
With Thanksgiving fast approaching, so, too, comes the start of the holiday shopping mayhem. Once again, digital cameras are rocketing to the top of wish lists, and once again, shoppers are tentatively entering electronics stores with bewildered looks on their faces.


To alleviate some of that shopping stress, I've compiled a buyer's guide for different camera categories with prices and pointers to innovation. This year, manufacturers have improved photo-location tagging and are offeringartistic photo alteration and clever ways to label images for future sharing on social networks.


Consumers are starting to understand that better sensors make it possible to do things like taking photos in low light, which can really make a difference in photo quality. Some high-quality sensors are making their way into affordable models, like the CMOS sensor in Nikon's $300 Coolpix S8100. High megapixel counts aren't overly important, though more megapixels per photo still make it easier to zoom in while editing and give higher resolution in a larger photo or poster. A 14-megapixel camera like the Olympus FE-47 costs just $100, but a recent Consumer Reports review gave it low marks in handling shake and liquid-crystal-display screen quality. Optical zoom, or the physically manipulated distance between the camera and a subject, is still more important than digital zoom, and it's easy to find many models with 7x optical zoom or better. LCD screens on digicams are so large that they leave little room for optical viewfinders, thus making built-in image stabilization all the more important. Image stabilization comes on nearly all new cameras. And more digicams than ever are capable of recording high-definition videos.

消费者渐渐开始明白,传感器的好坏在很大程度上决定了照片的质量,特别是在像低照度这样的拍摄环境下。现在一些价格适中的产品也配备了高质量的传感器,比如尼康(Nikon)Coolpix S8100就配备了CMOS传感器,售价只有300美元。虽然像素的高低并不是非常重要,但在事后编辑照片时,像素越高,就越容易放大,且放大后的照片或海报所呈现的分辨率也越高。像分辨率高达1400万像素的奥林巴斯(Olympus)FE-47,售价只有100美元。但最近出炉的一份消费者评测报告却在两项技术指标上给它打了低分:一是相机的防抖动能力,二是液晶显示屏的质量。相比数码变焦,光学变焦(改变的是镜头和被拍摄物体的实际操作距离)功能就显得更为重要,很多型号的相机都配备七倍以上的光学变焦镜头。数码相机上的液晶显示屏尺寸通常很大,往往挤占了光学取景器的位置,因此相机内置的图像稳定器就显得非常重要。几乎所有的新款相机都配备了图像稳定器。此外,越来越多的数码相机支持拍摄高清视频。

Digital cameras can be divided into four broad categories: pocket-size, point-and-shoot, super- or mega-zooms and digital single-lens reflexes (D-SLRs). I'll leave SLRs out of the discussion, since they're still primarily aimed at hobbyists who don't mind the cost and effort of buying additional lenses, filters, flashes and other accessories.

数码相机大致可分为四大类:口袋机(pocket-size)、傻瓜机(point-and-shoot)、高倍数或超级变焦相机(super-or mega-zooms)以及数码单反相机(D-SLRs)。这里我们不讨论数码单反相机,因为这种产品多半是针对那些不缺钱的摄影爱好者开发的,他们不介意花大价钱购置一大堆镜头、滤镜、闪光灯和其它附件。

Most pocket-size digital cameras cost between $100 and $300, weigh no more than seven ounces and lack optical viewfinders, forcing users to look at LCD screens to compose pictures. Most of these LCD viewing screens measure between 2.6 inches and 3.5 inches diagonally. Samsung, however, has an even bigger touch-screen LCD, at 3.7 inches, on its CL80 camera priced at $350.


These small but powerful machines capture images with 10, 12 or 14 megapixels and their optical zoom lenses usually range from 3x to 7x, though a handful of manufacturers are boosting their cameras' optical zooms. The $170 Casio Exilim EX-H5, for example, is equipped with a 10x optical zoom lens.

口袋机体积虽小但功能强大,能拍摄分辨率高达1000万、1200万甚至是1400万像素的照片,其所配备的光学变焦镜头的变焦范围在3倍到7倍之间。有少数厂家还进一步提升了旗下产品的变焦能力,比如售价170美元的卡西欧(Casio)Exilim EX - H5就配备一支10倍光学变焦的镜头。

Today's point-and-shoot digital cameras are sleeker and more stylish than they used to be, though they remain somewhat bulkier than their pocket-size relatives. The point-and-shoot size can allow for better optical zoom lenses, and these models sometimes cost less than the pocket sizes. The $300 Canon PowerShot SX210 IS and $280 Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS5 are equipped with 14x and 12x optical zoom lenses, respectively.

和过去相比,今天的傻瓜机看上去显得更加时尚,虽然和口袋机相比还是略显笨重。傻瓜机可以配备更好的光学变焦镜头,而且有时价格还低于口袋机。售价300美元的佳能(Canon)PowerShot SX210 IS配备了一支14倍的光学变焦镜头,而售价280美元的松下(Panasonic)Lumix DMC-ZS5则搭载了一支12倍的光学变焦镜头。

Super-zoom or mega-zoom digital cameras satisfy people who want the power of a great zoom and optional manual settings without the hassle and expense of an SLR. At a glance, you might mistake these models for SLRs due to their bulkier bodies, and, in some cases, detachable (or hot-shoe) flashes. Nikon's $400 Coolpix P100 offers a 26x wide-angle optical zoom, and Olympus's $350 SP-800UZ is the smallest camera with a 30x wide-angle optical zoom. Both cameras have built-in flashes, but the Nikon includes an optical viewfinder while the Olympus offers only an LCD screen for viewing and capturing photos.

超级变焦数码相机能够满足一部分用户的需求:这类用户希望自己的相机拥有强大的变焦能力,可以手动设置拍摄参数,但又担心操作过于繁琐,因此不想花大价钱购买单反相机。乍一看,你可能会将这类相机误认为是单反相机,因为二者都有笨重的机身,而且在某些情况下,都有可拆卸的闪光灯(或配备闪光灯插座)。售价400美元的尼康Coolpix P100有一支26倍广角光学变焦镜头,而售价350美元的奥林巴斯SP-800UZ则配备一支30倍广角光学变焦镜头,是同类型相机中体积最小的。上述两款相机都有内置闪光灯,但尼康Coolpix P100配备了一个光学取景器,而奥林巴斯SP-800UZ只能使用液晶屏取景和拍照。

Camera manufacturers are adding creative new features to these devices. Starting the week of Thanksgiving, Casio will provide Hybrid GPS on its $350 EX-H20G, which geotags (adds digital location information to) images indoors where GPS satellite signals can't reach. This works using a combined GPS radio and motion sensor to measure the direction in which the camera has moved, and how fast. When you're back in satellite range, the camera corrects the geotag by cross-referencing its own estimates with satellite-provided latitude and longitude.


Olympus now has art filters, which let you view your subject with special effects before capturing the photo. Some filters supply gentle sepia, soft focus or grainy film. There is also a drawingfilter, which makes a subject instantly appear as a sketch.


Samsung's $150 PL90 model has a pop-out USB arm that reminds me a lot of the pop-out USB connector on Cisco's popular Flip camcorders. Samsung's USB arm eliminates the need for messy wires, or the removal of a memory card to transfer photos from a digicam to a PC.


Many cameras have and continue to supply guides that appear on screen as a photo is being captured. Sony's NEX-5 offers this, and the Olympus Live Guide let you preview photo adjustments -- like brightness or color saturation -- on the screen as you make them. Nikon's Scene Auto Selector, found in the Coolpix P7000, Coolpix S8100 and Coolpix S80, will automaticallyadjust the camera's settings so users can stop worrying about scrolling through menus to select the right scene from a list.

相机在拍照时为用户提供操作指南已不新奇,索尼(Sony)的NEX-5就提供了这一功能,奥林巴斯的"现场指南"(Live Guide)能够显示在屏幕上,让你在拍照前预览各项参数,比如亮度或色彩饱和度等。而尼康Coolpix P7000、Coolpix S8100 和Coolpix S80则具有"场景自动选择"功能,能够根据拍摄场景自动选择相应的参数设置,这样用户就不必滚动菜单从列表中选取合适的场景。

Fujifilm offers the only true (not simulated) three-dimensional digital camera in its $500 FinePix REAL 3D W3, which I reviewed in August.

而我在八月份评测过的富士(Fuji)FinePix REAL 3D W3则是目前唯一一款能够提供真实(而不是仿真)三维图像的数码相机。这款相机目前售价500美元。

These 3D images can be seen through the camera's LCD viewing screen but not on laptops or television sets unless they're 3D-capable and you're wearing 3D glasses.


Kodak is trying to encourage sharing with its cameras by including a Share button that, when pressed, digitally tags images and videos with labels for Facebook, Flickr, YouTube, Kodak Gallery or email, then automatically sends the photos to those places when you next plug the camera into a PC.

柯达(Kodak)则鼓励用户通过相机分享照片。柯达相机上有一个"分享"按钮。按下之后,当前的照片或视频会被贴上标签,比如分享到Facebook、Flickr、YouTube或Kodak Gallery上,或者是通过电子邮件发送。只要你将相机连上计算机,这些照片就会自动被发送到标记的目的地。

One last warning: Don't be seduced by lower prices or better technology alone. Be sure you try a camera in the store before buying it. The way it feels or works for you is just as important as any technological specification.


Katherine Boehret