
LOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) --For leading a triumphant surge to the top of the tech world, developing game-changing computers and devices and unleashing a stellar return for investors, Steve Jobs is MarketWatch's CEO of the Decade. For 2010, Ford CEO Alan Mulally easily beat the competition to win the MarketWatch CEO of the Year award, in a resounding vote of support by readers for his resilience in the face of the automobile industry's historic crisis.

香蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)当选MarketWatch"十年最佳首席执行长(CEO)"。福特公司(Ford)首席执行长穆拉利(Alan Mulally)则轻松赢得2010年"年度最佳首席执行长"称号,众多读者投票力挺穆拉利,赞扬他在汽车业身陷历史性危机时所表现出的超强适应力。

The rock star of Corporate America


Steve Jobs is known as both mercurial and visionary, part rock-star CEO and part master salesman, a meticulous micromanager who can drive his employees to distraction
