
One of the toughest issues to manage in a family is figuring out the right balance of power between parents and children. It can be tough to find the sweet spot between being an authoritarian 'my way or the highway' figure and a we-shop-together-at-Forever-21 'friend.' Most parents want to fosterindependence in their kids, but don't want to have their children to have too much control or call most of the shots within the family.


Figuring out this delicate balance was the subject of a WSJ 'Love & Money' column by Jeff D. Opdyke this past weekend. As he writes:

奥迪克(Jeff D. Opdyke)上周末在《华尔街日报》"爱与钱"专栏以父母与孩子之间权力的微妙平衡为主题发表了一篇文章。他在文中写道:

'Many kids these days see themselves as fully empowered members of the family, with opinions that carry just as much weight as their parents' opinions do. That's not always bad. But we parents today have gone overboard. We have inadvertently created kids who think they have the power to dictate what happens in the family