Here are some of the things that my four children of a Jewish mother were always allowed to do:
• Quit the piano and the
violin, especially if their defeatist attitude coincided with a
recital, thus saving me from the
torture of listening to other people's precious children soldier through hackneyed pieces of the
juvenile repertoire, plink after ever more
unbearable plonk.
• Sleep over at their friends' houses, especially on New Year's Eve or our
anniversary, thus saving us the cost of a babysitter.
1. 放弃钢琴和小提琴,尤其是在他们的失败主义情绪与儿童独奏会同时来临的时候。这样一来,我就用不着去忍受那种独奏会的折磨,用不着去听别人家的宝贝孩子吭哧吭哧地演奏那些陈腔滥调的儿童练习曲,用不着去听那些越来越让人难以忍受的叮咚声响。
• Play on the
computer and surf the Internet, so long as they paid for their Neopet Usuki dolls and World of Warcraft abomination cleavers out of their own allowances.
2. 去朋友家里过夜,尤其是赶上新年前夜或者是我们两口子结婚周年纪念日的时候。这样一来,我们就用不着花钱请人看孩子了。
• Participate in any extracurricular activity they wanted, so long as I was never required to drive farther than 10 minutes to get them there, or to sit on a field in a folding chair in anything but the balmiest weather for any longer than 60 minutes.
3. 玩电脑游戏和上网,只要他们肯自己掏钱买尼奥宠物和魔兽武器就行。
• Quit said extracurricular activities, especially if their quitting coincided with
league finals that might have demanded
participation on my part
exceeding the requirements stated above.
4. 参加他们喜欢的任何课外活动,前提是我不需要开超过十分钟的车去送他们,也不需要坐在折叠椅上、在某个场地里待超过一个小时的时间,天气特别好的时候可以例外。
In the days since this newspaper published Amy Chua's
simultaneously entertaining and infuriating excerpt from her new book, 'Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother,' my two elder children, 16 and 13, have
devoted a
remarkableamount of time to raging against the essay and crafting compelling and bombastic rebuttals to be delivered to Ms. Chua herself, should they ever
encounter her.
5. 退出前述的任何课外活动,赶在某项活动进行到决赛的时候退出就更好。在后面这种情况之下,如果他们不退出,我被迫参与的程度兴许就得超出前面所说的种种限制。
I am more than a little astonished. I say with confidence that neither of my children has ever before bothered to read a single word of The Wall Street Journal. I don't think that I could have screamed or threatened them into doing so, not even if I'd tossed them outside in the middle of winter, to cower
barefoot and freezing on the front step. So to Ms. Chua I express my
gratitude. It seems to take a Chinese mother to force my Western kids to read the paper.
自从报纸刊登蔡美儿(Amy Chua)新作《虎妈妈的战歌》(Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother)那段有有趣又气人的节选之后,我那两个年长的孩子──一个16岁,一个13岁──就花了大量的时间来攻击那篇文章,还准备向蔡女士本人发起轰炸式的强烈声讨,如果他们能碰见她的话。
Were I crafting my own bombastic and compelling rebuttal to Ms. Chua, I might point out, as others have, that Asian-American girls aged 15 to 24 have above average rates of
suicide. I might question the hubris of
taking credit for success that is as likely to have resulted from the genetic blessings of musicality and
intellect as from the 'Chinese' child-rearing techniques of shrieking and name
calling. But I have a feeling that she knows that.
看到他们的表现,我着实吃了一惊。我敢打包票,在此之前,我这两个孩子从来都懒得去读什么《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal),一个字也不愿意读。按我看,即便我冲他们大喊大叫、龇牙咧嘴,甚至在大冬天里把他们赶出家门、让他们光着脚在门口瑟瑟发抖,他们也不会去读。这么说的话,我真该好好感谢蔡女士才是。看情形,多亏了一位华裔母亲的力量,我那两个西洋孩子才终于乖乖就范,开始读报纸了。
More importantly, if I did write such a rebuttal, I'd risk being called a
hypocrite by my own children. Sophie, my oldest, would
remind me of the recent evening when I stared in stony silence at her report card, sniffing derisively at her father's happy congratulations.
'What?' she said. 'I got 5 solid As.'
I shrugged.
'Ayelet,' my husband warned.
My daughter narrowed her eyes at me. She knew what was coming.
pointed at the remaining two grades, neither a solid A. Though there was not the 'screaming, hair-tearing explosion' that Ms. Chua informs us would have greeted the daughter of a Chinese mother, I expressed my
disappointment quite clearly. And though the word 'garbage' was not uttered, either in the Hokkien
dialect or in Yiddish, it was only because I feared my husband's opprobrium that I refrained from telling my daughter, when she collapsed in tears, that she was
acting like an idiot.
The difference between Ms. Chua and me, I suppose