer to an email is acceptable, she never leaves her phone on the table or lets it ring.


Ms. Zagat likes to chitchat until she's well into a meal, rather than turning to business-related topics right away. Start off 'with a nice conversation, find out what people are interested in,' she suggests. Be careful of coming across as pushy. 'If there are points you want to discuss, don't throw them on the table right at the beginning,' she says.


At the same time, Ms. Zagat never waits until dessert to bring up serious business matters. She wants the night to end on a casual note: 'The most important thing is to have a relaxed time,' she says.


Alina Dizik