
While working as a spa coordinator at a luxuryresort in Stowe, Vt., Laura Crandall got a sense that her boss was unhappy and thinking of moving on. So Ms. Crandall trained for her boss's job by volunteering for more work, pursuing mentorships and attending management seminars.

劳拉•克兰德尔(Laura Crandall)在佛蒙特州斯托镇(Stowe)的一家豪华度假村做水疗中心协调员时,觉察到她的老板不太开心并正在考虑换工作。于是,克兰德尔自愿承担下更多工作、虚心向人求教、参加管理研讨班,借此学习处理老板分内的工作。

The effort paid off. Her boss resigned a year later, and Ms. Crandall was promoted to director. 'You have to show up and deliver,' says Ms. Crandall, who is now a workplace communication consultant. 'You can't just talk about what you want and expect to get it.'


Being the next in line doesn't guarantee that you'll be promoted, but there are a few things you can do to improve your chances, such as bolstering your qualifications.


Many would-be successors are actually underqualified, says Paul Glen, a management consultant in Los Angeles. 'They just don't realize it because executives tend to have a narrow, circumscribed view of their boss's job.' Also, many No. 2s are hired to serve in specialized roles that don't necessarily require leadership skills. That's why it's important to develop the hard skills early so you can prepare for when your boss does leave.

洛杉矶(Los Angeles)管理顾问保罗•葛 (Paul Glen)说,许多未来的继任者实际上资历并不够,他们只是没有意识到这点,因为很多管理者对老板工作的理解往往狭隘而有局限性。而且,许多二把手受雇从事的是专业性职务,这种职务并不需要掌握领导能力。这就是为什么提早苦练内功很重要,因为这样你才能在老板离职时做好准备。

A recommendation from your boss is the best way to land a promotion, so start earning that support by letting him or her know that you are interested in advancing -- just don't sound like you're planning a coup.


Inquire about your strengths and weaknesses so you can fill knowledge gaps with some professional development. Also request additional work that helps you build experience and allows you to manage projects from beginning to end.


Learn what your boss does by following his or her daily routine. Observe the interactions between your boss and other employees and ask to collaborate on tasks so you can gain an inside view of the job.


Go outside of your work group and talk to peers of your boss, who can offer you a companywide perspective on the management chain. Seek cooperative managers who would be willing to mentor you or at least offer advice. This can include talking to your boss's boss. Immerse yourself in industry trends so you can casually converse fluently about company issues and make thoughtful contributions during meetings.


Over all, pursue activities that increase your visibility within the company, such as volunteering for a charity the company supports. You may get noticed by board members or at least remembered by senior managers who may be tapped to make employmentrecommendations.


'Don't try to compete with your boss or show him or her up. You don't want to appear ruthlessly single-minded,' says Gaby Cor[aacute], a Miami executive coach.

迈阿密的管理教练加比•柯拉(Gaby Cora)说,不要试图与你的老板竞争或让他难堪。别表现得像一个一门心思向上钻的冷酷之人。

Distinguish yourself by doing your job well and being supportive of your boss, even if you don't agree with his or her processes. Being able to toe the line can also be a valued trait.
