
The noodle chefs at the Noodle & Congee Corner inside the Grand Lisboa casino hotel in Macau train for years to master the art of making handmade noodles, a specialty of the Shanxi region of central China.

手擀面是中国中部陕西地区的一种特色食品。在澳门新葡京酒店(Grand Lisboa casino hotel)的粥面庄(Noodle & Congee Corner),各位 面师傅已经为掌握这种面食的制作艺术进行了多年的训练。

They cut, slice, pull and even use a chopstick to create different noodle shapes. But the signature noodle dish here is the yi gen mian ('single-strand noodle') bowl, which features a single, continuous noodle, three meters long.


Dough: The secret to handmade noodles isn't in the 'pulling' so much as in the 'putting together' of the dough, says Cheung Chi-shing, the executive chef of Grand Lisboa's Chinese kitchens. Using a highly refined, high-gluten flour from Inner Mongolia helps produce a dough that's especially malleable and makes a noodle that remains chewy when cooked, not getting soggy even when left in the hot soup for more than an hour.

和面:新葡京酒店的中餐行政总厨张志诚(音)说,手擀面的秘诀不只是在于"擀 ",更在于和面的过程。粥面庄使用的是来自内蒙古的一种非常精细、富含麸质的面粉,用它和出来的面团特别耐擀,擀出来的面条也特别筋道,即便在热汤里泡上一个多小时也不会软烂。

One strand: To make the single-strand noodle, the chef first prepares the dough by rolling out a thin log that is then laid flat in a spiral (it somewhat resembles a lollipop). The raw dough then sits in oil to keep it from sticking together. To cook it, the chef takes one end and 'whips' the dough log up and down in a wok filled with boiling water. The action stretches the noodle out. As it falls into the boiling water, it cooks almost instantly.


Soup base: Diners can choose between bases of pork, beef or hot-and-sour soup. The most classic is the pork-bone soup, which has a milky consistency.


Toppings: These added ingredients
