Handsome men and women often appear to be blessed with lucky lives. Now research has shown they are cleverer than most people as well.
Studies in Britain and America have found they have IQs 14 points above average.
The findings dispel the myth of the dumb blondes or good-looking men not being very bright.
It appears that those already physicallyblessed attract partners who are not just good looking but brainy too, according to research by the London School of Economics.
The children of these couples will tend to inherit both qualities, building a genetic link over successive generations between them.
LSE researcher Satoshi Kanazawa told the Sunday Times: "Physical attractiveness is significantly positively associated with general intelligence, both with and without controls for social class, body size and health.
"The association between attractiveness and general intelligence is also stronger among men than among women."
In other research on social standing, he found that middle-class girls tended to have higher IQs than their working-class counterparts.
Among the millions of examples of beauty and brains, there's supermodel Lily Cole who went to Cambridge University, actress Kate Beckinsale, an Oxford graduate, and physicist Brian Cox, one-time keyboard player with D:ream.
In Britain, the study found that men who are physicallyattractive had IQs an average 13.6 points above the norm while women were about 11.4 points higher.
Kanazawa's findings were based on the National Child Development Study which followed 17,419 people since their birth in a single week in March, 1958.
Throughout their childhood up to early adulthood, they were given a series of tests for academic progress, intelligence and marked on appearance.
The American research was taken from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health which involved a similar study of 35,000 young Americans.
Kanazawa, whose paper was published in the academicjournalIntelligence, said: 'Our contention that beautiful people are more intelligent is purelyscientific. It is not a prescription for how to treat or judge others.'
(Read by Renee Haines. Renee Haines is a journalist at the China Daily Website.)
长得好看的男人和女人似乎常常拥有幸运的人生,如今研究显示他们还比大多数人都聪明。 英国和美国的研究发现,相貌好的人的智商比平均智商高出14分。 这些发现打破了"俊男美女多无脑"的传言。 伦敦政治经济学院的一项研究发现,那些被赋予一副好相貌的人往往能吸引那些既漂亮又聪明的人成为他们的伴侣。 这些夫妇生下来的孩子通常会继承他们的美貌和智慧,这种基因联系经历连续数代后将被强化。 伦敦政经学院的研究人员金泽聪告诉《星期日泰晤士报》说:"不管是否考虑社会阶层、体型以及健康水平,外表吸引力与总体智力之间有显著的正面关联。" "而且,男性的这种关联要比女性强烈。" 在其他关于社会地位的研究中,金泽聪先生发现中产阶层女性的智商一般会高于同年龄工人阶级女性的智商。 既有美貌又有头脑的人有很多,例如去剑桥大学念书的超模莉莉•科尔、从牛津大学毕业的女演员凯特•贝金赛尔,还有D:ream乐队前键盘手布莱恩•考克斯,他也是一位物理学家。 在英国,研究发现俊男的平均智商要比普通人高13.6分,而美女的平均智商比普通人高11.4分。 金泽的发现基于"英国全国儿童发展研究",该研究跟踪调查了1.74万个在1958年3月某个星期内出生的人。 从他们的童年时期到成年早期,研究人员让他们做了一系列的测验来评估他们的学业进度和智力。研究人员还给他们的外貌打了分。 美国这一研究的数据来自"全国青少年健康纵向研究",该研究与英国的那项研究相似,共调查了3.5万个美国年轻人。 金泽说:"'漂亮的人更聪明'这一论点是纯科学的,不能作为对待或评判他人的基准。"金泽聪的论文发表在学术期刊《智力》上。