
Dell Inc. on Thursday unveiled several new tablet-style computers and a smartphone, part of a strategy to attract more consumers and move beyond its corporate customer base.

戴尔公司(Dell Inc.)周四发布了几款新的平板电脑和一款智能手机,此举被看做是该公司从主攻企业客户向吸引更多个人消费者的战略转型。

The Round Rock, Texas, computer maker introduced a tablet PC with a seven-inch touch screen display that it calls 'Streak 7' at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The new Streak tablet follows the release of a model with a five-inch screen that Dell launched last summer.

在今年拉斯维加斯的消费电子展(Consumer Electronics Show)上,戴尔公司推出了一台带有7英寸触摸屏的平板电脑"Streak 7"。这是继戴尔去年夏天首次推出带有5英寸触摸屏的平板电脑后,该公司再推新品。

The newer version will include 4G wireless Internet connectivity from Deutsche Telekom AG's T-Mobile USA unit and carries a dual-core processor by Nvidia Corp. The device, which weighs less than a pound, runs a version of Google Inc.'s Android operating system for mobile devices.

此次推出的Streak7配备4G无线连接模块,由德国电信(Deutsche Telekom AG)旗下子公司T-Mobile USA提供无线接入服务。同时搭载英伟达公司(Nvidia)生产的双核处理器。Streak7重量不到一磅,运行谷歌公司(Google Inc.)的Android手机操作系统。

Dell also unveiled a 4.1-inch smartphone that it calls 'Venue.'


Both the smartphone and Streak will be available in coming weeks, the company said. The Streak will be sold exclusively in the U.S. Its pricing will be disclosed in the future.

据戴尔介绍,Venue和Streak7将在未来几周内正式发售。Streak 7将只在美国出售,不久将公布售价。

The computer maker said it also plans to release a tabletcomputer with a 10-inch screen, and is also aimed at consumers. That tablet, which will be available later this year, is part of an effort to challenge Apple Inc.'s popular iPad computer.

据戴尔介绍,该公司还打算推出一台带有10英寸屏幕的平板电脑,目标客户同样是个人消费者。这款电脑预计将于今年晚些时候推出,其瞄准的竞争对手是苹果公司(Apple Inc.)热卖的iPad。

The new tablets come as Dell struggles to spread beyond its roots in corporate technology, which has historically been the largest driver of profits for the industry.


Recently, the tech industry has become more reliant on consumer sales, an area Dell that has had difficulty cracking in the past. The company's consumer and retail businesses have struggled to remain profitable.


It's unclear whether the original Streak has helped raise the company's profile with consumers. The device has been approved by more than 300 communications carriers around the world, but the company has not released sales data, and Chief Executive Michael Dell in the past has called revenue from the Streak 'immaterial.'

目前还不清楚去年夏天推出的首款Streak是否有助提高戴尔在个人消费者中的人气。全球共有300多家电信运营商为其颁发了入网许可,但该公司并没有公布Streak的销售数据,首席执行长迈克尔•戴尔(Michael Dell)此前曾说公司并不在意Streak的盈利情况。

The new version speaks to Dell's broader strategy for the consumer market, said John Thode, who manages Dell's handset device group. For example, the company has focused on design to appeal to consumers, he said, referencing the company's Inspiron duo notebook PC, which has a touchscreen that flips to reveal a keyboard underneath.

据戴尔公司手持式设备事业部(handset device group)主管索德(John Thode)介绍,新推出的Streak7符合该公司拓展个人消费电子品的市场战略。

The Streak 7 is designed to play graphics-intensive games and wirelessly surf the Internet at high speeds. Mr. Thode didn't provide specifics on battery life but indicated it would be robust.

索德说戴尔公司的产品设计非常重视个人消费者的喜好,以刚推出的Inspiron duo旋转屏笔记本电脑为例,将它的触摸屏翻过来就可以看到隐藏在下面的键盘。

'We want to be able to fly from New York to Los Angeles and be able to watch a whole movie without a battery recharge,' he said.

此次新推的Streak 7可以运行对显卡要求很高的游戏,并可以高速无线上网。索德没有透露电池的续航时间,仅暗示电池的功能相当强劲。

Dell also showed a second 10-inch tablet PC optimized for the company's corporate clients. That device also will be available later this year.


Though it carries a different name for branding, the smartphone is closely related to the Streak series, Mr. Thode said.


'It's everything you see in a Streak 7, but in a smaller form factor,' he said.


Ian Sherr